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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-11-30 02:12:13 IP:61.64.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Doom9.net 中文站 完整的 DVD 備份以及轉檔教學、包含 Divx 及 Xvid 等 MPEG4 編碼教學以及如何將 DVD 轉為 VCD/SVCD、如何使用 DVD-R 備份 DVD 教學等、以及各種視訊音訊基礎教學 http://big5.doom9.org/ http://www.doom9.org/ ============================================================== Source Codes - for all you coders out there. Help make these programs even better! Please visit Okami's Programmers Corner for a good selection on video related programming information AC3Filter 0.66 source code AVI-Mux GUI source code AVI Output plugin 0.591 source code AviSynth source code AviSynth 2.5 source code AviSynth GUI source code Azid developer kit Bicubic DirectShow Resize filter source code bbMPEG 1.24b18 source code bbTools 1.9 source code ChapterXtractor source code CSSMonitor source code D2VSource source code Decomb source code DeCSS plus source code DeCSS plus 2pre3 source code DivX 4 Windows 4a50 WFW and DS filter source. DivXAuto b4 - works with DivX 4 DivXfix source code DVD2AVI source code DVD2AVI 1.86 source code DVDx source code Filemerger source code ffdshow source code FlaskMpeg 0.6 source code FlaskMpeg DVD MISM source code FlaskMpeg Thunder MISM source code FlaskMpeg CSS MISM source code Gordian Knot source code GreedyHMA filter source code Huffyuv 0.2.2 source code I-media MPEG2 filter source code IFOParser source code Micro DVD Player Menu Maker source code Morphix source code Mpeg2AVI 0.016 source code MPEG2Cut 1.15 source code mpeg2dec source code mpeg2enc source code Nandub 1.0 RC2 source code Normalize 0.24.1 source code Normalize GUI source code OpenDML Flask plugin source code OggMux source code Pulldown.exe source code Mode2 CD Maker source code MS MPEG-4 source code - not DivX or any of the release codecs, keep that in mind. SmartRipper source code SubMist source code SupRipper 0.43 source code SubRip source code The playa 0.5.0 source code Vidomi source code VirtualDub 1.3c source code VirtualDub 1.5 source code VirtualDubMod source code VirtualDub subtitler plugin source code vStrip 0.8 including sources VobDec 0.3 including sources VobSub including sources Vobtools source code Xmpeg source code
系統時間:2025-01-30 13:23:48
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