請問按鍵精靈的鍵盤部分是怎樣做的? |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:17 回覆:18 積分:7 註冊:2003-01-17 發送簡訊給我 |
高階會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:13 回覆:145 積分:151 註冊:2005-03-14 發送簡訊給我 |
发送键盘使用 keybd_event; 下面是一个模拟键盘输入的函数,下面还有使用例程,可以参考一下:
Procedure PostKeyEx32( key: Word; Const shift: TShiftState; specialkey: Boolean ); {************************************************************ * Procedure PostKeyEx32 * * Parameters: * key : virtual keycode of the key to send. For printable * keys this is simply the ANSI code (Ord(character)). * shift : state of the modifier keys. This is a set, so you * can set several of these keys (shift, control, alt, * mouse buttons) in tandem. The TShiftState type is * declared in the Classes Unit. * specialkey: normally this should be False. Set it to True to * specify a key on the numeric keypad, for example. * Description: * Uses keybd_event to manufacture a series of key events matching * the passed parameters. The events go to the control with focus. * Note that for characters key is always the upper-case version of * the character. Sending without any modifier keys will result in * a lower-case character, sending it with [ssShift] will result * in an upper-case character! *Created: 17.7.98 by P. Below ************************************************************} Type TShiftKeyInfo = Record shift: Byte; vkey : Byte; End; byteset = Set of 0..7; Const shiftkeys: Array [1..3] of TShiftKeyInfo = ((shift: Ord(ssCtrl); vkey: VK_CONTROL ), (shift: Ord(ssShift); vkey: VK_SHIFT ), (shift: Ord(ssAlt); vkey: VK_MENU )); Var flag: DWORD; bShift: ByteSet absolute shift; i: Integer; Begin For i := 1 To 3 Do Begin If shiftkeys[i].shift In bShift Then keybd_event( shiftkeys[i].vkey, MapVirtualKey(shiftkeys[i].vkey, 0), 0, 0); End; { For } If specialkey Then flag := KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY Else flag := 0; keybd_event( key, MapvirtualKey( key, 0 ), flag, 0 ); flag := flag or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; keybd_event( key, MapvirtualKey( key, 0 ), flag, 0 ); For i := 3 DownTo 1 Do Begin If shiftkeys[i].shift In bShift Then keybd_event(shiftkeys[i].vkey, MapVirtualKey(shiftkeys[i].vkey, 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); End; { For } End; { PostKeyEx32 }使用方法 按下 A 键: PostKeyEx32(ORD('A'), [], FALSE); 还可以发组合键,如 Ctrl Alt C: PostKeyEx32(ORD('C'), [ssctrl, ssAlt], FALSE); 發表人 - vicen 於 2005/10/13 15:13:14 |
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