市面上唯一一本真正在講 Kylix 設計的中文書 |
版主 發表:157 回覆:668 積分:279 註冊:2002-06-13 發送簡訊給我 |
Kylix 超級應用方案 , 柏碩
http://www.hot.net.tw/book/014/PG20086.htm 看過這本書,我才知道要想拿 Delphi 的經驗套在 Kylix 上
...還早的很呢 , 裡面大部份在講 Kylix 如何跟 Linux 作業系統的搭配及控制 , 如果厭惡了一般 Kylix 書籍只是光在介紹 Delphi Pascal 語法 物件介紹的話 , 那可以參考這本看看 .... 【本書特點】
Kylix是Linux作業系統上第一個「快速的應用軟體開發工具(RAD工具:Rapid application development tool)」,它可用來讓您開發GUI程式、網頁程式、資料庫程式…等。這本書是由三位資深的程式開發者所撰寫,是一本邁向「Kylix程式設計之路」的必備書籍。 ●本書適合的讀者
●利用Linux cron工具程式進行工作排程
●實作Shared Object Liararies
發表人 - bruce0211 於 2002/09/15 17:28:28
版主 發表:157 回覆:668 積分:279 註冊:2002-06-13 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:157 回覆:668 積分:279 註冊:2002-06-13 發送簡訊給我 |
打通 Kylix 程式設計任督二脈的參考書 The Tomes of Kylix: The Linux API
http://www.everythinglinux.com.au/item/WW8236 From its simple beginnings, Linux has emerged as a powerful server operating system with a remarkable desktop environment and user interface. Now, with Kylix, Linux developers have a powerful rapid application development tool for generating client-side applications. The Tomes of Kylix: The Linux API guides developers through the fundamental Linux system function calls and programming interfaces, covering the core aspects of Linux development from file processing and interprocess communication to threading issues and sockets. Each chapter focuses on a key Linux technology and provides an extensive reference to the relevant functions, along with a demonstration application. The Tomes of Kylix: The Linux API gives Kylix and Delphi developers an edge in creating robust real-time Linux applications. The companion CD contains source code for the example applications and for the Linux API, along with Kylix Open Edition and Kylix 2 Trial Edition. Glenn Stephens is a Borland Certified Consultant who has been working with Delphi and various Pascal variants for well over 12 years. Stephens designs, develops, and deploys applications for businesses, government departments, and corporations throughout Australia. He is also a regular speaker at Borland conferences and symposiums, teaches Delphi courses for Borland Australia, and has written for several periodicals including Delphi Developer and Australian Corporate IT.
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