一個不太明白的變數次序的問題 |
中階會員 發表:59 回覆:168 積分:65 註冊:2004-05-17 發送簡訊給我 |
在一個Unit裡有個property Operation: Byte read GetOperation write SetOperation;,底下有個procedure Do_Operation(Sender: TObject),內容如下:
procedure Do_Operation(Sender: TObject); begin if Operation = 0 then begin ... end else begin ... Something(Operation); end; end; 可是奇怪的問題是,在別處呼叫此procedure時,例必先呼叫Do_Operation(Sender),然後再設定Operation的值,請問這種次序對嗎? 例子: Do_Operation(Sender); Operation := 1; 我想問的是,那Do_Operation(Sender)被呼叫時,它的Operation的內容是什麼? 這是我在一個計算機的原始碼看到的。 編輯記錄
stacker_liew 重新編輯於 2019-01-11 10:26:44, 註解 無‧
版主 發表:603 回覆:4038 積分:3874 註冊:2006-10-31 發送簡訊給我 |
沒看到全部的前後關係, 不好說, 但我自己的看法是
Operation 是一個 property, 為 Byte形態, 存取會被 GetOperation, SetPoeration 事件所觸發, 與 Do_Operation 是沒有關係的, 也就是 Do_Operation就是一個procedure , 當設定 Operation := 1 會觸發 Write SetOperation, 至於它與 Do_Operation 有何觸發關連, 看不太出來! 以上純就提供的內容判斷, 對錯與否僅代表本看法! ===================引 用 stacker_liew 文 章=================== 在一個Unit裡有個property Operation: Byte read GetOperation write SetOperation;,底下有個procedure Do_Operation(Sender: TObject),內容如下: procedure Do_Operation(Sender: TObject); begin if Operation = 0 then begin ... end else begin ... Something(Operation); end; end; 可是奇怪的問題是,在別處呼叫此procedure時,例必先呼叫Do_Operation(Sender),然後再設定Operation的值,請問這種次序對嗎? 例子: Do_Operation(Sender); Operation := 1; 我想問的是,那Do_Operation(Sender)被呼叫時,它的Operation的內容是什麼? 這是我在一個計算機的原始碼看到的。 |
中階會員 發表:59 回覆:168 積分:65 註冊:2004-05-17 發送簡訊給我 |
中階會員 發表:59 回覆:168 積分:65 註冊:2004-05-17 發送簡訊給我 |
unit CalculatorFrm;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, math, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, jpeg; type TCalculatorForm = class(TForm) LabelDisplay: TLabel; LabelInverse: TLabel; BgImg: TImage; Img0: TImage; Img1: TImage; img4: TImage; img5: TImage; Img2: TImage; img3: TImage; img6: TImage; img7: TImage; img8: TImage; img9: TImage; ImgPlus: TImage; ImgMin: TImage; ImgMult: TImage; ImgDiv: TImage; ImgEqual: TImage; ImgClose: TImage; ImgMinimize: TImage; PointImg: TImage; PiImg: TImage; InvImg: TImage; XyImg: TImage; ExpImg: TImage; SinImg: TImage; CosImg: TImage; TanImg: TImage; XinvImg: TImage; RootImg: TImage; X2Img: TImage; LogImg: TImage; LnImg: TImage; PmImg: TImage; McImg: TImage; MrImg: TImage; MpImg: TImage; CImg: TImage; AcImg: TImage; ImgAbout: TImage; RanImg: TImage; LabelMemory: TLabel; RoundImg: TImage; IntImg: TImage; FactImg: TImage; LabelDecimal: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnDivClick(Sender: TObject); Procedure Do_Operation(Sender: TObject); Procedure FindResult(Op: Byte); procedure Img0MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Img0MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Img0MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ImgMinimizeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ImgCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BgImgMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ImgAboutClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FNumb1: Extended; FNumb2: Extended; FStoreResult: Extended; FMem1: Extended; FOperation: Byte; // 1 = addition, 2 = subtr., 3 = Multip., 4 = div. FPoint: Boolean; FOk: Boolean; FXy: Boolean; FPressed: Boolean; function GetNumb1: Extended; procedure SetNumb1(const Value: Extended); function GetNumb2: Extended; procedure SetNumb2(const Value: Extended); function GetOperation: Byte; procedure SetOperation(const Value: Byte); function GetStoreResult: Extended; procedure SetStoreResult(const Value: Extended); function GetMem1: Extended; procedure SetMem1(const Value: Extended); function GetPoint: Boolean; procedure SetPoint(const Value: Boolean); function GetOk: Boolean; procedure SetOk(const Value: Boolean); function GetXy: Boolean; procedure SetXy(const Value: Boolean); function GetPressed: Boolean; procedure SetPressed(const Value: Boolean); public { Public declarations } property Numb1: Extended read GetNumb1 write SetNumb1; property Numb2: Extended read GetNumb2 write SetNumb2; property StoreResult: Extended read GetStoreResult write SetStoreResult; property Mem1: Extended read GetMem1 write SetMem1; property Operation: Byte read GetOperation write SetOperation; property Point: Boolean read GetPoint write SetPoint; property Ok: Boolean read GetOk write SetOk; property Xy: Boolean read GetXy write SetXy; property Pressed: Boolean read GetPressed write SetPressed; end; var CalculatorForm: TCalculatorForm; implementation uses AboutFrm; {$R *.dfm} procedure TCalculatorForm.Do_Operation(Sender: TObject); begin if Operation = 0 then begin Numb1 := StrToFloat(LabelDisplay.Caption); end else begin Numb2 := StrToFloat(LabelDisplay.Caption); FindResult(Operation); end; Ok := True; Point := False; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.FindResult(Op: Byte); begin case Op of 1: StoreResult := (Numb1 Numb2); 2: StoreResult := (Numb1 - Numb2); 3: StoreResult := (Numb1 * Numb2); 4: StoreResult := (Numb1 / Numb2); else Exit; end; Numb1 := StoreResult; with LabelDisplay do Caption := FloatToStr(StoreResult); Operation := 0; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Byte; Rgn: THandle; begin Rgn := CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, BgImg.Width, BgImg.Height, 20, 20); SetWindowRgn(Handle, Rgn, True); DeleteObject(Rgn); with LabelDisplay do Caption := '0'; Numb1 := 0; Numb2 := 0; Mem1 := 0; Point := False; Xy := False; Operation := 0; StoreResult := 0; Pressed := False; for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do if (Components[I] is TImage) then if (TImage(Components[I]).Tag < 1000) then TImage(Components[I]).Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceID(HInstance, (TImage(Components[I]).Tag 1) * 10); end; procedure TCalculatorForm.BtnDivClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Ok then Exit; Do_Operation(Sender); Operation := 4; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.Img0MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button <> MBLeft then Exit; TImage(Sender).Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceID(HInstance, (TImage(Sender).Tag 1) * 10 1); Pressed := True; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.Img0MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var I, M: Extended; begin if (Button <> MBLeft) or not Pressed then Exit; TImage(Sender).Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceID(HInstance, (TImage(Sender).Tag 1) * 10); case TImage(Sender).Tag of 0 .. 9: begin // numbers 0..9 with LabelDisplay do begin if (Caption = '0') then Caption := ''; if (Ok and not Point) then begin Caption := ''; Ok := False; end; if Length(Caption) >= 15 then Exit; Caption := Caption IntToStr(TImage(Sender).Tag); end; end; 10 .. 13: begin // opeartions -*/ if Ok then Exit; Do_Operation(Sender); Operation := TImage(Sender).Tag - 9; end; 14: begin // equal = with LabelDisplay do begin if (Numb1 = 0) or (Operation = 0) and not Xy then Exit; Numb2 := StrToFloat(Caption); if Operation <> 0 then FindResult(Operation) else if Xy then begin Numb1 := Power(Numb1, Numb2); Caption := FloatToStr(Numb1); with LabelInverse do Visible := False; Xy := False; end; Point := False; Numb1 := StrToFloat(Caption); Numb2 := 0; StoreResult := 0; end; end; 15: begin // Point with LabelDisplay do begin if (Pos('.', Caption) > 0) and (Operation = 0) then Exit; if not Ok then Caption := Caption '.' else Caption := '0,'; Point := True; end; end; 16: begin // pi with LabelDisplay do begin Caption := FloatToStr(Pi); Point := True; Ok := False; end; end; 17: begin // inverse with LabelInverse do begin Caption := 'Inverse'; Hint := 'Inverse function'; if Xy then begin Visible := False; Xy := False; with LabelDisplay do Caption := FloatToStr(Numb1); end; Visible := not Visible; end; end; 18: begin // Power Xy with LabelDisplay do begin if (Caption = '0') and not Xy then Exit; if not Xy then begin with LabelInverse do begin Caption := 'Power'; Hint := 'Power function (X^Y)'; Visible := True; end; Xy := True; Numb1 := StrToFloat(Caption); Caption := '0'; end else begin with LabelInverse do Visible := False; Xy := False; Caption := FloatToStr(Numb1); end; Ok := False; end; end; 19: begin // exponential E with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '0' then Caption := ''; if Operation = 0 then begin Caption := Caption ('E'); Numb1 := StrToFloat(Caption); end else begin Caption := ('E'); Numb2 := StrToFloat(Caption); end; end; end; 20: begin // sine and sine inverse with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); with LabelInverse do begin if Visible and not Xy then begin if (I < -1) or (I > 1) then Exit; I := ArcSin(I) * 180 / Pi; Visible := False; end else I := Sin(I * Pi / 180); end; Caption := FloatToStr(I); Ok := False; end; end; 21: begin // cosine and cosine inverse with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); with LabelInverse do begin if Visible and not Xy then begin if (I < -1) or (I > 1) then Exit; I := ArcCos(I) * 180 / Pi; Visible := False; end else I := Cos(I * Pi / 180); end; Caption := FloatToStr(I); Ok := False; end; end; 22: begin // tan and tan inverse with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); with LabelInverse do begin if Visible and not Xy then begin I := ArcTan(I) * 180 / Pi; Visible := False; end else I := Tan(I * Pi / 180); end; Caption := FloatToStr(I); Ok := False; end; end; 23: begin // 1/x with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '0' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); I := (1 / I); Caption := FloatToStr(I); Ok := False; end; end; 24: begin // root with LabelDisplay do begin if (Caption = '0') then Exit else if (Copy(Caption, 1, 1) = '-') then begin MessageBox(Handle, 'Negative Numbers Are Not Allowed!', 'Negative Numbers', MB_Ok); Exit; end; I := StrToFloat(Caption); I := Sqrt(I); Caption := FloatToStr(I); end; end; 25: begin // x square with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '0' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); I := Sqr(I); Caption := FloatToStr(I); end; end; 26: begin // log and 10^(x) with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '0' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); with LabelInverse do begin if Visible then begin I := Power(10, I); Visible := False; end else I := Log10(I); end; Caption := FloatToStr(I); Ok := False; end; end; 27: begin // Ln and exp(x) with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '0' then Exit; I := StrToFloat(Caption); with LabelInverse do begin if Visible then begin I := Exp(I); Visible := False; end else I := Ln(I); end; Caption := FloatToStr(I); Ok := False; end; end; 28: begin // /- with LabelDisplay do begin if Caption = '0' then Exit; if Copy(Caption, Length(Caption), 1) = 'E' then Caption := Caption '-' else if Copy(Caption, Length(Caption), 1) = '-' then Copy(Caption, 1, Length(Caption) - 1) else if Copy(Caption, 1, 1) = '-' then Caption := Copy(Caption, 2, Length(Caption)) else Caption := '-' Caption; if Operation = 0 then Numb1 := StrToFloat(Caption); end; end; 29: begin // Mc with LabelMemory do begin Mem1 := 0; Visible := False; end; end; 30: begin // MR with LabelDisplay do begin Caption := FloatToStr(Mem1); if Operation = 0 then Numb1 := StrToFloat(Caption) else Numb2 := StrToFloat(Caption); end; end; 31: begin // M with LabelDisplay do Mem1 := Mem1 StrToFloat(Caption); with LabelMemory do Visible := True; end; 32: begin // C if Operation = 0 then Numb1 := 0 else Numb2 := 0; with LabelDisplay do Caption := '0'; end; 33: begin // AC Numb1 := 0; Numb2 := 0; StoreResult := 0; Point := False; Ok := False; Operation := 0; with LabelDisplay do Caption := '0'; end; 34: begin // Random number Randomize; I := (random(1000) 1) / 1000; with LabelDisplay do Caption := FloatToStr(I); end; 35: begin // Fictorial; with LabelDisplay do begin if Pos(',', Caption) > 0 then begin Application.MessageBox('Real numbers are not allowed!', 'Error', MB_Ok MB_IconStop); Ok := False; Exit; end; if Caption = '0' then begin Caption := '1'; Exit; end; I := StrToFloat(Caption); if I > 60 then begin Application.MessageBox('Large value!', 'Error', MB_Ok MB_IconStop); Ok := False; Exit; end; M := I; repeat M := M - 1; I := I * M; until M <= 1; Caption := FloatToStr(I); end; end; 36: begin // Integer value with LabelDisplay do begin I := StrToFloat(Caption); I := Int(I); Caption := FloatToStr(I); Point := False; Ok := False; end; end; 37: begin // Rounded to the nearest integer with LabelDisplay do begin I := StrToFloat(Caption); I := Round(I); Caption := FloatToStr(I); Point := False; Ok := False; end; end; end; // case end; procedure TCalculatorForm.Img0MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin If not(ssLeft in Shift) then Exit; if (X <= 0) or (X >= (Sender as TImage).Width) or (Y <= 0) or (Y >= (Sender as TImage).Height) then begin TImage(Sender).Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceID(HInstance, (TImage(Sender).Tag 1) * 10); Pressed := False; end else begin TImage(Sender).Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceID(HInstance, (TImage(Sender).Tag 1) * 10 1); Pressed := True; end; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.ImgMinimizeClick(Sender: TObject); begin Application.Minimize; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.ImgCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin Application.Terminate; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.BgImgMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin ReleaseCapture; Perform(Wm_SysCommand, $F012, 0); end; procedure TCalculatorForm.ImgAboutClick(Sender: TObject); begin AboutForm.ShowModal; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetNumb1: Extended; begin Result := FNumb1; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetNumb1(const Value: Extended); begin if FNumb1 <> Value then FNumb1 := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetNumb2: Extended; begin Result := FNumb2; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetNumb2(const Value: Extended); begin if FNumb2 <> Value then FNumb2 := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetOperation: Byte; begin Result := FOperation; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetOperation(const Value: Byte); begin if FOperation <> Value then FOperation := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetStoreResult: Extended; begin Result := FStoreResult; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetStoreResult(const Value: Extended); begin if FStoreResult <> Value then FStoreResult := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetMem1: Extended; begin Result := FMem1; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetMem1(const Value: Extended); begin if FMem1 <> Value then FMem1 := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetPoint: Boolean; begin Result := FPoint; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetPoint(const Value: Boolean); begin if FPoint <> Value then FPoint := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetOk: Boolean; begin Result := FOk; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetOk(const Value: Boolean); begin if FOk <> Value then FOk := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetXy: Boolean; begin Result := FXy; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetXy(const Value: Boolean); begin if FXy <> Value then FXy := Value; end; function TCalculatorForm.GetPressed: Boolean; begin Result := FPressed; end; procedure TCalculatorForm.SetPressed(const Value: Boolean); begin if FPressed <> Value then FPressed := Value; end; end. ===================引 用 stacker_liew 文 章=================== 那個GetOperation和SetOperation跟我們一般設定最普通的property方法沒有什麼特別,所以應該問題不是在這裡。我只是不明白的是為什麼不是在呼叫Do_Operation(Sender)前先設定Operation,而是在Do_Operation(Sender)後再設定Operation這樣有意義嗎?
stacker_liew 重新編輯於 2019-01-14 18:27:29, 註解 無‧
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