Delphi有WinCE的IDE的開發環境嗎? |
一般會員 發表:35 回覆:42 積分:15 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
站長 發表:12216 回覆:4186 積分:4084 註冊:2001-07-25 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 就我所知微軟的EVB、EVC可以開發WinCE程式 請問Delphi有相關姊妹產品可以開發WinCE程式嗎有一個元件可與plam/wince通訊 可供您參考 發行公司 原文: By ASTA Technology Group. ASTA 2.6 is a mature product with a very large feature set with a help file that is almost 1 meg in size, almost 100 tutorials and support for 25 different Delphi 3rd Party Database Components that can be used on ASTA servers. ASTA has users in over 75 countries world wide with thousands of ASTA application deployed world wide running over LANS, WANS and the Internet. ASTA has continued to be an N Tier innovator with new features like ASTA Middleware Triggers and Default Values and Provider Broadcasts and continuing with true cross platform support for Palm, WinCE, Linux PDA and Java Clients. ~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~ |
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