讀取檔案至StringGrid |
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:10 積分:5 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
If I hva a txt file: 1 2 3
2 3 4
3 12 11
4 5 7
5 8 9 I want load in StringGrid Because StringGrid is a n*n metrix, So I can use it to record my any cities distance, So I use next describe to code, but is wrong StringGrid.TStringGrid.LoadFromFile('test.txt'); please help. Thanks, River
站長 發表:12216 回覆:4186 積分:4084 註冊:2001-07-25 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: If I hva a txt file: 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 12 11 4 5 7 5 8 9 I want load in StringGrid Because StringGrid is a n*n metrix, So I can use it to record my any cities distance, So I use next describe to code, but is wrong StringGrid.TStringGrid.LoadFromFile('test.txt'); please help. Thanks, RiverStringGrid未提供LoadFromFile的指令 您可能要自己讀檔拆欄位一個一個寫入,練習一下吧! AssignFile(F, OpenDialog1.FileName); Reset(F); Readln(F, S);{ Read the first line out of the file } CloseFile(F); StringGrid.cells[1,1]:=s1; StringGrid.cells[1,2]:=s2; StringGrid.cells[1,3]:=s3; ~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~ |
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