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DBasic Script Language (V1.02 D3 D4 D5 D6)



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名稱:DBasic Script Language 版本:V1.02 原始程式:無 適用:(D3)(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Fabio Cavicchio 原創公司:MSB Software 出處網址:http://www.msbsoftware.it/ 說明: Dbasic is an advanced tool for Borland Delphi 3-4-5-6 to integrate script programs (macros) into applications. With Dbasic all developers (or their customers) will be able to customize without limits the behaviour and features of their applications. Complete syntax:
  • DBasic is a mix between Basic e Pascal and makes possible to realize every kind of programs; supports Long strings, Pointers and Recursive functions.
    Fast learning:
  • For the developer, complete documentation, object-oriented interface, easy to use. For the customer, Basic is the simplest programming language.
    Delphi functions:
  • Dbasic can call Delphi functions, so it is possible to perform every task of the application.
    High speed:
  • Scripts are not interpreted, they are compiled into a compact p-code and then executed by an assembly optimized virtual machine. This allows tasks of graphics, math and signal processing.
    Zero DLL, zero OCX:
  • Dbasic is a compact unit which is compiled into the application. A DLL version is optionally available.
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