一个带标题的编辑框 |
一般會員 發表:1 回覆:0 積分:0 註冊:2011-08-04 發送簡訊給我 |
能够自动改变字体大小或者高度以显示全部内容。 另外,在chromium不支持这个编辑框吗? [code delphi] unit ExEdit; interface uses System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, Winapi.Windows, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.StdCtrls, System.SysUtils, Winapi.messages; type TBorders = class(TPersistent) private FRight: Boolean; FBottom: Boolean; FTop: Boolean; FLeft: Boolean; FPen: TPen; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; published property Pen: TPen read FPen write FPen; property Left: Boolean read FLeft write FLeft; property Right: Boolean read FRight write FRight; property Top: Boolean read FTop write FTop; property Bottom: Boolean read FBottom write FBottom; end; TAlterMode = (alterNone, alterFont, alterHeight); TExEdit = class(TWinControl) private FTitle: TCaption; FTitleLength: Integer; FLines: string; fAlterMode: TAlterMode; FBorders: TBorders; fMinHeight: Integer; fMaxFont: Integer; fOldText: string; fMinFont: Integer; fMaxHeight: Integer; procedure WMChar(var Msg: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR; procedure WMKeyDown(var Msg: TWMKeyDown); message WM_KEYDOWN; procedure WMPaint(var Msg: TWMPaint);message WM_PAINT; procedure setLines(const Value: string); procedure setTitle(const Value: TCaption); procedure Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint); function getSelection: TSelection; procedure checkMode(isRecursion: Boolean = False); procedure checkText; procedure setMaxHeight(const Value: Integer); protected { protected declarations } procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure Loaded();override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property Font; property AlterMode: TAlterMode read fAlterMode write fAlterMode; property Borders: TBorders read FBorders write FBorders stored True; property Title: TCaption read FTitle write setTitle; property Lines: string read FLines write setLines; property MinFont: Integer read fMinFont write fMinFont default 12; property MaxHeight: Integer read fMaxHeight write setMaxHeight default 0; end; implementation { TExEdit } procedure TExEdit.checkMode(isRecursion: Boolean); var vhdc: HDC; vidx,vpos,tmpH: Integer; vsize: TSize; begin FLines := string(Text).Substring(FTitleLength); vhdc := GetDC(Self.Handle); vidx := Length(Text); vpos := Perform(EM_POSFROMCHAR,vidx - 1,0); SelectObject(vhdc, Font.Handle); Winapi.Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32(vhdc, 'A', 1, vsize); tmpH := HiWord(vpos) vsize.cy 5; if fAlterMode = alterNone then begin if (vpos = -1) or (tmpH > Height) then Perform(WM_CHAR,VK_BACK,$E0001); end; if fAlterMode = alterFont then begin if (vpos = -1) or (tmpH > Height) then begin Font.Size := Font.Size - 1; if fMinFont > Font.Size then begin Font.Size := fMinFont; Perform(WM_CHAR,VK_BACK,$E0001); end else checkMode(True); end else begin if not isRecursion and (fMaxFont > Font.Size) then begin Font.Size := Font.Size 1; checkMode; end; end; end; if fAlterMode = alterHeight then begin if (vpos = -1) or (tmpH > Height) then begin Height := tmpH; if (fMaxHeight > 0) and (fMaxHeight < height) then begin Height := fMaxHeight; Perform(WM_CHAR,VK_BACK,$E0001); end else checkMode; end else begin Height := tmpH; if fMinHeight > Height then Height := fMinHeight; end; end; end; procedure TExEdit.checkText; begin if fOldText <> Text then begin fOldText := Text; checkMode; end; end; constructor TExEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FBorders := TBorders.Create; FBorders.Left := True; FBorders.Right := True; FBorders.Top := True; FBorders.Bottom := True; fMinFont := 12; fMaxHeight := 0; end; procedure TExEdit.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); CreateSubClass(Params, 'EDIT'); with Params do begin Style := Style or ES_MULTILINE; Style := Style and not WS_CLIPCHILDREN; Style := Style and not WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; end; end; destructor TExEdit.Destroy; begin FBorders.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TExEdit.getSelection: TSelection; begin SendMessage(Handle, EM_GETSEL, NativeInt(@Result.StartPos), NativeInt(@Result.EndPos)); end; procedure TExEdit.Loaded; begin inherited; fMinHeight := Height; fMaxFont := Font.Size; end; type PPoints = ^TPoints; TPoints = array[0..0] of TPoint; procedure TExEdit.Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint); var vhdc: HDC; begin vhdc := GetDC(Self.Handle); SelectObject(vhdc,Borders.Pen.Handle); SetROP2(vhdc, R2_COPYPEN); Winapi.Windows.Polyline(vhdc, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) 1); end; procedure TExEdit.setLines(const Value: string); begin FLines := Value; Text := Title Lines; end; procedure TExEdit.setMaxHeight(const Value: Integer); begin fMaxHeight := Value; if (fMaxHeight > 0) and (fMaxHeight < height) then fMaxHeight := Height; end; procedure TExEdit.setTitle(const Value: TCaption); begin FTitle := Value; FTitleLength := Length(FTitle); Text := Title Lines; end; procedure TExEdit.WMChar(var Msg: TWMChar); var canInherited: Boolean; begin canInherited := False; case Msg.CharCode of VK_BACK: canInherited := (getSelection.StartPos >= FTitleLength) and (getSelection.EndPos > FTitleLength) and (Msg.KeyData <> 0); else canInherited := getSelection.StartPos >= FTitleLength; end; if canInherited then begin inherited; checkText; end; end; procedure TExEdit.WMKeyDown(var Msg: TWMKeyDown); var canInherited: Boolean; begin canInherited := False; case Msg.CharCode of VK_DELETE: canInherited := getSelection.StartPos >= FTitleLength; else canInherited := True; end; if canInherited then begin inherited; checkText; end; end; procedure TExEdit.WMPaint(var Msg: TWMPaint); begin inherited; if Borders.Bottom then Polyline([Point(0, Height-1), Point(Width - 1, Height-1)]); if Borders.Left then Polyline([Point(0, 0), Point(0, Height - 1)]); if Borders.Right then Polyline([Point(Width - 1, 0), Point(Width - 1, Height - 1)]); if Borders.Top then Polyline([Point(0, 0), Point(Width - 1, 0)]); end; { TBorders } constructor TBorders.Create; begin FPen := TPen.Create; end; destructor TBorders.Destroy; begin FPen.Free; inherited Destroy; end; end. [/code] |
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