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Redback Text Editor (V2.01 W95 W98)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2001-09-01 00:00:00 IP:0.0.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
名稱:Redback Text Editor 版本:V2.01 原始程式:未知 適用:(W95)(W98) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:David Stewart 出處網址:http://home.iprimus.com.au/d_stewart 說明: The Redback text Editor is a freeware utitlty for everyone, features syntax highlighting for OOP programming, HTML text. It has templates for HTML and Pas files, use as an editor for ini and batch files or any text based file. It has a simple file managerwhich can be toggled on/off, simple spell checker courtesy of Jan Verhoeven at http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/freeware.htm, find/replace function, text highlight, alternate font, print preview, generate RTF and HTML files (it becomes a simple WSIWYG editor without images etc.), several levels of undo/redo and basic help file included. The inspiration for a multi functional text based editor came from Jan Goyvaerts Edit Pad and the Plusmemo demo notepad by Electro-Concept Mauricie.
Program will now only run as a single instance and take the command line parameters if associated with file extensions.
If file associated and right clicked you can Open or Print from Context menu (displays print dialog).
New features:
  • Drag and Drop from internal File Manager.
  • Create File associations for Text, INI and Batch files.
  • MRU file list.
  • View RTF files in internal viewer. (problem with control characters now fixed, thanks to Raymond Courteau of Plusmemo)
  • View HTML files via your browser at the click of a button.
  • Updated Help files.
  • Bug Fix for Drag and Drop .. would not work on text files.
  • Bug fixes on stability .. now very stable checked for memory leaks with memproof.
  • If file associated and right clicked you can OPEN or PRINT from Context menu (displays print dialog)
  • Program will now only run as a single instance and take the command line parameters if associated with file extensions. (Many thanks to Theo Bebekis for his btIntMan unit)
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系統時間:2024-07-03 8:16:54
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