請問如何偵測開機時間有多久了!! |
一般會員 發表:1 回覆:0 積分:0 註冊:2005-08-24 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:52 回覆:1600 積分:1995 註冊:2004-09-15 發送簡訊給我 |
The GetTickCount function retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.
DWORD GetTickCount(VOID) Parameters
This function has no parameters. Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.
The elapsed time is stored as a DWORD value. Therefore, the time will wrap around to zero if Windows is run continuously for 49.7 days.
Windows NT: To obtain the time elapsed since the computer was started, look up the System Up Time counter in the performance data in the registry key HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA. The value returned is an 8 byte value.
We will either find a way, or make one. -Hannibal -。
高階會員 發表:46 回覆:308 積分:240 註冊:2004-04-26 發送簡訊給我 |
http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?topic_id=66286 真正要得到這個訊息 根據Delphi 所附的Windows SDK Help
可以去讀取registry, Windows會一直去update HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 內的
資料 可以參考這裡有完整的函式與範例
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetSystemUpTimeNt() // // Uses the registry interface to get the value of the performance counter // '\\localhost\System\System Up Time' in milliseconds (returns 0 on error). // function GetSystemUpTimeNt(): Int64; {$IFDEF WIN32} type PPerfDataBlock = ^TPerfDataBlock; TPerfDataBlock = packed record Signature : array [0..3] of WCHAR; LittleEndian : DWORD; Version : DWORD; Revision : DWORD; TotalByteLength : DWORD; HeaderLength : DWORD; NumObjectTypes : DWORD; DefaultObject : DWORD; SystemTime : SYSTEMTIME; PerfTime : LARGE_INTEGER; PerfFreq : LARGE_INTEGER; PerfTime100nSec : LARGE_INTEGER; SystemNameLength: DWORD; SystemNameOffset: DWORD; end; PPerfObjectType = ^TPerfObjectType; TPerfObjectType = packed record TotalByteLength : DWORD; DefinitionLength : DWORD; HeaderLength : DWORD; ObjectNameTitleIndex: DWORD; ObjectNameTitle : LPWSTR; ObjectHelpTitleIndex: DWORD; ObjectHelpTitle : LPWSTR; DetailLevel : DWORD; NumCounters : DWORD; DefaultCounter : DWORD; NumInstances : DWORD; CodePage : DWORD; PerfTime : LARGE_INTEGER; PerfFreq : LARGE_INTEGER; end; PPerfCounterDefinition = ^TPerfCounterDefinition; TPerfCounterDefinition = packed record ByteLength : DWORD; CounterNameTitleIndex: DWORD; CounterNameTitle : LPWSTR; CounterHelpTitleIndex: DWORD; CounterHelpTitle : LPWSTR; DefaultScale : DWORD; DetailLevel : DWORD; CounterType : DWORD; CounterSize : DWORD; CounterOffset : DWORD; end; PPerfInstanceDefinition = ^TPerfInstanceDefinition; TPerfInstanceDefinition = packed record ByteLength : DWORD; ParentObjectTitleIndex: DWORD; ParentObjectInstance : DWORD; UniqueID : DWORD; NameOffset : DWORD; NameLength : DWORD; end; PLARGE_INTEGER = ^LARGE_INTEGER; const PERF_SIZE_LARGE = $00000100; PERF_TYPE_COUNTER = $00000400; PERF_COUNTER_ELAPSED = $00040000; PERF_OBJECT_TIMER = $00200000; PERF_DISPLAY_SECONDS = $30000000; PERF_ELAPSED_TIME = PERF_SIZE_LARGE or PERF_TYPE_COUNTER or PERF_COUNTER_ELAPSED or PERF_OBJECT_TIMER or PERF_DISPLAY_SECONDS; PERF_NO_INSTANCES = DWORD(-1); var ValSize: DWORD; Counter: PChar; CurrIdx: PChar; CurrStr: PChar; CntrStr: PChar; CntrSys: DWORD; CntrSUT: DWORD; QrySize: DWORD; QryData: PPerfDataBlock; CurrObj: PPerfObjectType; ObjLoop: DWORD; CurrDef: PPerfCounterDefinition; DefLoop: DWORD; ObjInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition; CntrVal: PLARGE_INTEGER; {$ENDIF} begin Result := 0; // indicates failure {$IFDEF WIN32} ValSize := 0; if (RegQueryValueEx(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, 'Counter 009', nil, nil, nil, @ValSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS) then try Inc(ValSize, 1024); Counter := GetMemory(ValSize); if (Counter <> nil) then try if (RegQueryValueEx(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, 'Counter 009', nil, nil, PByte(Counter), @ValSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS) then begin CntrStr := nil; CntrSys := 0; CntrSUT := 0; CurrIdx := Counter; while (CurrIdx[0] <> #0) do begin CurrStr := PChar(@CurrIdx[StrLen(CurrIdx) 1]); if ((CntrSys = 0) and (StrComp(CurrStr, 'System') = 0)) then begin CntrStr := CurrIdx; CntrSys := StrToInt(string(CurrIdx)); if (CntrSUT <> 0) then Break; end; if ((CntrSUT = 0) and (StrComp(CurrStr, 'System Up Time') = 0)) then begin CntrSUT := StrToInt(string(CurrIdx)); if (CntrSys <> 0) then Break; end; CurrIdx := PChar(@CurrStr[StrLen(CurrStr) 1]); end; if ((CntrStr <> nil) and (CntrSys <> 0) and (CntrSUT <> 0)) then begin QrySize := 0; QryData := nil; try repeat Inc(QrySize, 4096); QryData := ReallocMemory(QryData, QrySize); if (QryData = nil) then Break; ValSize := QrySize; until (RegQueryValueEx(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, CntrStr, nil, nil, PByte(QryData), @ValSize) <> ERROR_MORE_DATA); if ((ValSize > 0) and (QryData <> nil)) then if (QryData.Signature = 'PERF') then begin CurrObj := PPerfObjectType(Cardinal(QryData) QryData.HeaderLength); for ObjLoop := 1 to QryData.NumObjectTypes do begin if ((CurrObj.ObjectNameTitleIndex = CntrSys) and (CurrObj.NumInstances > 0) and (CurrObj.PerfFreq.QuadPart >= 1000)) then begin CurrDef := PPerfCounterDefinition(Cardinal(CurrObj) CurrObj.HeaderLength); for DefLoop := 1 to CurrObj.NumCounters do begin if (CurrDef.CounterNameTitleIndex = CntrSUT) and (CurrDef.CounterType = PERF_ELAPSED_TIME) then begin if (CurrObj.NumInstances = PERF_NO_INSTANCES) then CntrVal := PLARGE_INTEGER(Cardinal(CurrObj) CurrObj.DefinitionLength CurrDef.CounterOffset) else begin // first instance ObjInst := PPerfInstanceDefinition(Cardinal(CurrObj) CurrObj.DefinitionLength); CntrVal := PLARGE_INTEGER(Cardinal(ObjInst) ObjInst.ByteLength CurrDef.CounterOffset); end; Result := (CurrObj.PerfTime.QuadPart - CntrVal.QuadPart) div (CurrObj.PerfFreq.QuadPart div 1000); // milliseconds Break; end; CurrDef := PPerfCounterDefinition(Cardinal(CurrDef) CurrDef.ByteLength); end; Break; end; CurrObj := PPerfObjectType(Cardinal(CurrObj) CurrObj.TotalByteLength); end; end; finally if (QryData <> nil) then FreeMemory(QryData); end; end; end; finally FreeMemory(Counter); end; finally RegCloseKey(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA); end; {$ENDIF} end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetSystemUpTime9x() // // Uses GetTickCount() to get the 'System Up Time' in milliseconds. // Will wrap around to zero if the system is run continuously for 49.7 days! // function GetSystemUpTime9x(): Int64; begin {$IFDEF WIN32} Result := GetTickCount(); {$ELSE} Result := 0; {$ENDIF} end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetSystemUpTime() // // Wrapper for GetSystemUpTimeNt() and GetSystemUpTime9x() // function GetSystemUpTime(): Int64; begin Result := GetSystemUpTimeNt(); if (Result = 0) then Result := GetSystemUpTime9x(); end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sample procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var UpTimeNt: Int64; UpTime9x: Int64; begin UpTime9x := GetSystemUpTime9x(); UpTimeNt := GetSystemUpTimeNt(); ShowMessage(Format('GetTickCount: %d day(s) %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3d'#10 'Perf-Counter: %d day(s) %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3d', [UpTime9x div 86400000, UpTime9x mod 86400000 div 3600000, UpTime9x mod 3600000 div 60000, UpTime9x mod 60000 div 1000, UpTime9x mod 1000, UpTimeNt div 86400000, UpTimeNt mod 86400000 div 3600000, UpTimeNt mod 3600000 div 60000, UpTimeNt mod 60000 div 1000, UpTimeNt mod 1000])); end;@瞭解越多.懂得越少@ |
資深會員 發表:30 回覆:299 積分:475 註冊:2005-03-25 發送簡訊給我 |
function UpTime: string; const ticksperday: Integer = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; ticksperhour: Integer = 1000 * 60 * 60; ticksperminute: Integer = 1000 * 60; tickspersecond: Integer = 1000; var t: Longword; d, h, m, s: Integer; begin t := GetTickCount; d := t div ticksperday; Dec(t, d * ticksperday); h := t div ticksperhour; Dec(t, h * ticksperhour); m := t div ticksperminute; Dec(t, m * ticksperminute); s := t div tickspersecond; Result := 'Up Time: ' IntToStr(d) ' Days ' IntToStr(h) ' Hours ' IntToStr(m) ' Minutes ' IntToStr(s) ' Seconds'; end;
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