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BMPage Control & TBMWave (V3.0b3 Beta CB3 CB4 CB5)



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名稱:BMPage Control & TBMWave 版本:V3.0b3 Beta 原始程式:有(Source) 適用:(CB3)(CB4)(CB5) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Boian Mitov 出處網址:http://www.mitov.com 說明: PageControl, with the capability to show a transparent bitmap on each page caption and customizable sound effects. In this one, the image is owned by the sheet, so it's easier to manage, and even to do drag and drop sheets between different page controls. Each page can have its own color, background bitmap (Stretched or tiled) or even can be transparent. Different colorization rules ( Active/inactive page). Different bitmap, when the page is active, or the cursor is over, and even automatically highlights the bitmaps, when the cursor is passing over and grays them when the page is unselected. Does support even 3D text and images as Raised, Inserted and Shadowed text and images as well as showing a nice color cloud around the hot tracked text.
Nice animated flashing effects.
Now expanded to work with a new TBMWave component, which allows many buttons to use one and the same sound effect. The best part is that the sound can be build inside the executable, or can be set up to be played from external file.
This shrinks the executable significantly.
The same sound effects can be shared with the BMShapedButton component.
New: New TransparentLevel property for the TBMTabSheet has been added, allowing to see trough the background picture or color.
~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
系統時間:2024-07-03 2:36:15
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