dbexpress元件組可否存取access之.mdb資料庫? |
高階會員 發表:368 回覆:251 積分:123 註冊:2002-03-19 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:94 回覆:1934 積分:2030 註冊:2003-03-12 發送簡訊給我 |
高階會員 發表:368 回覆:251 積分:123 註冊:2002-03-19 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 免費 (經 odbc) http://sourceforge.net/projects/open-dbexpress 商業 (oledb) http://www.oledbdirect.com/ 相關討論 http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=zh-TW&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Delphi+dbexpress+mdb&sa=N&tab=wg&lr=lang_zh-CN%7Clang_zh-TW%7Clang_en謝謝Justmade板主指教: 連結到http://www.oledbdirect.com/ 得到以下內容: Download Register OleDb Express is dbExpress driver for MS SQL Server, MS Access, MS Excel and other OLEDB providers. It works with not all oledb providers. To work with OLEDB Express OLEDB provider must be able to determine command parameters from command text and support convertion of string data to/from BSTR. OleDb Express is included in OLEDB Direct Components Suite. Source code of OleDb Express is available in OLEDB Direct Components Suite full version (with source code). Microsoft SQL Server You can specify Database, User_name and Password. Database corresponds to Initial Catalog property in ADO connection string. If user_name is empty string then Integrated security=SSPI is used. Microsoft Jet Database is file name of MS Access database. Connection uses with Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider. Microsoft Excel Database is file name of MS Excel file. Connection uses with Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider with Extended properties=Excel 8.0. General Database is connection string to your database. User_name and password are ignored. Not all oledb providers are supported. Connection uses oledb provider without ADO engine, so some parts of connection string that are ADO specific are ignored. Client Cursor Engine Connects to database with Client Cursor Engine (ADO engine). Connection string is completely compatible with ADO connection string. Database is connection string to your database. User_name and password are ignored. To work with this provider it is very recommended to download last Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) http://www.microsoft.com/data. Please send you suggestions and bug-reports to support@oledbdirect.com and bugs@oledbdirect.com respectively 想再請教Justmade板主幾個問題(因為個人英文程度差): 1.上述是否表示user可透過delphi之dbexpress元件去存取access之.mdb資料庫? 2.上述之OLEDB Direct Components Suite是否免費? 3.會問這問題是想了解一種存取元件(dbexpress)不想在了解其他存取元件(ado) 4.這是個人主觀看法,個人覺得bde及dbexpress元件在錯誤例外處理方面做得比ado元件好或說比較好寫程式碼,不曉得Justmade板主同不同意這觀點? 5.在RDBMS我比較喜愛interbase而不喜歡MS SQL SERVER(因為我不喜歡MS SQL SERVER這名字),在這情況dbexpress元件是不是最佳選擇(但對桌上型資料庫我卻很喜歡ACCESS)? 6.直接使用DBEXPRESS元件(DELPHI內附)可否直接去存取access之.mdb資料庫? |
版主 發表:94 回覆:1934 積分:2030 註冊:2003-03-12 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 1.上述是否表示user可透過delphi之dbexpress元件去存取access之.mdb資料庫? 2.上述之OLEDB Direct Components Suite是否免費? 3.會問這問題是想了解一種存取元件(dbexpress)不想在了解其他存取元件(ado) 4.這是個人主觀看法,個人覺得bde及dbexpress元件在錯誤例外處理方面做得比ado元件好或說比較好寫程式碼,不曉得Justmade板主同不同意這觀點? 5.在RDBMS我比較喜愛interbase而不喜歡MS SQL SERVER(因為我不喜歡MS SQL SERVER這名字),在這情況dbexpress元件是不是最佳選擇(但對桌上型資料庫我卻很喜歡ACCESS)? 6.直接使用DBEXPRESS元件(DELPHI內附)可否直接去存取access之.mdb資料庫?之前我看不到這篇 sorry 1. 對 2. 我已說明了是商業的,價錢看 Register 頁,免費的用 open-dbexpress 也不錯 4. 我試用過 ADO 幾天後他的錯一堆效率差所以連 ADO頁也刪了(後來要答題才設回) 6. 不可 |
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