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聽說有人想玩,在此分享一下... extpascal - Google Code http://code.google.com/p/extpascal/ExtPascal is an Object Pascal (Delphi, FreePascal/Lazarus) wrapper/binding for Ext JS, a comprehensive GUI Ajax framework for Rich Internet Application (RIA) development. ExtPascal will wrap Draw2d into future releases. It uses ideas from others ExtJS wrappers: ExtSharp and ExtPHP. FeaturesCodePress widget with Object Pascal syntax highlighting- High performance with native code for Server side programming, no PHP required.
- Uses FastCGI or CGI for Web Server communication.
- Compatible with any Web Server supporting CGI or FastCGI protocols.
- Statefull, keep-alive and multithread server applications.
- Parses Ext JS HTML documentation to Object Pascal code.
- Self-translate Object Pascal code to JavaScript code during execution.
- Coding in full Object Pascal, minimal use of (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- AJAX programming using Object Pascal.
- Full wrapper to all Ext JS 2.2 classes, singletons and widgets.
- Transparent support for all main web browsers: IE 6 , Firefox 1.5 , Safari 3 , Opera 9 and Chrome 1 on any client side platform (PCs, SmartPhones, PDAs, etc)!
- Server side multi-platform support through FreePascal 2.2.2 compiler. Tested on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (Intel and PowerPC).
- Thread Garbage Collector for all Ext JS classes and widgets.
- Slim Services and EventLog support for Windows.
- Daemon support for Posix platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, etc).
- Produces very tiny executables.
- Easy debugging using Delphi, Lazarus or MSEide debugger.
- Convert your desktop and client/server applications, made in Delphi/Lazarus, to Web 2.
- Standalone Web Server option on Windows, no Apache/IIS required.
- Delphi style event handler.
- Compatible with Delphi(7..2009) and FreePascal(2.2.2 and 2.3.1).
- Integrated
- Pascal enumerations support for Ext JS framework