Delphi中如何知道每年的中秋節是幾月幾號? |
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高階會員 發表:13 回覆:134 積分:134 註冊:2002-05-23 發送簡訊給我 |
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure Lunar2Solar(LYear, LMonth, LDay: integer; var SYear, SMonth, SDay: integer); procedure ProcessMagicStr(yy: integer); procedure CovertLunarMonth(magicno: integer); { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; LMDay : array[1..13] of integer; InterMonth, InterMonthDays, SLRangeDay : integer; const SMDay : array[1..12] of integer = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); SMDay2 : array[1..12] of integer = (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); LongLife : array[1..100] of string[9] = ( '132637048', '133365036', '053365225', '132900044', '131386034', '022778122', //6 '132395041', '071175231', '131175050', '132635038', '052891127', '131701046', //12 '131748035', '042741223', '130694043', '132391032', '021327122', '131175040', //18 '061623129', '133402047', '133402036', '051769125', '131453044', '130694034', //24 '032158223', '132350041', '073213230', '133221049', '133402038', '063466226', //30 '132901045', '131130035', '042651224', '130605043', '132349032', '023371121', //36 '132709040', '072901128', '131738047', '132901036', '051333226', '131210044', //42 '132651033', '031111223', '131323042', '082714130', '133733048', '131706038', //48 '062794127', '132741045', '131206035', '042734124', '132647043', '131318032', //54 '033878120', '133477039', '071461129', '131386047', '132413036', '051245126', //60 '131197045', '132637033', '043405122', '133365041', '083413130', '132900048', //66 '132922037', '062394227', '132395046', '131179035', '042711124', '132635043', //72 '102855132', '131701050', '131748039', '062804128', '132742047', '132359036', //78 '051199126', '131175045', '131611034', '031866122', '133749040', '081717130', //84 '131452049', '132742037', '052413127', '132350046', '133222035', '043477123', //90 '133402042', '133493031', '021877121', '131386039', '072747128', '130605048', //96 '132349037', '053243125', '132709044', '132890033' ); implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Lunar2Solar(LYear, LMonth, LDay : integer; var SYear, SMonth, SDay : integer); var i, day, j : integer; SMDay3: Array[1..12] of Integer; begin day := 0; SYear := LYear; For j := 1 to 12 do begin SMDay3[j] := SMDay[j]; if isLeapYear(SYear 1911) then SMDay3[j] := SMDay2[j]; end; processmagicstr(SYear); if LMonth < 0 then day := LMDay[InterMonth]; if LMonth <> 1 then for i := 1 to LMonth-1 do day := day LMDay[i]; day := day LDay SLRangeDay; if (InterMonth <> 13) and (InterMonth < LMonth) then day := day InterMonthDays; for i := 1 to 12 do begin day := day - SMDay3[i]; if day <= 0 then break; end; if day > 0 then begin SYear := SYear 1; For j := 1 to 12 do begin SMDay3[j] := SMDay[j]; if isLeapYear(SYear 1911) then SMDay3[j] := SMDay2[j]; end; for i := 1 to 12 do begin day := day - SMDay3[i]; if day <= 0 then break; end; end; day := day SMDay3[i]; SMonth := i; SDay := day; end; procedure TForm1.ProcessMagicStr(yy : integer); var magicstr : string; dsize, LunarMonth : integer; begin magicstr := LongLife[yy]; InterMonth := StrToInt(Copy(magicstr, 1, 2)); LunarMonth := StrToInt(copy(magicstr, 3, 4)); CovertLunarMonth(LunarMonth); dsize := StrToInt(Copy(magicstr, 7, 1)); case dsize of 0: InterMonthDays := 0; 1: InterMonthDays := 29; 2: InterMonthDays := 30; end; SLRangeDay := StrToInt(Copy(Magicstr, 8, 2)); end; procedure TForm1.CovertLunarMonth(magicno : integer); var i, size, m : integer; begin m := magicno; For i := 12 downto 1 do begin size := m mod 2; if size = 0 then LMDay[i] := 29 else LMDay[i] := 30; m := m div 2; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var y, m, d: Integer; begin Lunar2Solar(93, 8, 15, y, m, d); ShowMessage(IntToStr(y) '/' IntToStr(m) '/' IntToStr(d)); end; end. |
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