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http://tim.jerry.com.tw/?TIM=FORUM&FORUM=59&Page_Method=last_postdate&Page_Sort=desc&offset=0&nextpage=&limit=20&ShowDocument=3040#TIM3040 執行檔僅3.5k!!(3,584 bytes) 全世界最小的看圖程式!!(全新版)
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所需的DLL在Win98之後都內建於系統 支援BMP、JPG、GIF、ICO、WMF等格式
使用方法:在圖片上點一下,選下一張圖 雖然沒有仔細求證過,不過應該不會有更小程式的了吧!?
當然,是用C--寫的 說實話,還真寫的我滿頭大汗
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 參考資料 http://www.goosee.com/x86/loadgraphics.htm
Loading GIF, JPG, BMP, WMF files and viewing them
When I was developing the early beta versions of my new Windows application, EVE (see http://goosee.com), a vector graphics drawing program, it needed to be able to load and insert bitmap graphics images. That is, I wanted to load a graphic file and display it in my application's window. Now, there are libraries available to do this, some of them free. They don't have source code, except for one, called GIFLIB, with MASM source code -- see a link to it from Hutch's MASM site. GIFLIB only loads GIF files.
I used it for the first release of my EVE product, however it is bit buggy and crashes on some GIFs -- the LZW decompressor is the part that crashes. After much hunting around, I found a technical article on Microsoft's web site, describing a program called LOADPIC -- you should be able to locate it from "LOADPIC" as a keyword. This is a C++ program that uses the OleLoadPicture() function. This function is very high-level and will convert GIF, JPG, BMP and WMF files into a format that can be displayed, including the decompressing. This function is not described in Microsoft's SDKs prior to 1998, though the docs state that it works on Win95 -- I haven't tested my program on a wide range of Win95 systems -- the function is in OLEPRO32.DLL and it may not be in older Win95 systems, though I suspect that most will have it, as it is likely that a later application will have loaded it when it got installed. The problem is, I knew nothing about OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) and COM (Common Object Model). For MASM programmers, there's a whole lot of stuff on this topic at Hutch's asm site (or was that Iczelion's site? -- whatever), submitted by Ernie Murphy. Also, this COM stuff is at Ernie's own site: http://here.is/COMinASM. Ok, to tackle this, I took the LOADPIC.CCP application and compiled it using the free Borland C++ compiler -- it gave lots of compile errors, because the code was designed for Microsoft's Visual C++. But, I had set a switch on the compiler to generate an asm file, and at least the compiler got as far as that.
Armed with the asm file, I was able to figure out the code required for my program, however, the key function, OleLoadPicture(), returned an error code. So, I emailed my code to Ernie for his perusal. This greatly intrigued Ernie, as he had no idea that there was such a function to load graphics images (as is the case for just about every other Win32 programmer). Ernie has converted LOADPIC.CCP to LOADPIC.ASM and it is now available at his site. Ernie's approach is very professional, and you have to include lots of macros, include files and link in various library files. I successfully assembled his example program, but I decided to have another look at my original "grassroots" solution. I discovered the bug that was preventing OleLoadPicture() to work, so I have placed my code below. The only extra libraries that you have to link to are OLEPRO32.LIB and OLE32.LIB -- you can find these from various places. You'll need these two prototypes: CreateStreamOnHGlobal PROTO WINAPI, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
OleLoadPicture PROTO WINAPI, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD I'm talking MASM code here, but you should be able to translate to C or whatever. I'll leave it up to you to write the code to open a file and load it into a memory block. Note that Ernie's example has the code for that. Let's say we have loaded the file and have variable "pmem" pointing to the memory block... Here is my grassroots code for converting the file into a form that can be displayed: .DATA
IID_IPicture DWORD 07bf80980h ;unsigned long.
WORD 0bf32h ;unsigned short.
WORD 0101ah ;unsigned short
BYTE 08bh,0bbh,0,0aah,0,030h,0ch,0abh ;unsigned char Data4[8];
;0x7bf80980,0xbf32,0x101a,0x8b,0xbb,0,0xaa,0,0x30,0xc,0xab gpPicture DWORD 0
E_POINTER EQU 080000005h
creategifhdc PROC STDCALL USES ebx ecx edx esi edi, pobj:DWORD,pmem:DWORD,p1stdataelement:DWORD
LOCAL widthpixels:DWORD,heightpixels:DWORD
LOCAL hmwidth:DWORD,hmheight:DWORD
;ret eax=0 ok, else error#.
;we enter func with pmem->bitmap-file-in-memory.
mov gpPicture,0 For the OLE/COM functions to use it, the memory block has to be converted into something called a "stream" -- don't ask me what the difference is ... ;now need to convert the mem-block into a "stream"...
invoke GlobalHandle,pmem
mov hglobal,eax
invoke CreateStreamOnHGlobal,hglobal,TRUE,ADDR pstm
;...returns pstm =ptr to stream (i.e. copy of the mem block).
;returns eax=0 if ok
.IF eax != 0
mov eax,220
jmp er0
.ENDIF When I created the memory block, I saved its size, which I'm retrieving here, and calling the magical function OleLoadPicture(). IID_IPicture is a structure that defines what type of information is to be loaded, in this case a graphic image. This function will place a pointer into variable gpPicture, that points to an "interface" -- this is basically a structure, with addresses of "methods" (functions) that can manipulate the data... mov eax,mygifinfo.dwGIFDataSize ;size of mem block.
invoke OleLoadPicture,pstm,eax,0,ADDR IID_IPicture,ADDR gpPicture
;..."IID_IPicture" is the type of interface pointer to return.
;...The requested interface pointer is returned in "gpPicture".
;returns eax=0 if ok
.IF eax != 0 ;S_OK=0
mov eax,222
mov eax,223
mov eax,224
mov eax,221 ;E_UNEXPECTED
jmp ok9
jmp er0
ok9: I don't need the "stream" anymore. Also, it wasn't in the original LOADPIC code, but I presumed that I also needed to free the original memory block (does releasing the stream also delete the original memory block? -- I have no idea). Release() is a method, and has to be accessed in this manner (see Ernie's code for a more formal way of doing this)... mov eax,pstm ;pstm->Release();
push eax ;/
mov edx,dword ptr [eax] ;/
call dword ptr [edx 8] ;/
;umm, presume can release original mem block?...
invoke GlobalFree,hglobal I need to call some more methods to get the width and height of the graphic, but they are returned in "himetric" units. I have converted these to pixels. Earlier in my program, in the handling of the WM_CREATE message, I had calculated the variables xscreenpixels and yscreenpixels, using this code:
;find out the resolution of the display...
invoke GetDC, g_hwnd ;-->eax=display context client area.
mov hdc1,eax
invoke GetDeviceCaps, hdc1,LOGPIXELSX ;query pixels/inch.
mov xscreenpixels,eax
invoke GetDeviceCaps, hdc1,LOGPIXELSY ;query pixels/inch.
mov yscreenpixels,eax
invoke ReleaseDC, g_hwnd,hdc1
So, I can convert the himetric units to pixels... ;the picture is now ready to be painted... gpPicture points (indirectly) to it...
lea eax,hmwidth ;gpPicture->get_Width(&hmWidth)
push eax ;/
mov edx,dword ptr gpPicture ;/
push edx ;/
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx] ;/ (hmwidth is in himetric units)
call dword ptr [ecx 24] ;/
lea eax,hmheight ;gpPicture->get_Height(&hmHeight)
push eax ;/
mov edx,dword ptr gpPicture ;/
push edx ;/
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx] ;/
call dword ptr [ecx 28] ;/ (hmheight is in himetric units)
;the wwidth and height are in HIMETRIC units. for output to screen, need
;the width/height in pixels...
mov eax,hmwidth
mul xscreenpixels
mov ecx,2540
div ecx
mov widthpixels,eax
mov eax,hmheight
mul yscreenpixels
mov ecx,2540
div ecx
mov heightpixels,eax This section of code below is just for my own EVE program. I have an element that is to display on the screen and it has to hold gpPicture, the coordinates of the element on the diagram, and width/height in both pixels and himetric units. When EVE processes the WM_PAINT message, this info is retrieved from the element... ;the picture is going to be painted in common_paint_bitmap(), and need to
;setup the icon now and pass stuff...
mov eax,gpPicture
mov ebx,p1stdataelement
mov (OBJECT PTR [ebx]).ximage,eax
;also, save width/height of bitmap into icon...
;and update xmid/ymid...
mov edi,pobj
mov eax,widthpixels
mov (OBJECT PTR [edi]).wwidth,eax
shr eax,1
add eax,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).xtopleft
mov (OBJECT PTR [edi]).xmid,eax
mov eax,heightpixels
mov (OBJECT PTR [edi]).height,eax
shr eax,1
add eax,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).ytopleft
mov (OBJECT PTR [edi]).ymid,eax
;also need to save wwidth/height of image in 1st data-element...
mov eax,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).wwidth
mov WORD PTR (OBJECT PTR [ebx]).nshape,ax ;(alias for rplock2).
mov eax,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).height
mov WORD PTR (OBJECT PTR [ebx]).nshape 2,ax
;save the width/height in himetric units in the icon...
mov eax,hmwidth
mov (OBJECT PTR [edi]).widthhimetric,eax
mov eax,hmheight
mov (OBJECT PTR [edi]).heighthimetric,eax ok1:
xor eax,eax ;ok.
er1: mov eax,219 ;error.
er0: ret
creategifhdc ENDP Ok, so we've got this gpPicture pointer and the width/height of the image, in both himetric units and pixels. When the application processes the WM_PAINT message, you can have this code: ;width/height in pixels...
mov esi,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).wwidth
mov widthpixels,esi
mov ebx,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).height
mov heightpixels,ebx
;width/height in himetric units...
mov esi,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).widthhimetric
mov widthhimetric,esi
mov ebx,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).heighthimetric
mov heighthimetric,ebx
mov ebx,p1stdataelement
mov eax,(OBJECT PTR [ebx]).ximage ;gpPicture ;hDCBitmap
mov ecx,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).xtopleft
mov edx,(OBJECT PTR [edi]).ytopleft ; // display picture using IPicture::Render
; gpPicture->Render(hdc, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, hmHeight, hmWidth, -hmHeight, &rc);
; lea ebx,clientrect
; push ebx ;0 ;really need addr of client rect here. ? (for wmf file)
push 0
mov ebx,heighthimetric ;needs to be -ve, otherwise picture
neg ebx ;displays upside down. see also below topcorner.
push ebx ;heighthimetric ;y height to copy from source picture. himetric
push widthhimetric ;x width to copy from source picture. units.
push heighthimetric ;upper-left corner of source, NOTE, not 0.
push 0 ; / himetric units.
push heightpixels ;height diagram coords.
push widthpixels ;wwidth /
push edx ;0 ;y upper-left corner,
push ecx ;0 ;x diagram coords.
push hdc ;hdc.
; mov eax,dword ptr gpPicture
push eax
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
call dword ptr [edx 32] Ok, so as my program draws each element to the screen, it gets the gpPicture variable and the width/height parameters out. Then we call a method of the IPicture interface, called Render(). The basic structure of the code described above allows more than one picture to be simultaneously loaded and displayed. However, gpPicture points to an "interface" that points to methods (functions) as well as the actual bitmap data. So, when finished it is necessary to release the interface. My EVE program flushes these gpPicture's whenever a diagram is saved, as well as when the EVE program is exited. Here is the code to release a gpPicture interface: mov eax,(OBJECT PTR [esi]).ximage
.IF eax != 0
mov edx,eax ;gpPicture ;gpPicture->Release();
push edx ;/ "this" has to be passed, which is a ptr
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx] ;/ to the interface.
call dword ptr [ecx 8] ;/
mov (OBJECT PTR [esi]).ximage,0
.ENDIF What EVE does is look through the elements in the database, and the .ximage parameter has gpPicture if the entry is non-zero. I then call the Release() method. Simple. There you are, it works real nice. Have a look at my EVE site: http://goosee.com/ . Regards,
Barry Kauler
http://www.goosee.com/explorer *********************************************************
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![]() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FileName : usingCOM.h-- , written by Kai-Hong Chen // Function : invokeMethod() , to invoke method of a object // Usage : invokeMethod(methodOffset, pObject, parameter1, parameter2, ...); // // In fact, it's really a dangerous way to invoke method, but works ! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- stdcall invokeMethod(EBX,EAX,...); static dword returnAddress; stdcall invokeMethod(EBX,EAX,...) { ECX=EAX; EAX=DSDWORD[DSDWORD[EAX] EBX]; $pop returnAddress // pop and save the return address EAX(ECX); goto returnAddress; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FileName : TinyViewer.c-- , written by Kai-Hong Chen // Usage : left button to open a new image file, // usable keys : arrow keys, to move image // - , to enlarge or shrink // * / , best fit or auto fit // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma option w32 #jumptomain NONE #include "winbase.h--" #include "winuser.h--" #include "wingdi.h--" #include "advapi.h--" #include "commctrl.h--" #include "commdlg.h--" #include "usingCOM.h--" // for using COM object #define HIMETRIC_INCH 2540 #define MAXSIZE 260 // define method address #define Release 8 #define get_Width 24 #define get_Height 28 #define Render 32 //0x7bf80980,0xbf32,0x101a,0x8b,0xbb,0,0xaa,0,0x30,0xc,0xab dword IID_IPicture = 07bf80980h; word IID_IPicture_1 = {0bf32h,0101ah}; byte IID_IPicture_2 = {08bh,0bbh,0,0aah,0,030h,0ch,0abh}; extern WINAPI "Ole32.dll" { CreateStreamOnHGlobal(); } extern WINAPI "Olepro32.dll" { OleLoadPicture(); } HINSTANCE _hInst; HWND _hWnd; char ClassName[] = "Tiny Viewer Window Class"; char WindowsTitle[] = "Tiny Viewer"; char FilterString="All Files\x00*.*\x00"; OPENFILENAME ofn; int main() { MSG msg; _hInst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); if(!InitApplication(_hInst)) return FALSE; // register windows class if(!InitInstance(_hInst)) return FALSE; // create a windows instance while(GetMessage(#msg,NULL,0,0)) { TranslateMessage(#msg); DispatchMessage(#msg); } return msg.wParam; } BOOL InitApplication(HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASSEX wc = 0; wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = #WndProc; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT; wc.lpszClassName = #ClassName; return RegisterClassEx(#wc); } BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance) { _hWnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,#ClassName,#WindowsTitle,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW & !WS_MAXIMIZEBOX & !WS_THICKFRAME , CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL); if(!_hWnd) return FALSE; ShowWindow(_hWnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(_hWnd); return TRUE; } LRESULT WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static dword gpPicture = 0; static dword hmWidth,hmHeight; static int nWidth = 100,nHeight = 100; static int oWidth,oHeight; static char nameBuffer[MAXSIZE]; static int startX = 0,startY = 0; static BOOL autoAdjust = FALSE; int wmId, wmEvent; int ncSize; HDC hdc,hMemDc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rect; switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = _hWnd; ofn.hInstance = _hInst; ofn.lpstrFilter = #FilterString; ofn.lpstrFile = #nameBuffer; ofn.nMaxFile = MAXSIZE; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; CASE WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if(GetOpenFileName(#ofn)) { hdc = GetDC(hWnd); if(LoadPictureFile(#nameBuffer,#gpPicture) == -1) { ReleaseDC(hWnd,hdc); CenterWindow(hWnd,nWidth,nHeight); break; } startX = startY = 0; //gpPicture->get_Width(&hmWidth); //gpPicture->get_Height(&hmHeight); invokeMethod(get_Width,gpPicture,#hmWidth); invokeMethod(get_Height,gpPicture,#hmHeight); oWidth = nWidth = MulDiv(hmWidth,GetDeviceCaps(hdc,LOGPIXELSX),HIMETRIC_INCH); oHeight = nHeight = MulDiv(hmHeight,GetDeviceCaps(hdc,LOGPIXELSY),HIMETRIC_INCH); ReleaseDC(hWnd,hdc); if(autoAdjust) { SendMessage(hWnd,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_MULTIPLY,NULL); break; } } InvalidateRgn(hWnd,NULL,FALSE); CenterWindow(hWnd,nWidth,nHeight); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if(gpPicture == 0) break; GetClientRect(hWnd,#rect); switch(wParam) { case VK_DOWN: startY = rect.bottom - nHeight; break; CASE VK_UP: startY = 0; break; CASE VK_RIGHT: startX = rect.right - nWidth; break; CASE VK_LEFT: startX = 0; break; CASE VK_SUBTRACT: nWidth = nWidth * 3 / 4; nHeight = nHeight * 3 / 4; startX = startY = 0; break; case VK_ADD: nWidth = nWidth * 4 / 3; nHeight = nHeight * 4 / 3; startX = startY = 0; break; case VK_RETURN: VKREUTRN: nWidth = oWidth; nHeight = oHeight; startX = startY = 0; break; case VK_DIVIDE: autoAdjust ^= TRUE; if(ZEROFLAG) GOTO VKREUTRN; case VK_MULTIPLY: SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,#rect,0); nWidth = oWidth * rect.bottom / oHeight; nHeight = rect.bottom; if(nWidth > rect.right) { nHeight = oHeight * rect.right / oWidth; nWidth = rect.right; } ncSize = CountWindowsNCSize(hWnd); nHeight -= @LOWORD(ncSize); nWidth -= @HIWORD(ncSize); startX = startY = 0; } InvalidateRgn(hWnd,NULL,FALSE); CenterWindow(hWnd,nWidth,nHeight); break; case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd,#ps); GetClientRect(hWnd,#rect); // hMemDc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); // hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,rect.right,rect.bottom); // SelectObject(hMemDc,hBmp); // PatBlt(hMemDc,0,0,rect.right,rect.bottom,BLACKNESS); IF(gpPicture) { //gpPicture->Render(hdc,0,0,nWidth,nHeight,0,hmHeight,hmWidth,-hmHeight,&rect); invokeMethod(Render,gpPicture,hdc,startX,startY,nWidth,nHeight,0,hmHeight,hmWidth,-hmHeight,NULL); } // BitBlt(hdc,0,0,rect.right,rect.bottom,hMemDc,0,0,SRCCOPY); // DeleteDC(hMemDc); // DeleteObject(hBmp); EndPaint(hWnd,#ps); break; case WM_DESTROY: if(gpPicture) invokeMethod(Release,gpPicture); //gpPicture->Release(); PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } return 0; } int LoadPictureFile(dword pszFile,ppPicture) { HANDLE hFile; unsigned int fileSize,bytesRead; dword pGlobal,pstm,saveGpPictures; hFile = CreateFile(pszFile,GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL); fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile,NULL); pGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,fileSize); ReadFile(hFile,pGlobal,fileSize,#bytesRead,NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); CreateStreamOnHGlobal(pGlobal,TRUE,#pstm); saveGpPictures = DSDWORD[ppPicture]; // prevent gpPicture being broken if(saveGpPictures) invokeMethod(Release,saveGpPictures); if(OleLoadPicture(pstm,bytesRead,0,#IID_IPicture,ppPicture) != 0) { DSDWORD[ppPicture] = saveGpPictures;; MessageBoxA(0,"Image File ?", "Error", MB_OK); invokeMethod(Release,pstm); GlobalFree(pGlobal); return -1; } // pstm->Release(); invokeMethod(Release,pstm); GlobalFree(pGlobal); return 0; } CenterWindow(dword hWnd,width,height) { RECT workAreaRc; int ncSize; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,#workAreaRc,0); ncSize = CountWindowsNCSize(hWnd); height = @LOWORD(ncSize); width = @HIWORD(ncSize); EAX = workAreaRc.bottom - workAreaRc.top; if(EAX < height) height = EAX; EAX = workAreaRc.right - workAreaRc.left; if(EAX < width) width = EAX; MoveWindow( hWnd, workAreaRc.right - width >> 1, workAreaRc.bottom - height >> 1, width, height, TRUE); } long CountWindowsNCSize(HANDLE hWnd) { RECT winRc,clientRc; GetWindowRect(hWnd,#winRc); GetClientRect(hWnd,#clientRc); EAX = winRc.bottom - winRc.top clientRc.top - clientRc.bottom; EBX = winRc.right - winRc.left clientRc.left - clientRc.right; return @MAKELONG(); } |
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