如何變更:子螢幕的解析度 |
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子螢幕的解析度 [code delphi] var DeviceMode:TDeviceMode; ii:integer; begin ii := Screen.MonitorCount;// ii=2 DeviceMode.dmSize := SizeOf(TDeviceMode); DeviceMode.dmPelsWidth := 1280; DeviceMode.dmPelsHeight := 800; //DeviceMode.dmOrientation := 2; DeviceMode.dmDeviceName := '\\.\DISPLAY2'; DeviceMode.dmFields := DM_ORIENTATION or DM_PELSWIDTH or DM_PELSHEIGHT; caption := inttostr(ChangeDisplaySettings(DeviceMode,CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY) ); [/code] 相關API The EnumDisplaySettings function obtains information about one of a display device's graphics modes. You can obtain information for all of a display device's graphics modes by making a series of calls to this function. BOOL EnumDisplaySettings( LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, // specifies the display device DWORD iModeNum, // specifies the graphics mode LPDEVMODE lpDevMode // points to structure to receive settings ); Parameters lpszDeviceName Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the display device whose graphics mode the function will obtain information about. This parameter can be NULL. A NULL value specifies the current display device on the computer that the calling thread is running on. If lpszDeviceName is not NULL, the string must be of the form \\.\DisplayX, where X can have the values 1, 2, or 3. 目前只會改變 主螢幕,無法變更子螢幕(延伸螢幕) 引用 ChangeDisplaySettingsEx即可 編輯記錄
HikaruGo 重新編輯於 2009-06-17 11:19:09, 註解 無‧
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