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Free Domain Name + 2500MB Hosting only $5.00/month



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-03-27 08:42:15 IP:217.146.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Dear Sir/Madam/Webmaster: We are the web hosting provider. Now we are offering Free Domain Name (worth $7.99) when you choose to host to our server. We offer 2 type of hosting : Business Hosting and Corporate Hosting. Features of Business Hosting :- 2500 MB Hosting, 40 GB Transfer, 24/7 ticket/phone support, FREE Site Studio, Web based e-mail, Perl support, PHP support, PHP support in HTML files, Over 3400 Perl modules, SSL support, SSI support, Unrestricted bandwidth, Advanced Control Panel, Web based File Manager, Traffic stats - WebAlizer, 2.5 GBits network connectivity, Stable Linux with Apache, Daily data back-up, Diesel back-up generator, 1 hour response guarantee, 99.9% server uptime guarantee, 15 days money-back guarantee, 1 Domain hosted, 10 SubDomains, 100 POP3 accounts, 100 Email aliases, 1 MySQL database, 5 FTP accounts, Front Page Extensions, SPAM filter, Anti-Virus filter, E-mail filter, POP3 server, SMTP server, 5 Mailing lists, Catch-all e-mails, Autoresponder emails, E-mail forwarding, phpMyAdmin, Crontab support, Instant account activation, Custom MX and A records, SSH support - optional, Custom ERROR 404 page, Password protected dirs, Bandwidth stats, Raw access and error logs, UPS Power back-up, Extensive online help, Integrated ticketing system, Monthly Price $4.99/mo Annual Price $59.88 Setup Fee FREE Features of Corporate Hosting:- 4000 MB Hosting, 60 GB Transfer, 24/7 ticket/phone support, FREE Site Studio, Web based e-mail, Perl support, PHP support, PHP support in HTML files, Over 3400 Perl modules, SSL support, SSI support, Unrestricted bandwidth, Advanced Control Panel, Web based File Manager, Traffic stats - WebAlizer, 2.5 GBits network connectivity, Stable Linux with Apache, Daily data back-up, Diesel back-up generator, 1 hour response guarantee, 99.9% server uptime guarantee, 15 days money-back guarantee, 3 Domain hosted, 30 SubDomains, Unlimited POP3 accounts, Unlimited Email aliases, 4 MySQL database, 5 FTP accounts, Front Page Extensions, SPAM filter, Anti-Virus filter, E-mail filter, POP3 server, SMTP server, 10 Mailing lists, Catch-all e-mails, Autoresponder emails, E-mail forwarding, phpMyAdmin, Crontab support, Instant account activation, Custom MX and A records, SSH support - optional, Custom ERROR 404 page, Password protected dirs, Bandwidth stats, Raw access and error logs, UPS Power back-up, Extensive online help, Integrated ticketing system, Monthly Price $9.99/mo Annual Price $119.88 Setup Fee FREE We provide FREE Setup,FREE Website Builder,FREE Domain Name (.com .net .org .biz .info .us) We guarantee 1 hour response guarantee,99.9% server uptime guarantee,15 days money-back guarantee(No Question Asked). Visit us at http://www.hyjl.us
系統時間:2024-07-01 11:53:35
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