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TWinampControl (V0.99 D4 D5 D6)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2001-10-31 00:00:00 IP:0.0.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
名稱:TWinampControl 版本:V0.99 原始程式:有(Source) 適用:(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Jesper Borgstrup 說明: With this component, you can control Winamp to do almost whatever you want it to.
These are the included functions:
  • GetVersion: Gets the winamp version
  • GetTrackTitle: Gets the title of the currently playing track
  • IsWinampRunning: Returns true if winamp is running
  • IsPlaying: Returns true if winamp is currently playing
  • IsPaused: Returns true if winamp is currently paused
  • NextTrack: Skips to next track
  • PrevTrack: Skips to previous track
  • Stop: Stops playback
  • Pause: Pauses playback
  • StartPlay: If winamp is playing, restarts track - if winamp is not playing, starts playback
  • FadeOutAndStop: Fades out the current track and stops playback
  • StopAfterTrack: Stops playback when the current track has finished playing
  • FastForward: Skips 5 seconds forward
  • FastRewind: Rewinds 5 seconds
  • GetLength: Gets length of current track in second
  • GetOffset: Gets current offset (number of seconds played of current track)
  • Seek(Offset: integer): Sets offset to Offset seconds
  • StartOfPL: Goes to start of playlist
  • EndOfPL: Goes to end of playlist
  • ExecVISPlugin: Executes the selected Visualisation plug-in
  • ToggleSOT: Toggles "Stay-on-top"
  • ToggleDoubleSize: Toggles DoubleSize
  • ToggleEqualizer: Shows/hides equalizer
  • TogglePlayList: Shows/hides playlist editor
  • ToggleMainWindow: Shows/hides main window
  • ToggleMiniBrowser: Shows/hides mini browser
  • VolumeUp: Raises volume by 1%
  • VolumeDown: Lowers volume by 1%
  • SetVolume(Volume: byte): Sets volume (0 is minimum - 255 is maximum)
  • SetBalance(Balance: byte): Sets balance/panning (0 is left - 128 is center - 255 is right)
  • ToggleRepeat: Sets the repeat function on/off
  • ToggleShuffle: Sets the shuffle function on/off
  • CloseWinamp: Closes Winamp
  • RestartWinamp: Restarts Winamp
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