请问哪位尊敬的大侠有dephi抗锯齿的函数啊? |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:20 回覆:27 積分:14 註冊:2008-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
資深會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:16 回覆:358 積分:419 註冊:2008-01-02 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:20 回覆:27 積分:14 註冊:2008-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
![]() 第一个网址可能失效了,显示找不到网页 第二个是可以的,但是我怎么画不出线来,我dephi掌握不够,能麻烦您帮我看看吗?谢谢了!! 这是我写的调用代码: Bitmap:=TBitmap.create; Bitmap.width:=300; Bitmap.height:=500; Image1.Picture.Graphic:=Bitmap; Image1.Picture.Bitmap.canvas.pen.color:=clRed; Image1.Picture.Bitmap.canvas.moveto(10,10); WuLine(Bitmap,point(0,0),point(300,500),clred); Image1.Picture.Bitmap.canvas.lineto(100,150); 最后一行的lineto可以画出线来,但倒数第二行却画不出来,不知道是什么原因 |
中階會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:15 回覆:114 積分:55 註冊:2005-08-17 發送簡訊給我 |
程度不錯的大概就會, 也許可以考慮發包給 研究生,或資訊相關科系大4學生來處理. 算是給他們賺零用錢跟練習的機會. 至於 尊敬的大侠 這個稱號, 好像對他們比較抽象,沒現金實用. ===================引 用 rainxie 文 章=================== 非常感谢Rootkit! ![]() 第一个网址可能失效了,显示找不到网页 第二个是可以的,但是我怎么画不出线来,我dephi掌握不够,能麻烦您帮我看看吗?谢谢了!! 这是我写的调用代码: Bitmap:=TBitmap.create; Bitmap.width:=300; Bitmap.height:=500; Image1.Picture.Graphic:=Bitmap; Image1.Picture.Bitmap.canvas.pen.color:=clRed; Image1.Picture.Bitmap.canvas.moveto(10,10); WuLine(Bitmap,point(0,0),point(300,500),clred); Image1.Picture.Bitmap.canvas.lineto(100,150); 最后一行的lineto可以画出线来,但倒数第二行却画不出来,不知道是什么原因 |
資深會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:16 回覆:358 積分:419 註冊:2008-01-02 發送簡訊給我 |
Google Search 一下就有很多資料。
以下參考 TAntialiasedLine 元件中函數做成的範例。 [code delphi] procedure AntialiasedLine(c: TCanvas; x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; caler: array of TColor); const BaseColor = 0; NumLevels = 256; IntensityBits = 8; var IntensityShift, ErrorAdj, ErrorAcc: Word; ErrorAccTemp, Weighting, WeightingComplementMask: Word; DeltaX, DeltaY, Temp, XDir: Integer; begin if y0 > y1 then begin Temp := y0; y0 := y1; y1 := Temp; Temp := x0; x0 := x1; x1 := Temp; end; c.Pixels[x0,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; DeltaX := x1-x0; if DeltaX >= 0 then XDir := 1 else begin XDir := -1; DeltaX := -DeltaX; end; DeltaY := y1 - y0; // special case some lineses... if deltaY = 0 then begin // hoizontal while deltaX <> 0 do begin Dec(DeltaX); Inc(x0,xDir); c.Pixels[x0,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; end; Exit; end; if deltaX = 0 then begin // vertical repeat Inc(y0); c.Pixels[x0,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; Dec(deltaY); until deltaY = 0; Exit; end; if deltaX = deltaY then begin // diagonal repeat Inc(x0,xDir); Inc(y0); c.Pixels[x0,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; Dec(deltaY); until deltaY = 0; Exit; end; // normal odd cases ErrorAcc := 0; IntensityShift := 16 - IntensityBits; WeightingComplementMask := NumLevels - 1; if deltaY > deltaX then begin // y-maj line ErrorAdj := (deltaX shl 16) div deltaY; while deltaY > 1 do begin Dec(deltaY); ErrorAccTemp := ErrorAcc; Inc(ErrorAcc, ErrorAdj); if ErrorAcc <= ErrorAccTemp then Inc(x0,XDir); Inc(y0); Weighting := ErrorAcc shr IntensityShift; c.Pixels[x0, y0] := Caler[BaseColor Weighting]; c.Pixels[x0 XDir,y0] := Caler[BaseColor (Weighting xor WeightingComplementMask)]; end; end else begin // x-major ErrorAdj := (deltaY shl 16) div deltaX; while deltaX > 1 do begin Dec(deltaX); ErrorAccTemp := ErrorAcc; Inc(ErrorAcc, ErrorAdj); if ErrorAcc <= ErrorAccTemp then Inc(y0); Inc(x0,XDir); Weighting := ErrorAcc shr IntensityShift; c.Pixels[x0, y0] := Caler[BaseColor Weighting]; c.Pixels[x0,y0 1] := Caler[BaseColor Weighting xor WeightingComplementMask]; end; end; // final pixel c.Pixels[x1,y1] := Caler[BaseColor]; end; procedure ThickAntialiasedLine(th: Integer; c: TCanvas; x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; caler: array of TColor); const BaseColor = 0; NumLevels = 256; IntensityBits = 8; var IntensityShift, ErrorAdj, ErrorAcc: Word; ErrorAccTemp, Weighting, WeightingComplementMask: Word; DeltaX, DeltaY, Temp, XDir: Integer; i,OldX0: Integer; begin if y0 > y1 then begin Temp := y0; y0 := y1; y1 := Temp; Temp := x0; x0 := x1; x1 := Temp; end; DeltaX := x1-x0; if DeltaX >= 0 then XDir := 1 else begin XDir := -1; DeltaX := -DeltaX; end; DeltaY := y1 - y0; ErrorAcc := 0; IntensityShift := 16 - IntensityBits; WeightingComplementMask := NumLevels - 1; if deltaY > deltaX then begin OldX0 := X0; // y-maj line if XDir > 0 then begin Dec( x0, th div 2 ); for i := x0 to x0 th do c.Pixels[i,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; end else begin Inc( x0, th div 2 ); for i := x0 downto x0-th do c.Pixels[i,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; end; ErrorAdj := (deltaX shl 16) div deltaY; while deltaY > 0 do begin Dec(deltaY); ErrorAccTemp := ErrorAcc; Inc(ErrorAcc, ErrorAdj); if (x1<>OldX0) and (ErrorAcc <= ErrorAccTemp) then Inc(x0,XDir); Inc(y0); Weighting := ErrorAcc shr IntensityShift; c.Pixels[x0, y0] := Caler[BaseColor Weighting]; if XDir > 0 then for i := x0 1 to x0 th do c.Pixels[i,y0] := Caler[BaseColor] else for i := x0-1 downto x0-th do c.Pixels[i,y0] := Caler[BaseColor]; c.Pixels[i,y0] := Caler[BaseColor (Weighting xor WeightingComplementMask)]; end; end else begin // x-major Dec( x0, th div 2 ); for i := y0 to y0 th do c.Pixels[x0,i] := Caler[BaseColor]; ErrorAdj := (deltaY shl 16) div deltaX; while deltaX > 0 do begin Dec(deltaX); ErrorAccTemp := ErrorAcc; Inc(ErrorAcc, ErrorAdj); if (y1<>y0) and (ErrorAcc <= ErrorAccTemp) then Inc(y0); Inc(x0,XDir); Weighting := ErrorAcc shr IntensityShift; c.Pixels[x0, y0] := Caler[BaseColor Weighting]; for i := y0 1 to y0 th do c.Pixels[x0,i] := Caler[BaseColor]; c.Pixels[x0,i] := Caler[BaseColor Weighting xor WeightingComplementMask]; end; end; end; procedure Gradiate(Begindex, Endex: Integer; var Rainbo: array of TColor); var i: Integer; reds, greens, blues, steps: Integer; peRed, peGreen, peBlue: Integer; begR, begG, begB: Integer; begin if (Begindex = Endex) or (Begindex < 0) or (Endex < 0) then Exit; begR := Rainbo[Begindex] and $FF; begG := (Rainbo[Begindex] and $FF00) shr 8; begB := (Rainbo[Begindex] and $FF0000) shr 16; reds := (Rainbo[Endex] and $FF) - begR; greens := ((Rainbo[Endex] and $FF00) shr 8) - begG; blues := ((Rainbo[Endex] and $FF0000) shr 16) - begB; steps := Endex - Begindex; for i := Begindex 1 to Endex - 1 do begin peRed := begR (reds * (i-Begindex)) div steps; peGreen := begG (greens * (i-Begindex)) div steps; peBlue := begB (blues * (i-Begindex)) div steps; Rainbo[i] := peRed (peGreen shl 8) (peBlue shl 16); end; end; procedure AntialiasedLineTo(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer); var caler: array[0..255] of TColor; begin caler[0] := Canvas.Pen.Color; caler[255] := Canvas.Brush.Color; Gradiate(0,255,caler); if Canvas.Pen.Width > 1 then ThickAntialiasedLine( Canvas.Pen.Width, Canvas, Canvas.PenPos.X, Canvas.PenPos.Y, X, Y, caler ) else AntialiasedLine( Canvas, Canvas.PenPos.X, Canvas.PenPos.Y, X, Y, caler ); // Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Canvas.Brush.Color := $00C8D0D4; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlue; Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; MouseDn := False; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbLeft then begin MouseDn := True; Canvas.PenPos := Point(X,Y); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Integer); begin if MouseDn and (ssLeft in Shift) then begin AntialiasedLineTo(Canvas,X,Y); Canvas.PenPos := Point(X,Y); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin MouseDn := False; end; [/code] 不過原始函數在處理 PenWidth>1 時會有亂畫。 我已修改。由於沒有太多時間去改善,所以畫上去還不是很順暢。自己改吧! 不過畫直線還是很OK。 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:20 回覆:27 積分:14 註冊:2008-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
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