如何處理 word 之合併列印 |
一般會員 發表:16 回覆:20 積分:7 註冊:2002-10-05 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:16 回覆:20 積分:7 註冊:2002-10-05 發送簡訊給我 |
如何自動化 Word 以執行 [合併列印],從 Delphi 網址: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/229310/zh-tw 參考他的作法,解決了我的問題. 我的程式如下 我不知是否該結案,因為仍有兩點疑惑,希望前輩能解惑 1.感覺上,這個方法,不太直接,要開一個暫存的 doc 當做資料來源,是否可用 dataset 直接合併? 2.如果我要合併一筆資料的欄位很多,那麼暫存 doc 的 table 不就要一直往右邊延伸,會不會有版面不夠寬的問題? 我暫且不結案,若一週後,仍無人幫忙回答,我再結案. 謝謝! [code delphi] unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Db, DBTables, Buttons; type TForm1 = class(TForm) SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; Query1: TQuery; procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } wrdApp, wrdDoc: Variant; procedure CreateMailMergeDataFile; procedure FillRow(Doc : Variant; Row : Integer; Text1,Text2 : String); public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses ComObj; Const wdAlignParagraphLeft = 0; Const wdAlignParagraphCenter = 1; Const wdAlignParagraphRight = 2; Const wdAlignParagraphJustify = 3; Const wdAdjustNone = 0; Const wdGray25 = 16; Const wdGoToLine = 3; Const wdGoToLast = -1; Const wdSendToNewDocument = 0; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.CreateMailMergeDataFile; var wrdDataDoc : Variant; iCount : Integer; begin // Create a data source at C:\DataDoc.doc containing the field data wrdDoc.MailMerge.CreateDataSource('C:\DataDoc.doc',,,'f1, f2'); // Open the file to insert data wrdDataDoc := wrdApp.Documents.Open('C:\DataDoc.doc'); //Query the data With Query1 do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Text:='Select * from custom where Nno=' '''' 'BB0002' ''''; Open; // Fill in the data FillRow(wrdDataDoc, 2, FieldByName('Nno').AsString, FieldByName('Name').AsString); Close; end; // Save and close the file wrdDataDoc.Save; wrdDataDoc.Close(False); end; procedure TForm1.FillRow(Doc: Variant; Row: Integer; Text1, Text2: String); begin Doc.Tables.Item(1).Cell(Row,1).Range.InsertAfter(Text1); Doc.Tables.Item(1).Cell(Row,2).Range.InsertAfter(Text2); end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var wrdSelection, wrdMailMerge, wrdMergeFields : Variant; begin // Create an instance of Word and make it visible wrdApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); wrdApp.Visible := True; wrdApp.Documents.Add(Template:='D:\TemplateFile\f1.dot',NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0); wrdDoc:=wrdApp.ActiveDocument; wrdSelection := wrdApp.Selection; wrdMailMerge := wrdDoc.MailMerge; // Create MailMerge data file CreateMailMergeDataFile; // Perform mail merge wrdMailMerge.Destination := wdSendToNewDocument; wrdMailMerge.Execute(False); // Close the original form document wrdDoc.Saved := True; wrdDoc.Close(False); // Notify the user we are done. ShowMessage('Mail Merge Complete.'); // Clean up temp file DeleteFile('C:\DataDoc.doc'); end; end. [/code] |
站務副站長 發表:377 回覆:5490 積分:4563 註冊:2002-10-08 發送簡訊給我 |
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