截取外部程式ListBox和ComboBox的内容 |
中階會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:72 回覆:92 積分:52 註冊:2003-11-06 發送簡訊給我 |
win2000的環境下使用。 是不是要用hook的方式,寫一支DLL來 截取外部程式的Listbox的Item內容呢??? function GetListBoxText(mHandle: THandle; mStrings: TStrings): Boolean; var vItemCount: Integer; I: Integer; S: string; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(mStrings) then Exit; mStrings.BeginUpdate; try mStrings.Clear; function GetComboBoxText(mHandle: THandle; mStrings: TStrings): Boolean; var vItemCount: Integer; I: Integer; S: string; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(mStrings) then Exit; mStrings.BeginUpdate; try mStrings.Clear; vItemCount := SendMessage(mHandle, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); for I := 0 to vItemCount - 1 do begin SetLength(S, SendMessage(mHandle, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, I, 0)); SendMessage(mHandle, CB_GETLBTEXT, I, Integer(@S[1])); mStrings.Add(S); end; SetLength(S, 0); finally mStrings.EndUpdate; end; Result := True; end; { GetComboBoxText } //Example procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin RegisterHotKey(Handle, 1, MOD_WIN, VK_F2); RegisterHotKey(Handle, 2, MOD_WIN, VK_F3); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin UnRegisterHotKey(Handle, 1); UnRegisterHotKey(Handle, 2); end; procedure TForm1.WMHOTKEY(var Msg: TWMHOTKEY); begin case Msg.HotKey of 1: GetListBoxText( WindowFromPoint(Point(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y)), MemoText.Lines); 2: GetComboBoxText( WindowFromPoint(Point(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y)), MemoText.Lines); end; end; vItemCount := SendMessage(mHandle, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); for I := 0 to vItemCount - 1 do begin SetLength(S, SendMessage(mHandle, LB_GETTEXTLEN, I, 0)); SendMessage(mHandle, LB_GETTEXT, I, Integer(@S[1])); mStrings.Add(S); end; SetLength(S, 0); finally mStrings.EndUpdate; end; Result := True; end; { GetListBoxText }
xinjier禮品贈品 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:16 回覆:32 積分:9 註冊:2005-08-20 發送簡訊給我 |
[code delphi] //Hwn为外部ListBox的句柄 var buffer: array[0..255] of Char; i, h:integer; begin h := SendMessage(Hwn, LB_GETCOUNT,0, 0); //取LISTBOX行数 for i:=0 to h-1 do SendMessage(Hwn, LB_GETTEXT, i, integer(@buffer)); {buffer为外部ListBox中各行的内容} end; [/code] |
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