JPG檔是不是不能繪圖呢 |
中階會員 發表:72 回覆:92 積分:52 註冊:2003-11-06 發送簡訊給我 |
image1 載入jpg檔,要進行畫圖,就出現以下錯誤:
Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap ========================================= if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then begin Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName); end; procedure TfrmMain.Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Image1.Canvas.MoveTo(x,y); end;
xinjier禮品贈品 |
資深會員 發表:16 回覆:358 積分:419 註冊:2008-01-02 發送簡訊給我 |
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
節錄自help TJPEGImage has an internal bitmap that represents the jpeg image. This internal image and the original source of the jpeg image are read only. TJPEGImage has properties that determine how each instance will handle color conversion, compression, decompression, performance, and so on.
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