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TREDPersist Stream & TREDPersist List (V0.92 beta D4)



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名稱:TREDPersist Stream & TREDPersist List 版本:V0.92 beta 原始程式:需購買或註冊 適用:(D4) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Mark Bracey 原創公司:RED Systems 出處網址:http://www.embeddedinnovations.com/ 說明: These are two sets of classes, TREDPersistStream and TREDPersistList which makes it really easy to stream objects to and from a stream or file. TRedPersistent is a drop in replacement for TPersistent, so if youve created components with properties which are TPersistent based, you can use TRedPersistent with no changes in your code. This uses the exact same streaming mechanism as Delphi (published properties and DefineProperties). This is without a doubt the easiest streaming classes youve see. No registering of functions except for exactly what Delphi does for Components. Only registering you have to do is RegisterClass to Regsiter the TREDPersistent derived type with Delphis existing Class management. TREDPersistList is almost TList like, except once the objects are added to the list, you can then save and restore the objects between invocations of your program. Save them to a stream or to a file.
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系統時間:2024-07-04 2:54:23
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