為何我安裝firebird 2.1版中沒有順便安裝Firebird Server Manager? |
高階會員 發表:368 回覆:251 積分:123 註冊:2002-03-19 發送簡訊給我 |
為何我安裝firebird 2.1版中沒有順便安裝Firebird Server Manager?因為在http://www.achim-kalwa.de/fbcc.phtml有提到一段話Early Firebird 1.0.x versions did not include a control panel applet to start/stop the server (as known from Interbase 6 Open Edition). So I've created my own "Firebird Control Panel Applet". Since Firebird 1.5 now includes a native "Firebird Server Manager", I decided to rename my CPL to "Firebird Control Center", hoping to avoid confusion.
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