aviFileOpen問題 |
一般會員 發表:25 回覆:40 積分:18 註冊:2007-01-24 發送簡訊給我 |
Hi, 各位前輩
如下列程式碼, 在Delphi 7, 用AviFil32.dll寫了一個類別, 可用來將Bmp檔轉成AVI, 但該類別在Delphi2009, 卻無法執行(用2009編譯過) 在 intaviopen := AVIFileOpen(@pFile, PChar(FileName), OF_WRITE or OF_CREATE, 0); intAviOpen的值為 2147746132, 查了這錯誤為 REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG 有下載 aviFile.reg再做登入, 但就是無法正常執行 懇請前輩們指點 謝 [code delphi] unit U_ClassBmp2AVI; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls , Graphics; type TFourCC = string[4]; const // AVISaveOptions Dialog box flags ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME = 1; // show KeyFrame Every box ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE = 2; // show DataRate box ICMF_CHOOSE_PREVIEW = 4; // allow expanded preview dialog ICMF_CHOOSE_ALLCOMPRESSORS = 8; // don't only show those that // can handle the input format // or input data AVIIF_KEYFRAME = 10; type AVI_COMPRESS_OPTIONS = packed record fccType: DWORD; // stream type, for consistency fccHandler: DWORD; // compressor dwKeyFrameEvery: DWORD; // keyframe rate dwQuality: DWORD; // compress quality 0-10,000 dwBytesPerSecond: DWORD; // bytes per second dwFlags: DWORD; // flags... see below lpFormat: DWORD; // save format cbFormat: DWORD; lpParms: DWORD; // compressor options cbParms: DWORD; dwInterleaveEvery: DWORD; // for non-video streams only end; AVI_STREAM_INFO = packed record fccType: DWORD; fccHandler: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; dwCaps: DWORD; wPriority: word; wLanguage: word; dwScale: DWORD; dwRate: DWORD; dwStart: DWORD; dwLength: DWORD; dwInitialFrames: DWORD; dwSuggestedBufferSize: DWORD; dwQuality: DWORD; dwSampleSize: DWORD; rcFrame: TRect; dwEditCount: DWORD; dwFormatChangeCount: DWORD; szName: array[0..63] of char; end; BITMAPINFOHEADER = packed record biSize: DWORD; biWidth: DWORD; biHeight: DWORD; biPlanes: word; biBitCount: word; biCompression: DWORD; biSizeImage: DWORD; biXPelsPerMeter: DWORD; biYPelsPerMeter: DWORD; biClrUsed: DWORD; biClrImportant: DWORD; end; BITMAPFILEHEADER = packed record bfType: word; //"magic cookie" - must be "BM" bfSize: integer; bfReserved1: word; bfReserved2: word; bfOffBits: integer; end; type TBmp2AVI = class private Opts: AVI_COMPRESS_OPTIONS; pOpts: Pointer; pFile, ps, psCompressed: DWORD; strhdr: AVI_STREAM_INFO; i: integer; // BFile: file; m_Bih: BITMAPINFOHEADER; m_Bfh: BITMAPFILEHEADER; m_MemBits: packed array of byte; m_MemBitMapInfo: packed array of byte; FramesPerSec: integer; isAviFormatOk : Boolean; intFrameIndex : Integer; public ConStructor Create(owner : TComponent;const FileName: string; mstBmp : TMemoryStream); destructor Destroy;OverRide; Procedure BmpAdd(mstBmp : TMemoryStream); end; // DLL External declarations function AVISaveOptions(Hwnd: DWORD; uiFlags: DWORD; nStreams: DWORD; pPavi: Pointer; plpOptions: Pointer): boolean; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIFileCreateStream(pFile: DWORD; pPavi: Pointer; pSi: Pointer): integer; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIFileOpen(pPfile: Pointer; szFile: PChar; uMode: DWORD; clSid: DWORD): integer;stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIMakeCompressedStream(psCompressed: Pointer; psSource: DWORD; lpOptions: Pointer; pclsidHandler: DWORD): integer;stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIStreamSetFormat(pAvi: DWORD; lPos: DWORD; lpGormat: Pointer; cbFormat: DWORD): integer;stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIStreamWrite(pAvi: DWORD; lStart: DWORD; lSamples: DWORD; lBuffer: Pointer; cBuffer: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD;plSampWritten: DWORD; plBytesWritten: DWORD): integer; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVISaveOptionsFree(nStreams: DWORD; ppOptions: Pointer): integer; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIFileRelease(pFile: DWORD): integer; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; procedure AVIFileInit; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; procedure AVIFileExit; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function AVIStreamRelease(pAvi: DWORD): integer; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll'; function mmioStringToFOURCCA(sz: PChar; uFlags: DWORD): integer;stdcall; external 'winmm.dll'; implementation { TBmp2AVI } //--- Create & Destory ---------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TBmp2AVI.Create(owner : TComponent; const FileName: string; mstBmp: TMemoryStream); var intaviopen : DWord; begin FramesPerSec := 15; intFrameIndex := 0; isAviFormatOk := False; DeleteFile(FileName); Fillchar(Opts, SizeOf(Opts), 0); FillChar(strhdr, SizeOf(strhdr), 0); // Opts.fccHandler := 541215044; // Full frames Uncompressed Opts.fccHandler := mmioStringToFOURCCA('MPG4', 0); AVIFileInit; pfile := 0; pOpts := @Opts; intaviopen := AVIFileOpen(@pFile, PChar(FileName), OF_WRITE or OF_CREATE, 0); If intaviopen = 0 Then Begin mstBmp.Position := 0; mstBmp.Read(m_Bfh, SizeOf(m_Bfh)); mstBmp.Read(m_Bih, SizeOf(m_Bih)); SetLength(m_MemBitMapInfo, m_bfh.bfOffBits - 14); // SetLength(m_MemBits, m_Bih.biSizeImage); SetLength(m_MemBits, mstBmp.size); mstBmp.Position := SizeOf(m_Bfh); mstBmp.Read(m_MemBitMapInfo[0], length(m_MemBitMapInfo)); strhdr.fccType := mmioStringToFOURCCA('vids', 0); // stream type video // strhdr.fccHandler := 0; // def AVI handler strhdr.fccHandler := mmioStringToFOURCCA('PMG4', 0); strhdr.dwScale := 1; strhdr.dwRate := FramesPerSec; // fps 1 to 30 strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize := m_Bih.biSizeImage; // size of 1 frame SetRect(strhdr.rcFrame, 0, 0, m_Bih.biWidth, m_Bih.biHeight); If AVIFileCreateStream(pFile, @ps, @strhdr) = 0 Then If AVIMakeCompressedStream(@psCompressed, ps, @opts, 0) = 0 Then If AVIStreamSetFormat(psCompressed, 0, @m_memBitmapInfo[0],length(m_MemBitMapInfo)) = 0 Then isAviFormatOk := True; End; end; destructor TBmp2AVI.Destroy; begin AVIStreamRelease(ps); AVIStreamRelease(psCompressed); AVIFileRelease(pFile); AVIFileExit; m_MemBitMapInfo := nil; m_memBits := nil; inherited; end; procedure TBmp2AVI.BmpAdd(mstBmp: TMemoryStream); begin If isAviFormatOk Then Begin mstBmp.Position := 54; //SizeOf(m_bfh.bfOffBits); // mstBmp.Read(m_MemBits[0], m_Bih.biSizeImage); mstBmp.Read(m_MemBits[0], mstBmp.Size); if AVIStreamWrite(psCompressed, intFrameIndex, 1, @m_MemBits[0], m_Bih.biSizeImage, AVIIF_KEYFRAME, 0, 0) <> 0 then begin // ShowMessage('Error during Write AVI File'); Exit; end; intFrameIndex := intFrameIndex 1; End; end; End. [/code] |
一般會員 發表:25 回覆:40 積分:18 註冊:2007-01-24 發送簡訊給我 |
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