How to get JPG size? |
資深會員 發表:30 回覆:299 積分:475 註冊:2005-03-25 發送簡訊給我 |
How to get JPEG/JPG Image Size?
First at all I didn't write this code, I found it on the net but I don't know who the author is. {* How do I get JPG size? *} function ReadMWord(f: TFileStream): word; type TMotorolaWord = record case byte of 0: (Value: word); 1: (Byte1, Byte2: byte); end; var MW: TMotorolaWord; begin { It would probably be better to just read these two bytes in normally } { and then do a small ASM routine to swap them. But we aren't talking } { about reading entire files, so I doubt the performance gain would be } { worth the trouble. } f.Read(MW.Byte2, SizeOf(Byte)); f.Read(MW.Byte1, SizeOf(Byte)); Result := MW.Value; end; procedure GetJPGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: word); const ValidSig : array[0..1] of byte = ($FF, $D8); Parameterless = [$01, $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $D7]; var Sig: array[0..1] of byte; f: TFileStream; x: integer; Seg: byte; Dummy: array[0..15] of byte; Len: word; ReadLen: LongInt; begin FillChar(Sig, SizeOf(Sig), #0); f := TFileStream.Create(sFile, fmOpenRead); try ReadLen := f.Read(Sig[0], SizeOf(Sig)); for x := Low(Sig) to High(Sig) do if Sig[x] <> ValidSig[x] then ReadLen := 0; if ReadLen > 0 then begin ReadLen := f.Read(Seg, 1); while (Seg = $FF) and (ReadLen > 0) do begin ReadLen := f.Read(Seg, 1); if Seg <> $FF then begin if (Seg = $C0) or (Seg = $C1) then begin ReadLen := f.Read(Dummy[0], 3); { don't need these bytes } wHeight := ReadMWord(f); wWidth := ReadMWord(f); end else begin if not (Seg in Parameterless) then begin Len := ReadMWord(f); f.Seek(Len-2, 1); f.Read(Seg, 1); end else Seg := $FF; { Fake it to keep looping. } end; end; end; end; finally f.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var aWidth,aHeigth:Word; begin GetJPGSize('\\Srv4\PIC\xril.jpg',aWidth,aHeigth); Label1.Caption:=Format('JPEG Dimension is %d x %d',[aWidth,aHeigth]); end;
What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other? 編輯記錄
christie 重新編輯於 2009-07-07 14:53:14, 註解 無‧
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