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rjExContainers Library (V0.3 D4 D5)



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名稱:rjExContainers Library 版本:V0.3 原始程式:未知 適用:(D4)(D5) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Ralf Junker 原創公司:The Delphi Inspiration 出處網址:http://www.zeitungsjunge.de/delphi/ 說明: The rjExContainers Library is a powerful all purpose Extensible Container Library. Based on four general base containers (vector, doubly-linked list, n-ary tree and hash / dictionary), the Library implements over 50 different container types with more than 1000 methods, properties and fields with more to come.

All rjExContainers provide both typed and untyped access to their items and their item's elements. Items are made up of Pascal records (not objects!), can be of any size and store elements of any kind and even of multiple elements in one item.

The rjExContainers Library already include containers fully equipped for 1 AnsiString, 1 Cardinal, 1 Integer, 2 AnsiStrings, 1 AnsiString plus 1 Integer / 1 Cardinal / 1 Object, 2 AnsiStrings plus 1 Integer / 1 Cardinal and many more.

Via the ItemSize property, all rjExContainers are fully extensible without breaking their original element integrity. rjExContainers maintains a fully hierarchical design which allows to extend existing containers and to build new containers very easily with or even without sub-classing.

rjExContainers are free, very fast, have a very small memory footprint and come with full documentation and help in MS HtmlHelp format.
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