How to use exception correctly in Oracle? |
一般會員 發表:3 回覆:13 積分:3 註冊:2005-04-17 發送簡訊給我 |
In oracle, assume we have the following tables
Employee (eid, name)
Actor (aid, nationality)
Director (did, level)
Movie (mname, year, did, d_pay)
Starring (aid, mname, a_pay)
Sequel (original_name, sequel_name) And the requirement is
Let the “expenditure” of a movie be the total amount of money paid to its director and actors.
Then, the expenditure of any sequel should not exceed that of the original movie. I wrote
create or replace trigger overexpenditure before insert on sequel1 for each row Declare tempd_pay1 Integer; tempa_pay1 Integer; tempd_pay2 Integer; tempa_pay2 Integer; cost1 Integer; cost2 Integer; Begin select d_pay into tempd_pay1 from movie1 where mname = :new.original_name; exception when no_data_found then tempd_pay1:=0; select sum(a_pay) into tempa_pay1 from starring1 group by mname having mname = :new.original_name; exception when no_data_found then tempa_pay1:=0; select d_pay int 2 o tempd_pay2 from movie1 where mname = :new.sequel_name; exception when no_data_found then tempd_pay2:=0; select sum(a_pay) into tempa_pay2 from starring1 group by mname having mname = :new.sequel_name; exception when no_data_found then tempa_pay2:=0; cost1:=tempd_pay1 tempa_pay1; cost2:=tempd_pay2 tempa_pay2; if (cost2>cost1) Then raise_application_error (-20000, 'Illegal insert becasue expenditure of sequel is exceed its original'); end if; end; . run;But it doesn't work... However..if I type create or replace trigger overexpenditure before insert on sequel1 for each row Declare tempd_pay1 Integer; tempa_pay1 Integer; tempd_pay2 Integer; tempa_pay2 Integer; cost1 Integer; cost2 Integer; Begin select d_pay into tempd_pay1 from movie1 where mname = :new.original_name; if sql%rowcount=0 then tempd_pay1:=0; end if; select sum(a_pay) into tempa_pay1 from starring1 group by mname having mname = :new.original_name; if sql%rowcount=0 then tempa_pay1:=0; end if; select d_pay into tempd_pay2 from movie1 where mname = :new.sequel_name; if sql%rowcount=0 then tempd_pay2:=0; end if; select sum(a_pay) into tempa_pay2 from starring1 group by mname having mname = :new.sequel_name; if sql%rowcount=0 then tempa_pay2:=0; end if; cost1:=tempd_pay1 tempa_pay1; cost2:=tempd_pay2 tempa_pay2; if (cost2>cost1) Then raise_application_error (-20000, 'Illegal insert becasue expenditure of sequel is exceed its original'); end if; end; . run;It will also output the following error message when I input [blue] insert into sequel1 values('troy returns', 'troy returns again'); ERROR at line 1: ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "C50481550.OVEREXPENDITURE", line 13 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'C50481550.OVEREXPENDITURE' Please help me~~~ I spent a lot of time on it... |
一般會員 發表:3 回覆:13 積分:3 註冊:2005-04-17 發送簡訊給我 |
I have a new idea for the requirement, that is to create 2 function plus the trigger...
however, it has compilation error...
please help me to correct the syntax below....
create or replace function chkexistd (targetname1 varchar2(50)) return Integer as temp1 Integer; begin select d_pay into temp1 from movie1 where mname = targetname1; return temp1; Exception when no_data_found then temp1:=0; return temp1; end; / create or replace function chkexista (targetname2 varchar2(50)) return Integer as temp2; begin select sum(a_pay) into temp2 from starring1 group by mname having mname =targetname2; return temp2; Exception when no_data_found then temp2:=0; return temp2; end chkexista; / create or replace trigger overexpenditure before insert on sequel1 for each row Declare tempd_pay1 Integer; tempa_pay1 Integer; tempd_pay2 Integer; tempa_pay2 Integer; cost1 Integer; cost2 Integer; Begin tempd_pay1=chkexistd(:new.original_name); tempa_pay1=chkexista(:new.original_name); tempd_pay2=chkexistd(:new.sequel_name); tempa_pay2=chkexista(:new.sequel_name); cost1:=tempd_pay1 tempa_pay1; cost2:=tempd_pay2 tempa_pay2; if (cost2>cost1) Then raise_application_error (-20000, 'Illegal insert becasue expenditure of sequel is exceed its original'); end if; end; . run; /Thanks you |
一般會員 發表:3 回覆:13 積分:3 註冊:2005-04-17 發送簡訊給我 |
The error of the first function is the following
------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following: := . ) , @ % default character
The symbol ":=" was substituted for "(" to continue.
尊榮會員 發表:120 回覆:1949 積分:2163 註冊:2006-10-28 發送簡訊給我 |
Hi tom18mychan,
create or replace function chkexista(targetname2 in varchar2) return integer is temp2 integer; begin begin select nvl(sum(a_pay),0) into temp2 from starring1 where mname = targetname2; Exception when no_data_found then temp2:=0; end; return temp2; end chkexista ;發表人 -
Fishman |
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