尋求QRcode完整範例 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:36 回覆:41 積分:15 註冊:2011-11-09 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:603 回覆:4038 積分:3874 註冊:2006-10-31 發送簡訊給我 |
你先研究看看, 有問題再上來 我使用在delphi5上ok, delphi7應該也可行 這不是元件, 是 pas, 所以無須安裝, 你只要把ZintInterface.pas uses 進來, 再看它的sample 應該可以了解更多! |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:5 回覆:8 積分:2 註冊:2007-04-20 發送簡訊給我 |
//引用ZXing QRCode port to Delphi, by Debenu Pty Ltd (www.debenu.com)
範例:delphi7 - XE10.2 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var QRec:TQRCodeSetupRec; begin QRec :=QRCodeSetupRecInit; QRec.Scale:=3; QRec.Encodeing:=0; QRec.QuietZone:=4; MakeQRCode(Image1.Picture.Bitmap,'我的QRCODE',QRec); end; //以下3支pas //unit CmjBarcodeLib; //unit CmjBarcode; //unit CmjQRCode; //************************************************************************* unit CmjBarcodeLib; interface uses Classes,Types,Sysutils,TypInfo, Graphics,ExtCtrls,dialogs, CmjBarcode,CmjQRCode; Type TQRCodeSetupRec = record Scale:Integer; //比例 Encodeing:Integer; //0:Auto Numeric 1:Alphanumeric 2:ISO-8859-1 //3:UTF-8 4:without 5:BOM UTF-8 with BOM QuietZone:Integer; //Default 4 end; TBarCodeSetupRec = record Height:Integer; //尺寸倍數 Default 3 Modul:Integer; Ratio:Integer; //比例 CodeType:Integer; //3: bcCode39; //TBarcodeType(BarType); CheckSum:Boolean; //Checksum; showText:Integer; //0:bcoNone, 1:bcoCode, 2:bcoTyp, 3:bcoBoth Angle:Integer; //Angle; end; Const QRCodeSetupRecInit: TQRCodeSetupRec = ( Scale:3; Encodeing:0; QuietZone:4; ); BarCodeSetupRecInit: TBarCodeSetupRec = ( Height:30; Modul:1; Ratio:2; //比例 CodeType:3; //3: bcCode39; //TBarcodeType(BarType); CheckSum:False; //Checksum; showText:1; Angle:0; //Angle; ); procedure MakeQrCode(QRCodeBitmap:TBitmap;Code:String;QRCodeSetupRec:TQRCodeSetupRec); Procedure MakeBarcode(Picture:TPicture;Code:String;BarCodeSetupRec:TBarCodeSetupRec); procedure GetTypeStrList(enum: PTypeInfo; list: TStrings); //取Enum所有值之字串 Procedure GetBarcodeTypeList(List:TStrings); //-------- //var QRCodeSetupRec:TQRCodeSetupRec; //二維條碼設定值 // BarCodeSetupRec:TBarCodeSetupRec; //一維條碼設定值 //由字串轉為列舉 定義在 TypInfo //function GetEnumValue(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Name: string): Integer; //Example: TFieldType( GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TFieldType) , 'ftInteger') ); //由列舉轉為字串 //function GetEnumName(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Integer): string; // GetEnumName( TypeInfo(TFieldType) , Ord(ftInteger) ); implementation Procedure GetBarcodeTypeList(List:TStrings); begin GetTypeStrList(TypeInfo(TBarcodeType),List); end; procedure GetTypeStrList(enum: PTypeInfo; list: TStrings); //取Enum所有值之字串 var data: PTypeData; i: integer; begin list.clear; data := GetTypeData(GetTypeData(enum)^.BaseType^); for i := 0 to data.MaxValue do list.add(GetEnumName(enum, i)); end; Function DeleteCtrl(ss:String):String; var i:integer; begin for i:=length(ss) downto 1 do begin if ss[i] in [#13,#10] then delete(ss,i,1); end; Result:=ss; end; function ScalePercentBmp(bitmp: TBitmap; iPercent: Integer): Boolean; // var TmpBmp: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; h, w: Real; hi, wi: Integer; begin Result := False; try TmpBmp := TBitmap.Create; try h := bitmp.Height * iPercent; // (iPercent / 100); w := bitmp.Width * iPercent; //(iPercent / 100); hi := StrToInt(FormatFloat('#', h)) bitmp.Height; wi := StrToInt(FormatFloat('#', w)) bitmp.Width; TmpBmp.Width := wi; TmpBmp.Height := hi; ARect := Rect(0, 0, wi, hi); TmpBmp.Canvas.StretchDraw(ARect, Bitmp); bitmp.Assign(TmpBmp); finally TmpBmp.Free; end; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; procedure MakeQrCode(QRCodeBitmap:TBitmap;Code:String;QRCodeSetupRec:TQRCodeSetupRec); var QRCode: TDelphiZXingQRCode; Row, Column: Integer; begin QRCode := TDelphiZXingQRCode.Create ; try QRCode.Data :=DeleteCtrl( Code ); if not QRCodeSetupRec.Encodeing in [0..5] then QRCodeSetupRec.Encodeing:=0; QRCode.Encoding := TQRCodeEncoding(QRCodeSetupRec.Encodeing); QRCode.QuietZone := QRCodeSetupRec.QuietZone; //QRCodeBitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Rows, QRCode.Columns); QRCodeBitmap.Width:=QRCode.Columns; QRCodeBitmap.Height:=QRCode.Rows; for Row := 0 to QRCode.Rows - 1 do begin for Column := 0 to QRCode.Columns - 1 do begin if (QRCode.IsBlack[Row, Column]) then begin QRCodeBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[Column, Row] := clBlack; end else begin QRCodeBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[Column, Row] := clWhite; end; end; end; finally QRCode.Free; end; ScalePercentBmp(QrCodeBitmap,QRCodeSetupRec.Scale); //Bitmap放大 end; Procedure MakeBarcode(Picture:TPicture; Code:String;BarCodeSetupRec:TBarCodeSetupRec); //------------------------------------------ Procedure MakeBarcode2Bmp(Picture:TPicture; Code:String); var Bitmap: TBitmap; barcode:TBarcode; begin Barcode:=TBarcode.Create(Nil); Barcode.Text:=DeleteCtrl( Code); Barcode.Top:=1; Barcode.Left:=2; Barcode.Height:= BarcodeSetupRec.Height; Barcode.Modul:=BarcodeSetupRec.Modul; Barcode.Ratio:=BarcodeSetupRec.Ratio; //比例 Barcode.Typ:=TBarcodeType(BarcodeSetupRec.CodeType); //3: bcCode39; //TBarcodeType(BarType); Barcode.CheckSum:=BarcodeSetupRec.CheckSum; //Checksum; Barcode.showText:=TBarcodeOption(BarcodeSetupRec.showText); Barcode.Angle:=0; //Angle; barcode.DrawBarcodeToBmp(Picture.Bitmap); Barcode.Free; end; //------------------------------------------ var Bitmap: TBitmap; begin Picture.Assign(Nil); //Clear barcode of source. if Picture.Graphic = nil then begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Picture.Graphic := Bitmap; finally Bitmap.Free; end; end; Try MakeBarcode2Bmp(Picture,Code); Except on E : Exception do ShowMessage('錯誤訊息: ' E.Message); End; end; initialization // QRCodeSetupRec :=QRCodeSetupRecInit; // BarcodeSetupRec:=BarcodeSetupRecInit; end. //************************************************************* unit CmjBarcode; interface uses WinProcs, WinTypes, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms,Graphics, Dialogs; type TBarcodeType = ( bcCode_2_5_interleaved, bcCode_2_5_industrial, bcCode_2_5_matrix, bcCode39, bcCode39Extended, bcCode128A, bcCode128B, bcCode128C, bcCode93, bcCode93Extended, bcCodeMSI, bcCodePostNet, bcCodeCodabar, bcCodeEAN8, bcCodeEAN13, bcCodeUPC_A, bcCodeUPC_E0, bcCodeUPC_E1, bcCodeUPC_Supp2, { UPC 2 digit supplemental } bcCodeUPC_Supp5, { UPC 5 digit supplemental } bcCodeEAN128A, bcCodeEAN128B, bcCodeEAN128C ); TBarLineType = (white, black, black_half); {for internal use only} { black_half means a black line with 2/5 height (used for PostNet) } TBarcodeOption = (bcoNone, bcoCode, bcoTyp, bcoBoth); // Type of text to show TCheckSumMethod = ( csmNone, csmModulo10 ); TBarcode = class(TComponent) private { Private-Deklarationen } FHeight : integer; FText : string; FTop : integer; FLeft : integer; FModul : integer; FRatio : double; FTyp : TBarcodeType; FCheckSum:boolean; FShowText:TBarcodeOption; FAngle : double; FColor : TColor; FColorBar:TColor; FCheckSumMethod : TCheckSumMethod; modules:array[0..3] of shortint; procedure OneBarProps(code:char; var Width:integer; var lt:TBarLineType); procedure DoLines(data:string; Canvas:TCanvas); function SetLen(pI:byte):string; function Code_2_5_interleaved:string; function Code_2_5_industrial:string; function Code_2_5_matrix:string; function Code_39:string; function Code_39Extended:string; function Code_128:string; function Code_93:string; function Code_93Extended:string; function Code_MSI:string; function Code_PostNet:string; function Code_Codabar:string; function Code_EAN8:string; function Code_EAN13:string; function Code_UPC_A:string; function Code_UPC_E0:string; function Code_UPC_E1:string; function Code_Supp5:string; function Code_Supp2:string; function GetTypText:string; procedure MakeModules; procedure SetModul(v:integer); function GetWidth : integer; function DoCheckSumming(const data : string):string; protected { Protected-Deklarationen } function MakeData : string; public { Public-Deklarationen } constructor Create(Owner:TComponent); override; procedure DrawBarcode(Canvas:TCanvas); procedure DrawText(Canvas:TCanvas); procedure DrawBarcodeToBmp(Bitmap:TBitmap); published { Published-Deklarationen } { Height of Barcode (Pixel)} property Height : integer read FHeight write FHeight; property Text : string read FText write FText; property Top : integer read FTop write FTop; property Left : integer read FLeft write FLeft; { Width of the smallest line in a Barcode } property Modul : integer read FModul write SetModul; property Ratio : double read FRatio write FRatio; property Typ : TBarcodeType read FTyp write FTyp default bcCode_2_5_interleaved; { build CheckSum ? } property Checksum:boolean read FCheckSum write FCheckSum default FALSE; property CheckSumMethod:TCheckSumMethod read FCheckSumMethod write FCheckSumMethod default csmModulo10; { 0 - 360 degree } property Angle :double read FAngle write FAngle; property ShowText:TBarcodeOption read FShowText write FShowText default bcoNone; property Width : integer read GetWidth; property Color:TColor read FColor write FColor default clWhite; property ColorBar:TColor read FColorBar write FColorBar default clBlack; // {$IFDEF UsingVCL} // property Color:TColor read FColor write FColor default clWhite; // property ColorBar:TColor read FColorBar write FColorBar default clBlack; // {$ELSE} // property Color:TColor read FColor write FColor default TColor($FFFFFF); // property ColorBar:TColor read FColorBar write FColorBar default TColor($000000); // {$IFEND} end; procedure Register; implementation //{$ifdef WIN32} // {$R barcode.d32} //{$else} // {$R barcode.d16} //{$endif} uses bcchksum; type TBCdata = record Name:string; { Name of Barcode } num :Boolean; { numeric data only } end; const BCdata:array[bcCode_2_5_interleaved..bcCodeEAN128C] of TBCdata = ( (Name:'2_5_interleaved'; num:True), (Name:'2_5_industrial'; num:True), (Name:'2_5_matrix'; num:True), (Name:'Code39'; num:False), (Name:'Code39 Extended'; num:False), (Name:'Code128A'; num:False), (Name:'Code128B'; num:False), (Name:'Code128C'; num:True), (Name:'Code93'; num:False), (Name:'Code93 Extended'; num:False), (Name:'MSI'; num:True), (Name:'PostNet'; num:True), (Name:'Codebar'; num:False), (Name:'EAN8'; num:True), (Name:'EAN13'; num:True), (Name:'UPC_A'; num:True), (Name:'UPC_E0'; num:True), (Name:'UPC_E1'; num:True), (Name:'UPC Supp2'; num:True), (Name:'UPC Supp5'; num:True), (Name:'EAN128A'; num:False), (Name:'EAN128B'; num:False), (Name:'EAN128C'; num:True) ); {$ifndef WIN32} function Trim(const S: string): string; export; { Removes leading and trailing whitespace from s} var I, L: Integer; begin L := Length(S); I := 1; while (I <= L) and (S[I] <= ' ') do Inc(I); if I > L then Result := '' else begin while S[L] <= ' ' do Dec(L); Result := Copy(S, I, L - I 1); end; end; {$endif} { converts a string from '321' to the internal representation '715' i need this function because some pattern tables have a different format : '00111' converts to '05161' } function Convert(s:string):string; var i, v : integer; t : string; begin t := ''; for i:=1 to Length(s) do begin v := ord(s[i]) - 1; if odd(i) then Inc(v, 5); t := t Chr(v); end; Convert := t; end; (* * Berechne die Quersumme aus einer Zahl x * z.B.: Quersumme von 1234 ist 10 *) function quersumme(x:integer):integer; var sum:integer; begin sum := 0; while x > 0 do begin sum := sum (x mod 10); x := x div 10; end; result := sum; end; { Rotate a Point by Angle 'alpha' } function Rotate2D(p:TPoint; alpha:double): TPoint; var sinus, cosinus : Extended; begin sinus := sin(alpha); cosinus := cos(alpha); result.x := Round(p.x*cosinus p.y*sinus); result.y := Round(-p.x*sinus p.y*cosinus); end; { Move Point "a" by Vector "b" } function Translate2D(a, b:TPoint): TPoint; begin result.x := a.x b.x; result.y := a.y b.y; end; constructor TBarcode.Create(Owner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(owner); FAngle := 0.0; FRatio := 2.0; FModul := 1; FTyp := bcCodeEAN13; FCheckSum := FALSE; FCheckSumMethod := csmModulo10; FShowText := bcoNone; FColor := clWhite; FColorBar := clBlack; end; function TBarcode.GetTypText:string; begin result := BCdata[FTyp].Name; end; { set Modul Width } procedure TBarcode.SetModul(v:integer); begin if (v >= 1) and (v < 50) then FModul := v; end; { calculate the width and the linetype of a sigle bar Code Line-Color Width Height ------------------------------------------------------------------ '0' white 100% full '1' white 100%*Ratio full '2' white 150%*Ratio full '3' white 200%*Ratio full '5' black 100% full '6' black 100%*Ratio full '7' black 150%*Ratio full '8' black 200%*Ratio full 'A' black 100% 2/5 (used for PostNet) 'B' black 100%*Ratio 2/5 (used for PostNet) 'C' black 150%*Ratio 2/5 (used for PostNet) 'D' black 200%*Ratio 2/5 (used for PostNet) } procedure TBarcode.OneBarProps(code:char; var Width:integer; var lt:TBarLineType); begin case code of '0': begin width := modules[0]; lt := white; end; '1': begin width := modules[1]; lt := white; end; '2': begin width := modules[2]; lt := white; end; '3': begin width := modules[3]; lt := white; end; '5': begin width := modules[0]; lt := black; end; '6': begin width := modules[1]; lt := black; end; '7': begin width := modules[2]; lt := black; end; '8': begin width := modules[3]; lt := black; end; 'A': begin width := modules[0]; lt := black_half; end; 'B': begin width := modules[1]; lt := black_half; end; 'C': begin width := modules[2]; lt := black_half; end; 'D': begin width := modules[3]; lt := black_half; end; else begin {something went wrong :-( } {mistyped pattern table} raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: internal Error', [self.ClassName]); end; end; end; function TBarcode.MakeData : string; var i : integer; begin {calculate the with of the different lines (modules)} MakeModules; {numeric barcode type ?} if BCdata[Typ].num then begin FText := Trim(FText); {remove blanks} for i := 1 to Length(Ftext) do if (FText[i] > '9') or (FText[i] < '0') then raise Exception.Create('Barcode must be numeric'); end; {get the pattern of the barcode} case Typ of bcCode_2_5_interleaved: Result := Code_2_5_interleaved; bcCode_2_5_industrial: Result := Code_2_5_industrial; bcCode_2_5_matrix: Result := Code_2_5_matrix; bcCode39: Result := Code_39; bcCode39Extended: Result := Code_39Extended; bcCode128A, bcCode128B, bcCode128C, bcCodeEAN128A, bcCodeEAN128B, bcCodeEAN128C: Result := Code_128; bcCode93: Result := Code_93; bcCode93Extended: Result := Code_93Extended; bcCodeMSI: Result := Code_MSI; bcCodePostNet: Result := Code_PostNet; bcCodeCodabar: Result := Code_Codabar; bcCodeEAN8: Result := Code_EAN8; bcCodeEAN13: Result := Code_EAN13; bcCodeUPC_A: Result := Code_UPC_A; bcCodeUPC_E0: Result := Code_UPC_E0; bcCodeUPC_E1: Result := Code_UPC_E1; bcCodeUPC_Supp2: Result := Code_Supp2; bcCodeUPC_Supp5: Result := Code_Supp5; else raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: wrong BarcodeType', [self.ClassName]); end; { Showmessage(Format('Data <%s>', [Result])); } end; function TBarcode.GetWidth:integer; var data : string; i : integer; w : integer; lt : TBarLineType; begin Result := 0; {get barcode pattern} data := MakeData; for i:=1 to Length(data) do {examine the pattern string} begin OneBarProps(data[i], w, lt); Inc(Result, w); end; end; function TBarcode.DoCheckSumming(const data : string):string; begin case FCheckSumMethod of csmNone: Result := data; csmModulo10: Result := CheckSumModulo10(data); end; end; { ////////////////////////////// EAN ///////////////////////////////////////// } { ////////////////////////////// EAN8 ///////////////////////////////////////// } {Pattern for Barcode EAN Charset A} {L1 S1 L2 S2} const tabelle_EAN_A:array['0'..'9'] of string = ( ('2605'), { 0 } ('1615'), { 1 } ('1516'), { 2 } ('0805'), { 3 } ('0526'), { 4 } ('0625'), { 5 } ('0508'), { 6 } ('0706'), { 7 } ('0607'), { 8 } ('2506') { 9 } ); {Pattern for Barcode EAN Charset C} {S1 L1 S2 L2} const tabelle_EAN_C:array['0'..'9'] of string = ( ('7150' ), { 0 } ('6160' ), { 1 } ('6061' ), { 2 } ('5350' ), { 3 } ('5071' ), { 4 } ('5170' ), { 5 } ('5053' ), { 6 } ('5251' ), { 7 } ('5152' ), { 8 } ('7051' ) { 9 } ); function TBarcode.Code_EAN8:string; var i : integer; tmp : String; begin if FCheckSum then begin tmp := SetLen(7); tmp := DoCheckSumming(copy(tmp,length(tmp)-6,7)); end else tmp := SetLen(8); Assert(Length(tmp)=8, 'Invalid Text len (EAN8)'); result := '505'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 4 do result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]] ; result := result '05050'; {Center Guard Pattern} for i:=5 to 8 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]] ; result := result '505'; {Stopcode} end; {////////////////////////////// EAN13 ///////////////////////////////////////} {Pattern for Barcode EAN Zeichensatz B} {L1 S1 L2 S2} const tabelle_EAN_B:array['0'..'9'] of string = ( ('0517'), { 0 } ('0616'), { 1 } ('1606'), { 2 } ('0535'), { 3 } ('1705'), { 4 } ('0715'), { 5 } ('3505'), { 6 } ('1525'), { 7 } ('2515'), { 8 } ('1507') { 9 } ); {Zuordung der Paraitaetsfolgen f EAN13} const tabelle_ParityEAN13:array[0..9, 1..6] of char = ( ('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A'), { 0 } ('A', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B'), { 1 } ('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B'), { 2 } ('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A'), { 3 } ('A', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B'), { 4 } ('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B'), { 5 } ('A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A'), { 6 } ('A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B'), { 7 } ('A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A'), { 8 } ('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A') { 9 } ); function TBarcode.Code_EAN13:string; var i, LK: integer; tmp : String; begin if FCheckSum then begin tmp := SetLen(12); tmp := DoCheckSumming(tmp); end else tmp := SetLen(13); Assert(Length(tmp) = 13, 'Invalid Text len (EAN13)'); LK := StrToInt(tmp[1]); tmp := copy(tmp,2,12); result := '505'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 6 do begin case tabelle_ParityEAN13[LK,i] of 'A' : result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]]; 'B' : result := result tabelle_EAN_B[tmp[i]] ; 'C' : result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]] ; end; end; result := result '05050'; {Center Guard Pattern} for i:=7 to 12 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]] ; result := result '505'; {Stopcode} end; {Pattern for Barcode 2 of 5} const tabelle_2_5:array['0'..'9', 1..5] of char = ( ('0', '0', '1', '1', '0'), {'0'} ('1', '0', '0', '0', '1'), {'1'} ('0', '1', '0', '0', '1'), {'2'} ('1', '1', '0', '0', '0'), {'3'} ('0', '0', '1', '0', '1'), {'4'} ('1', '0', '1', '0', '0'), {'5'} ('0', '1', '1', '0', '0'), {'6'} ('0', '0', '0', '1', '1'), {'7'} ('1', '0', '0', '1', '0'), {'8'} ('0', '1', '0', '1', '0') {'9'} ); function TBarcode.Code_2_5_interleaved:string; var i, j: integer; c : char; begin result := '5050'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to Length(FText) div 2 do begin for j:= 1 to 5 do begin if tabelle_2_5[FText[i*2-1], j] = '1' then c := '6' else c := '5'; result := result c; if tabelle_2_5[FText[i*2], j] = '1' then c := '1' else c := '0'; result := result c; end; end; result := result '605'; {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_2_5_industrial:string; var i, j: integer; begin result := '606050'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin for j:= 1 to 5 do begin if tabelle_2_5[FText[i], j] = '1' then result := result '60' else result := result '50'; end; end; result := result '605060'; {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_2_5_matrix:string; var i, j: integer; c :char; begin result := '705050'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin for j:= 1 to 5 do begin if tabelle_2_5[FText[i], j] = '1' then c := '1' else c := '0'; {Falls i ungerade ist dann mache Lke zu Strich} if odd(j) then c := chr(ord(c) 5); result := result c; end; result := result '0'; {Lke zwischen den Zeichen} end; result := result '70505'; {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_39:string; type TCode39 = record c : char; data : array[0..9] of char; chk: shortint; end; const tabelle_39: array[0..43] of TCode39 = ( ( c:'0'; data:'505160605'; chk:0 ), ( c:'1'; data:'605150506'; chk:1 ), ( c:'2'; data:'506150506'; chk:2 ), ( c:'3'; data:'606150505'; chk:3 ), ( c:'4'; data:'505160506'; chk:4 ), ( c:'5'; data:'605160505'; chk:5 ), ( c:'6'; data:'506160505'; chk:6 ), ( c:'7'; data:'505150606'; chk:7 ), ( c:'8'; data:'605150605'; chk:8 ), ( c:'9'; data:'506150605'; chk:9 ), ( c:'A'; data:'605051506'; chk:10), ( c:'B'; data:'506051506'; chk:11), ( c:'C'; data:'606051505'; chk:12), ( c:'D'; data:'505061506'; chk:13), ( c:'E'; data:'605061505'; chk:14), ( c:'F'; data:'506061505'; chk:15), ( c:'G'; data:'505051606'; chk:16), ( c:'H'; data:'605051605'; chk:17), ( c:'I'; data:'506051605'; chk:18), ( c:'J'; data:'505061605'; chk:19), ( c:'K'; data:'605050516'; chk:20), ( c:'L'; data:'506050516'; chk:21), ( c:'M'; data:'606050515'; chk:22), ( c:'N'; data:'505060516'; chk:23), ( c:'O'; data:'605060515'; chk:24), ( c:'P'; data:'506060515'; chk:25), ( c:'Q'; data:'505050616'; chk:26), ( c:'R'; data:'605050615'; chk:27), ( c:'S'; data:'506050615'; chk:28), ( c:'T'; data:'505060615'; chk:29), ( c:'U'; data:'615050506'; chk:30), ( c:'V'; data:'516050506'; chk:31), ( c:'W'; data:'616050505'; chk:32), ( c:'X'; data:'515060506'; chk:33), ( c:'Y'; data:'615060505'; chk:34), ( c:'Z'; data:'516060505'; chk:35), ( c:'-'; data:'515050606'; chk:36), ( c:'.'; data:'615050605'; chk:37), ( c:' '; data:'516050605'; chk:38), ( c:'*'; data:'515060605'; chk:0 ), ( c:'$'; data:'515151505'; chk:39), ( c:'/'; data:'515150515'; chk:40), ( c:' '; data:'515051515'; chk:41), ( c:'%'; data:'505151515'; chk:42) ); function FindIdx(z:char):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to High(tabelle_39) do begin if z = tabelle_39[i].c then begin result := i; exit; end; end; result := -1; end; var i, idx : integer; checksum:integer; begin checksum := 0; {Startcode} //result := tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data '0'; result := String(tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data) '0'; for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin idx := FindIdx(FText[i]); if idx < 0 then continue; result := result tabelle_39[idx].data '0'; Inc(checksum, tabelle_39[idx].chk); end; {Calculate Checksum Data} if FCheckSum then begin checksum := checksum mod 43; for i:=0 to High(tabelle_39) do if checksum = tabelle_39[i].chk then begin result := result tabelle_39[i].data '0'; break; end; end; {Stopcode} result := result tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data; end; function TBarcode.Code_39Extended:string; const code39x : array[0..127] of string[2] = ( ('%U'), ('$A'), ('$B'), ('$C'), ('$D'), ('$E'), ('$F'), ('$G'), ('$H'), ('$I'), ('$J'), ('$K'), ('$L'), ('$M'), ('$N'), ('$O'), ('$P'), ('$Q'), ('$R'), ('$S'), ('$T'), ('$U'), ('$V'), ('$W'), ('$X'), ('$Y'), ('$Z'), ('%A'), ('%B'), ('%C'), ('%D'), ('%E'), (' '), ('/A'), ('/B'), ('/C'), ('/D'), ('/E'), ('/F'), ('/G'), ('/H'), ('/I'), ('/J'), ('/K'), ('/L'), ('/M'), ('/N'), ('/O'), ( '0'), ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('4'), ('5'), ('6'), ('7'), ('8'), ('9'), ('/Z'), ('%F'), ('%G'), ('%H'), ('%I'), ('%J'), ('%V'), ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'), ('H'), ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'), ('P'), ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'), ('X'), ('Y'), ('Z'), ('%K'), ('%L'), ('%M'), ('%N'), ('%O'), ('%W'), (' A'), (' B'), (' C'), (' D'), (' E'), (' F'), (' G'), (' H'), (' I'), (' J'), (' K'), (' L'), (' M'), (' N'), (' O'), (' P'), (' Q'), (' R'), (' S'), (' T'), (' U'), (' V'), (' W'), (' X'), (' Y'), (' Z'), ('%P'), ('%Q'), ('%R'), ('%S'), ('%T') ); var save:string; i : integer; begin save := FText; FText := ''; for i:=1 to Length(save) do begin if ord(save[i]) <= 127 then FText := FText code39x[ord(save[i])]; end; result := Code_39; FText := save; end; { Code 128 } function TBarcode.Code_128:string; type TCode128 = record a, b : char; c : string[2]; data : string[6]; end; const tabelle_128: array[0..102] of TCode128 = ( ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'00'; data:'212222' ), ( a:'!'; b:'!'; c:'01'; data:'222122' ), ( a:'"'; b:'"'; c:'02'; data:'222221' ), ( a:'#'; b:'#'; c:'03'; data:'121223' ), ( a:'$'; b:'$'; c:'04'; data:'121322' ), ( a:'%'; b:'%'; c:'05'; data:'131222' ), ( a:'&'; b:'&'; c:'06'; data:'122213' ), ( a:''''; b:''''; c:'07'; data:'122312' ), ( a:'('; b:'('; c:'08'; data:'132212' ), ( a:')'; b:')'; c:'09'; data:'221213' ), ( a:'*'; b:'*'; c:'10'; data:'221312' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'11'; data:'231212' ), ( a:'?'; b:'?'; c:'12'; data:'112232' ), ( a:'-'; b:'-'; c:'13'; data:'122132' ), ( a:'.'; b:'.'; c:'14'; data:'122231' ), ( a:'/'; b:'/'; c:'15'; data:'113222' ), ( a:'0'; b:'0'; c:'16'; data:'123122' ), ( a:'1'; b:'1'; c:'17'; data:'123221' ), ( a:'2'; b:'2'; c:'18'; data:'223211' ), ( a:'3'; b:'3'; c:'19'; data:'221132' ), ( a:'4'; b:'4'; c:'20'; data:'221231' ), ( a:'5'; b:'5'; c:'21'; data:'213212' ), ( a:'6'; b:'6'; c:'22'; data:'223112' ), ( a:'7'; b:'7'; c:'23'; data:'312131' ), ( a:'8'; b:'8'; c:'24'; data:'311222' ), ( a:'9'; b:'9'; c:'25'; data:'321122' ), ( a:':'; b:':'; c:'26'; data:'321221' ), ( a:';'; b:';'; c:'27'; data:'312212' ), ( a:'<'; b:'<'; c:'28'; data:'322112' ), ( a:'='; b:'='; c:'29'; data:'322211' ), ( a:'>'; b:'>'; c:'30'; data:'212123' ), ( a:'?'; b:'?'; c:'31'; data:'212321' ), ( a:'@'; b:'@'; c:'32'; data:'232121' ), ( a:'A'; b:'A'; c:'33'; data:'111323' ), ( a:'B'; b:'B'; c:'34'; data:'131123' ), ( a:'C'; b:'C'; c:'35'; data:'131321' ), ( a:'D'; b:'D'; c:'36'; data:'112313' ), ( a:'E'; b:'E'; c:'37'; data:'132113' ), ( a:'F'; b:'F'; c:'38'; data:'132311' ), ( a:'G'; b:'G'; c:'39'; data:'211313' ), ( a:'H'; b:'H'; c:'40'; data:'231113' ), ( a:'I'; b:'I'; c:'41'; data:'231311' ), ( a:'J'; b:'J'; c:'42'; data:'112133' ), ( a:'K'; b:'K'; c:'43'; data:'112331' ), ( a:'L'; b:'L'; c:'44'; data:'132131' ), ( a:'M'; b:'M'; c:'45'; data:'113123' ), ( a:'N'; b:'N'; c:'46'; data:'113321' ), ( a:'O'; b:'O'; c:'47'; data:'133121' ), ( a:'P'; b:'P'; c:'48'; data:'313121' ), ( a:'Q'; b:'Q'; c:'49'; data:'211331' ), ( a:'R'; b:'R'; c:'50'; data:'231131' ), ( a:'S'; b:'S'; c:'51'; data:'213113' ), ( a:'T'; b:'T'; c:'52'; data:'213311' ), ( a:'U'; b:'U'; c:'53'; data:'213131' ), ( a:'V'; b:'V'; c:'54'; data:'311123' ), ( a:'W'; b:'W'; c:'55'; data:'311321' ), ( a:'X'; b:'X'; c:'56'; data:'331121' ), ( a:'Y'; b:'Y'; c:'57'; data:'312113' ), ( a:'Z'; b:'Z'; c:'58'; data:'312311' ), ( a:'['; b:'['; c:'59'; data:'332111' ), ( a:'\'; b:'\'; c:'60'; data:'314111' ), ( a:']'; b:']'; c:'61'; data:'221411' ), ( a:'^'; b:'^'; c:'62'; data:'431111' ), ( a:'_'; b:'_'; c:'63'; data:'111224' ), ( a:' '; b:'`'; c:'64'; data:'111422' ), ( a:' '; b:'a'; c:'65'; data:'121124' ), ( a:' '; b:'b'; c:'66'; data:'121421' ), ( a:' '; b:'c'; c:'67'; data:'141122' ), ( a:' '; b:'d'; c:'68'; data:'141221' ), ( a:' '; b:'e'; c:'69'; data:'112214' ), ( a:' '; b:'f'; c:'70'; data:'112412' ), ( a:' '; b:'g'; c:'71'; data:'122114' ), ( a:' '; b:'h'; c:'72'; data:'122411' ), ( a:' '; b:'i'; c:'73'; data:'142112' ), ( a:' '; b:'j'; c:'74'; data:'142211' ), ( a:' '; b:'k'; c:'75'; data:'241211' ), ( a:' '; b:'l'; c:'76'; data:'221114' ), ( a:' '; b:'m'; c:'77'; data:'413111' ), ( a:' '; b:'n'; c:'78'; data:'241112' ), ( a:' '; b:'o'; c:'79'; data:'134111' ), ( a:' '; b:'p'; c:'80'; data:'111242' ), ( a:' '; b:'q'; c:'81'; data:'121142' ), ( a:' '; b:'r'; c:'82'; data:'121241' ), ( a:' '; b:'s'; c:'83'; data:'114212' ), ( a:' '; b:'t'; c:'84'; data:'124112' ), ( a:' '; b:'u'; c:'85'; data:'124211' ), ( a:' '; b:'v'; c:'86'; data:'411212' ), ( a:' '; b:'w'; c:'87'; data:'421112' ), ( a:' '; b:'x'; c:'88'; data:'421211' ), ( a:' '; b:'y'; c:'89'; data:'212141' ), ( a:' '; b:'z'; c:'90'; data:'214121' ), ( a:' '; b:'{'; c:'91'; data:'412121' ), ( a:' '; b:'|'; c:'92'; data:'111143' ), ( a:' '; b:'}'; c:'93'; data:'111341' ), ( a:' '; b:'~'; c:'94'; data:'131141' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'95'; data:'114113' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'96'; data:'114311' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'97'; data:'411113' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'98'; data:'411311' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'99'; data:'113141' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:' '; data:'114131' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:' '; data:'311141' ), ( a:' '; b:' '; c:' '; data:'411131' ) { FNC1 } ); StartA = '211412'; StartB = '211214'; StartC = '211232'; Stop = '2331112'; {find Code 128 Codeset A or B} function Find_Code128AB(c:char):integer; var i:integer; v:char; begin for i:=0 to High(tabelle_128) do begin if FTyp = bcCode128A then v := tabelle_128[i].a else v := tabelle_128[i].b; if c = v then begin result := i; exit; end; end; result := -1; end; { find Code 128 Codeset C } function Find_Code128C(c:string):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to High(tabelle_128) do begin if tabelle_128[i].c = c then begin result := i; exit; end; end; result := -1; end; var i, j, idx: integer; startcode:string; checksum : integer; codeword_pos : integer; begin case FTyp of bcCode128A, bcCodeEAN128A: begin checksum := 103; startcode:= StartA; end; bcCode128B, bcCodeEAN128B: begin checksum := 104; startcode:= StartB; end; bcCode128C, bcCodeEAN128C: begin checksum := 105; startcode:= StartC; end; end; result := Convert(startcode); {Startcode} codeword_pos := 1; case FTyp of bcCodeEAN128A, bcCodeEAN128B, bcCodeEAN128C: begin { special identifier FNC1 = function code 1 for EAN 128 barcodes } result := result Convert(tabelle_128[102].data); Inc(checksum, 102*codeword_pos); Inc(codeword_pos); { if there is no checksum at the end of the string the EAN128 needs one (modulo 10) } if FCheckSum then FText:=DoCheckSumming(FTEXT); end; end; if (FTyp = bcCode128C) or (FTyp = bccodeEAN128C) then begin if (Length(FText) mod 2<>0) then FText:='0' FText; for i:=1 to (Length(FText) div 2) do begin j:=(i-1)*2 1; idx:=Find_Code128C(copy(Ftext,j,2)); if idx < 0 then idx := Find_Code128C('00'); result := result Convert(tabelle_128[idx].data); Inc(checksum, idx*codeword_pos); Inc(codeword_pos); end; end else for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin idx := Find_Code128AB(FText[i]); if idx < 0 then idx := Find_Code128AB(' '); result := result Convert(tabelle_128[idx].data); Inc(checksum, idx*codeword_pos); Inc(codeword_pos); end; checksum := checksum mod 103; result := result Convert(tabelle_128[checksum].data); result := result Convert(Stop); {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_93:string; type TCode93 = record c : char; data : array[0..5] of char; end; const tabelle_93: array[0..46] of TCode93 = ( ( c:'0'; data:'131112' ), ( c:'1'; data:'111213' ), ( c:'2'; data:'111312' ), ( c:'3'; data:'111411' ), ( c:'4'; data:'121113' ), ( c:'5'; data:'121212' ), ( c:'6'; data:'121311' ), ( c:'7'; data:'111114' ), ( c:'8'; data:'131211' ), ( c:'9'; data:'141111' ), ( c:'A'; data:'211113' ), ( c:'B'; data:'211212' ), ( c:'C'; data:'211311' ), ( c:'D'; data:'221112' ), ( c:'E'; data:'221211' ), ( c:'F'; data:'231111' ), ( c:'G'; data:'112113' ), ( c:'H'; data:'112212' ), ( c:'I'; data:'112311' ), ( c:'J'; data:'122112' ), ( c:'K'; data:'132111' ), ( c:'L'; data:'111123' ), ( c:'M'; data:'111222' ), ( c:'N'; data:'111321' ), ( c:'O'; data:'121122' ), ( c:'P'; data:'131121' ), ( c:'Q'; data:'212112' ), ( c:'R'; data:'212211' ), ( c:'S'; data:'211122' ), ( c:'T'; data:'211221' ), ( c:'U'; data:'221121' ), ( c:'V'; data:'222111' ), ( c:'W'; data:'112122' ), ( c:'X'; data:'112221' ), ( c:'Y'; data:'122121' ), ( c:'Z'; data:'123111' ), ( c:'-'; data:'121131' ), ( c:'.'; data:'311112' ), ( c:' '; data:'311211' ), ( c:'$'; data:'321111' ), ( c:'/'; data:'112131' ), ( c:' '; data:'113121' ), ( c:'%'; data:'211131' ), ( c:'['; data:'121221' ), {only used for Extended Code 93} ( c:']'; data:'312111' ), {only used for Extended Code 93} ( c:'{'; data:'311121' ), {only used for Extended Code 93} ( c:'}'; data:'122211' ) {only used for Extended Code 93} ); {find Code 93} function Find_Code93(c:char):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to High(tabelle_93) do begin if c = tabelle_93[i].c then begin result := i; exit; end; end; result := -1; end; var i, idx : integer; checkC, checkK, {Checksums} weightC, weightK : integer; begin result := Convert('111141'); {Startcode} for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin idx := Find_Code93(FText[i]); if idx < 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s:Code93 bad Data <%s>', [self.ClassName,FText]); result := result Convert(tabelle_93[idx].data); end; checkC := 0; checkK := 0; weightC := 1; weightK := 2; for i:=Length(FText) downto 1 do begin idx := Find_Code93(FText[i]); Inc(checkC, idx*weightC); Inc(checkK, idx*weightK); Inc(weightC); if weightC > 20 then weightC := 1; Inc(weightK); if weightK > 15 then weightC := 1; end; Inc(checkK, checkC); checkC := checkC mod 47; checkK := checkK mod 47; result := result Convert(tabelle_93[checkC].data) Convert(tabelle_93[checkK].data); result := result Convert('1111411'); {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_93Extended:string; const code93x : array[0..127] of string[2] = ( (']U'), ('[A'), ('[B'), ('[C'), ('[D'), ('[E'), ('[F'), ('[G'), ('[H'), ('[I'), ('[J'), ('[K'), ('[L'), ('[M'), ('[N'), ('[O'), ('[P'), ('[Q'), ('[R'), ('[S'), ('[T'), ('[U'), ('[V'), ('[W'), ('[X'), ('[Y'), ('[Z'), (']A'), (']B'), (']C'), (']D'), (']E'), (' '), ('{A'), ('{B'), ('{C'), ('{D'), ('{E'), ('{F'), ('{G'), ('{H'), ('{I'), ('{J'), ('{K'), ('{L'), ('{M'), ('{N'), ('{O'), ( '0'), ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('4'), ('5'), ('6'), ('7'), ('8'), ('9'), ('{Z'), (']F'), (']G'), (']H'), (']I'), (']J'), (']V'), ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'), ('H'), ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'), ('P'), ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'), ('X'), ('Y'), ('Z'), (']K'), (']L'), (']M'), (']N'), (']O'), (']W'), ('}A'), ('}B'), ('}C'), ('}D'), ('}E'), ('}F'), ('}G'), ('}H'), ('}I'), ('}J'), ('}K'), ('}L'), ('}M'), ('}N'), ('}O'), ('}P'), ('}Q'), ('}R'), ('}S'), ('}T'), ('}U'), ('}V'), ('}W'), ('}X'), ('}Y'), ('}Z'), (']P'), (']Q'), (']R'), (']S'), (']T') ); var {save:array[0..254] of char;} {old:string;} save : string; i : integer; begin {CharToOem(PChar(FText), save);} save := FText; FText := ''; for i:=0 to Length(save)-1 do begin if ord(save[i]) <= 127 then FText := FText code93x[ord(save[i])]; end; {Showmessage(Format('Text: <%s>', [FText]));} result := Code_93; FText := save; end; function TBarcode.Code_MSI:string; const tabelle_MSI:array['0'..'9'] of string[8] = ( ( '51515151' ), {'0'} ( '51515160' ), {'1'} ( '51516051' ), {'2'} ( '51516060' ), {'3'} ( '51605151' ), {'4'} ( '51605160' ), {'5'} ( '51606051' ), {'6'} ( '51606060' ), {'7'} ( '60515151' ), {'8'} ( '60515160' ) {'9'} ); var i:integer; check_even, check_odd, checksum:integer; begin result := '60'; {Startcode} check_even := 0; check_odd := 0; for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin if odd(i-1) then check_odd := check_odd*10 ord(FText[i]) else check_even := check_even ord(FText[i]); result := result tabelle_MSI[FText[i]]; end; checksum := quersumme(check_odd*2) check_even; checksum := checksum mod 10; if checksum > 0 then checksum := 10-checksum; result := result tabelle_MSI[chr(ord('0') checksum)]; result := result '515'; {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_PostNet:string; const tabelle_PostNet:array['0'..'9'] of string[10] = ( ( '5151A1A1A1' ), {'0'} ( 'A1A1A15151' ), {'1'} ( 'A1A151A151' ), {'2'} ( 'A1A15151A1' ), {'3'} ( 'A151A1A151' ), {'4'} ( 'A151A151A1' ), {'5'} ( 'A15151A1A1' ), {'6'} ( '51A1A1A151' ), {'7'} ( '51A1A151A1' ), {'8'} ( '51A151A1A1' ) {'9'} ); var i:integer; begin result := '51'; for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin result := result tabelle_PostNet[FText[i]]; end; result := result '5'; end; function TBarcode.Code_Codabar:string; type TCodabar = record c : char; data : array[0..6] of char; end; const tabelle_cb: array[0..19] of TCodabar = ( ( c:'1'; data:'5050615' ), ( c:'2'; data:'5051506' ), ( c:'3'; data:'6150505' ), ( c:'4'; data:'5060515' ), ( c:'5'; data:'6050515' ), ( c:'6'; data:'5150506' ), ( c:'7'; data:'5150605' ), ( c:'8'; data:'5160505' ), ( c:'9'; data:'6051505' ), ( c:'0'; data:'5050516' ), ( c:'-'; data:'5051605' ), ( c:'$'; data:'5061505' ), ( c:':'; data:'6050606' ), ( c:'/'; data:'6060506' ), ( c:'.'; data:'6060605' ), ( c:' '; data:'5060606' ), ( c:'A'; data:'5061515' ), ( c:'B'; data:'5151506' ), ( c:'C'; data:'5051516' ), ( c:'D'; data:'5051615' ) ); {find Codabar} function Find_Codabar(c:char):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to High(tabelle_cb) do begin if c = tabelle_cb[i].c then begin result := i; exit; end; end; result := -1; end; var i, idx : integer; begin //result := tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('A')].data ('0'); //modify by 2013-2-25 result := String(tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('A')].data) ('0'); //modify by 2013-2-25 for i:=1 to Length(FText) do begin idx := Find_Codabar(FText[i]); result := result tabelle_cb[idx].data '0'; end; result := result tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('B')].data; end; {---------------} {Assist function} function TBarcode.SetLen(pI:byte):string; begin Result := FText; while Length(Result) < pI do Result:='0' Result; end; function TBarcode.Code_UPC_A:string; var i : integer; tmp : String; begin FText := SetLen(12); if FCheckSum then tmp:=DoCheckSumming(copy(FText,1,11)); if FCheckSum then FText:=tmp else tmp:=FText; result := '505'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 6 do result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]]; result := result '05050'; {Trennzeichen} for i:=7 to 12 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]]; result := result '505'; {Stopcode} end; {UPC E Parity Pattern Table , Number System 0} const tabelle_UPC_E0:array['0'..'9', 1..6] of char = ( ('E', 'E', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'o' ), { 0 } ('E', 'E', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'o' ), { 1 } ('E', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'o' ), { 2 } ('E', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'E' ), { 3 } ('E', 'o', 'E', 'E', 'o', 'o' ), { 4 } ('E', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'E', 'o' ), { 5 } ('E', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'E' ), { 6 } ('E', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'E', 'o' ), { 7 } ('E', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'E' ), { 8 } ('E', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'E' ) { 9 } ); function TBarcode.Code_UPC_E0:string; var i,j : integer; tmp : String; c : char; begin FText := SetLen(7); tmp:=DoCheckSumming(copy(FText,1,6)); c:=tmp[7]; if FCheckSum then FText:=tmp else tmp := FText; result := '505'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 6 do begin if tabelle_UPC_E0[c,i]='E' then begin for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j]; end else begin result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]]; end; end; result := result '05050'; {Stopcode} end; function TBarcode.Code_UPC_E1:string; var i,j : integer; tmp : String; c : char; begin FText := SetLen(7); tmp:=DoCheckSumming(copy(FText,1,6)); c:=tmp[7]; if FCheckSum then FText:=tmp else tmp := FText; result := '505'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 6 do begin if tabelle_UPC_E0[c,i]='E' then begin result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]]; end else begin for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j]; end; end; result := result '05050'; {Stopcode} end; {assist function} function getSupp(Nr : String) : String; var i,fak,sum : Integer; tmp : String; begin sum := 0; tmp := copy(nr,1,Length(Nr)-1); fak := Length(tmp); for i:=1 to length(tmp) do begin if (fak mod 2) = 0 then sum := sum (StrToInt(tmp[i])*9) else sum := sum (StrToInt(tmp[i])*3); dec(fak); end; sum:=((sum mod 10) mod 10) mod 10; result := tmp IntToStr(sum); end; function TBarcode.Code_Supp5:string; var i,j : integer; tmp : String; c : char; begin FText := SetLen(5); tmp:=getSupp(copy(FText,1,5) '0'); c:=tmp[6]; if FCheckSum then FText:=tmp else tmp := FText; result := '506'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 5 do begin if tabelle_UPC_E0[c,(6-5) i]='E' then begin for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j]; end else begin result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]]; end; if i<5 then result:=result '05'; // character delineator end; end; function TBarcode.Code_Supp2:string; var i,j : integer; tmp,mS : String; c : char; begin FText := SetLen(2); i:=StrToInt(Ftext); case i mod 4 of 3: mS:='EE'; 2: mS:='Eo'; 1: mS:='oE'; 0: mS:='oo'; end; tmp:=getSupp(copy(FText,1,5) '0'); c:=tmp[3]; if FCheckSum then FText:=tmp else tmp := FText; result := '506'; {Startcode} for i:=1 to 2 do begin if mS[i]='E' then begin for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j]; end else begin result := result tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]]; end; if i<2 then result:=result '05'; // character delineator end; end; {---------------} procedure TBarcode.MakeModules; begin case Typ of bcCode_2_5_interleaved, bcCode_2_5_industrial, bcCode39, bcCodeEAN8, bcCodeEAN13, bcCode39Extended, bcCodeCodabar, bcCodeUPC_A, bcCodeUPC_E0, bcCodeUPC_E1, bcCodeUPC_Supp2, bcCodeUPC_Supp5: begin if Ratio < 2.0 then Ratio := 2.0; if Ratio > 3.0 then Ratio := 3.0; end; bcCode_2_5_matrix: begin if Ratio < 2.25 then Ratio := 2.25; if Ratio > 3.0 then Ratio := 3.0; end; bcCode128A, bcCode128B, bcCode128C, bcCode93, bcCode93Extended, bcCodeMSI, bcCodePostNet: ; end; modules[0] := FModul; modules[1] := Round(FModul*FRatio); modules[2] := modules[1] * 3 div 2; modules[3] := modules[1] * 2; end; { Draw the Barcode Parameter : 'data' holds the pattern for a Barcode. A barcode begins always with a black line and ends with a black line. The white Lines builds the space between the black Lines. A black line must always followed by a white Line and vica versa. Examples: '50505' // 3 thin black Lines with 2 thin white Lines '606' // 2 fat black Lines with 1 thin white Line '5605015' // Error data[] : see procedure OneBarProps } procedure TBarcode.DoLines(data:string; Canvas:TCanvas); var i:integer; lt : TBarLineType; xadd:integer; width, height:integer; a,b,c,d, {Edges of a line (we need 4 Point because the line} {is a recangle} orgin : TPoint; alpha:double; begin xadd := 0; orgin.x := FLeft; orgin.y := FTop; alpha := FAngle*pi / 180.0; //with Canvas do //begin Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; for i:=1 to Length(data) do {examine the pattern string} begin { input: pattern code output: Width and Linetype } OneBarProps(data[i], width, lt); if (lt = black) or (lt = black_half) then begin Canvas.Pen.Color := FColorBar; end else begin Canvas.Pen.Color := FColor; end; Canvas.Brush.Color := Canvas.Pen.Color; if lt = black_half then height := FHeight * 2 div 5 else height := FHeight; a.x := xadd; a.y := 0; b.x := xadd; b.y := height; {c.x := xadd width;} c.x := xadd Width-1; {23.04.1999 Line was 1 Pixel too wide} c.y := Height; {d.x := xadd width;} d.x := xadd Width-1; {23.04.1999 Line was 1 Pixel too wide} d.y := 0; {a,b,c,d builds the rectangle we want to draw} {rotate the rectangle} a := Translate2D(Rotate2D(a, alpha), orgin); b := Translate2D(Rotate2D(b, alpha), orgin); c := Translate2D(Rotate2D(c, alpha), orgin); d := Translate2D(Rotate2D(d, alpha), orgin); {draw the rectangle} Canvas.Polygon([a,b,c,d]); xadd := xadd width; end; //end; // with Canvas do // begin // Pen.Width := 1; // // for i:=1 to Length(data) do {examine the pattern string} // begin // // { // input: pattern code // output: Width and Linetype // } // OneBarProps(data[i], width, lt); // // if (lt = black) or (lt = black_half) then // begin // Pen.Color := FColorBar; // end // else // begin // Pen.Color := FColor; // end; // Brush.Color := Pen.Color; // // if lt = black_half then // height := FHeight * 2 div 5 // else // height := FHeight; // // a.x := xadd; // a.y := 0; // // b.x := xadd; // b.y := height; // // {c.x := xadd width;} // c.x := xadd Width-1; {23.04.1999 Line was 1 Pixel too wide} // c.y := Height; // // {d.x := xadd width;} // d.x := xadd Width-1; {23.04.1999 Line was 1 Pixel too wide} // d.y := 0; // // {a,b,c,d builds the rectangle we want to draw} // // // {rotate the rectangle} // a := Translate2D(Rotate2D(a, alpha), orgin); // b := Translate2D(Rotate2D(b, alpha), orgin); // c := Translate2D(Rotate2D(c, alpha), orgin); // d := Translate2D(Rotate2D(d, alpha), orgin); // // {draw the rectangle} // Polygon([a,b,c,d]); // // xadd := xadd width; // end; // end; end; procedure TBarcode.DrawBarcode(Canvas:TCanvas); var data : string; SaveFont: TFont; SavePen: TPen; SaveBrush: TBrush; begin Savefont := TFont.Create; SavePen := TPen.Create; SaveBrush := TBrush.Create; {get barcode pattern} data := MakeData; try {store Canvas properties} Savefont.Assign(Canvas.Font); SavePen.Assign(Canvas.Pen); SaveBrush.Assign(Canvas.Brush); DoLines(data, Canvas); {draw the barcode} if FShowText <> bcoNone then DrawText(Canvas); {show readable Text} {restore old Canvas properties} Canvas.Font.Assign(savefont); Canvas.Pen.Assign(SavePen); Canvas.Brush.Assign(SaveBrush); finally Savefont.Free; SavePen.Free; SaveBrush.Free; end; end; procedure TBarcode.DrawBarcodeToBmp(Bitmap:TBitmap); var data : string; SaveFont: TFont; SavePen: TPen; SaveBrush: TBrush; //Bmp:TBitmap; begin //Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create; Savefont := TFont.Create; SavePen := TPen.Create; SaveBrush := TBrush.Create; {get barcode pattern} data := MakeData; try {store Canvas properties} Savefont.Assign(Bitmap.Canvas.Font); SavePen.Assign(Bitmap.Canvas.Pen); SaveBrush.Assign(Bitmap.Canvas.Brush); // Showmessage( Self.Width.ToString ' / ' Self.Height.ToString); Bitmap.Width:=Self.Width 3; Bitmap.Height:=Self.Height 2; DoLines(data, Bitmap.Canvas); {draw the barcode} if FShowText <> bcoNone then DrawText(Bitmap.Canvas); {show readable Text} {restore old Canvas properties} Bitmap.Canvas.Font.Assign(savefont); Bitmap.Canvas.Pen.Assign(SavePen); Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Assign(SaveBrush); finally Savefont.Free; SavePen.Free; SaveBrush.Free; end; // Bitmap.Width:=Self.Width 3; Bitmap.Height:=Self.Height 2; //Bitmap.Assign(Bmp); //Showmessage( Bitmap.Width.ToString '/' Bitmap.Height.ToString ); //Bmp.Free; end; { draw contents and type/name of barcode as human readable text at the left upper edge of the barcode. main use for this procedure is testing. note: this procedure changes Pen and Brush of the current canvas. } procedure TBarcode.DrawText(Canvas:TCanvas); var w,h:integer; begin // with Canvas do // begin Canvas.Font.Size := 6; {the fixed font size is a problem, if you use very large or small barcodes} w:=Canvas.TextWidth(FText); h:=Canvas.TextHeight(FTExt); Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; if FShowText in [bcoCode, bcoBoth] then begin w:=Canvas.TextWidth(FText); h:=Canvas.TextHeight(FTExt); //Canvas.TextOut(FLeft, FTop, FText); {contents of Barcode} Canvas.TextOut( (Self.Width-w) div 2, (Self.Height-h) 2, FText); {contents of Barcode} end; if FShowText in [bcoTyp, bcoBoth] then begin w:=Canvas.TextWidth(GetTypText); h:=Canvas.TextHeight(GetTypText); Canvas.TextOut( (Self.Width-w) div 2, 1, GetTypText); {type/name of barcode} //Canvas.TextOut(FLeft, FTop 14, GetTypText); {type/name of barcode} end; // end; end; procedure Register; begin { there is a function to determine the page name independent of your language but i forgot it. could you get me a hint to avoid this hard coded string 'Extras' } RegisterComponents('CmjVcl', [TBarcode]); end; end. //******************************************************************************** unit CmjQRCode; // ZXing QRCode port to Delphi, by Debenu Pty Ltd (www.debenu.com) // Original copyright notice (* * Copyright 2008 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *) interface type TQRCodeEncoding = (qrAuto, qrNumeric, qrAlphanumeric, qrISO88591, qrUTF8NoBOM, qrUTF8BOM); T2DBooleanArray = array of array of Boolean; TDelphiZXingQRCode = class protected FData: WideString; FRows: Integer; FColumns: Integer; FEncoding: TQRCodeEncoding; FQuietZone: Integer; FElements: T2DBooleanArray; procedure SetEncoding(NewEncoding: TQRCodeEncoding); procedure SetData(const NewData: WideString); procedure SetQuietZone(NewQuietZone: Integer); function GetIsBlack(Row, Column: Integer): Boolean; procedure Update; public constructor Create; property Data: WideString read FData write SetData; property Encoding: TQRCodeEncoding read FEncoding write SetEncoding; property QuietZone: Integer read FQuietZone write SetQuietZone; property Rows: Integer read FRows; property Columns: Integer read FColumns; property IsBlack[Row, Column: Integer]: Boolean read GetIsBlack; end; implementation uses contnrs, Math, Classes; type TByteArray = array of Byte; T2DByteArray = array of array of Byte; TIntegerArray = array of Integer; const NUM_MASK_PATTERNS = 8; QUIET_ZONE_SIZE = 4; ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE: array[0..95] of Integer = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x00-0x0f -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x10-0x1f 36, -1, -1, -1, 37, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39, 40, -1, 41, 42, 43, // 0x20-0x2f 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x30-0x3f -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, // 0x40-0x4f 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 // 0x50-0x5f ); DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING = 'ISO-8859-1'; POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN: array[0..6, 0..6] of Integer = ( (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); HORIZONTAL_SEPARATION_PATTERN: array[0..0, 0..7] of Integer = ( (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); VERTICAL_SEPARATION_PATTERN: array[0..6, 0..0] of Integer = ( (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0)); POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN: array[0..4, 0..4] of Integer = ( (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); // From Appendix E. Table 1, JIS0510X:2004 (p 71). The table was double-checked by komatsu. POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE: array[0..39, 0..6] of Integer = ( (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 1 ( 6, 18, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 2 ( 6, 22, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 3 ( 6, 26, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 4 ( 6, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 5 ( 6, 34, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 6 ( 6, 22, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 7 ( 6, 24, 42, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 8 ( 6, 26, 46, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 9 ( 6, 28, 50, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 10 ( 6, 30, 54, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 11 ( 6, 32, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 12 ( 6, 34, 62, -1, -1, -1, -1), // Version 13 ( 6, 26, 46, 66, -1, -1, -1), // Version 14 ( 6, 26, 48, 70, -1, -1, -1), // Version 15 ( 6, 26, 50, 74, -1, -1, -1), // Version 16 ( 6, 30, 54, 78, -1, -1, -1), // Version 17 ( 6, 30, 56, 82, -1, -1, -1), // Version 18 ( 6, 30, 58, 86, -1, -1, -1), // Version 19 ( 6, 34, 62, 90, -1, -1, -1), // Version 20 ( 6, 28, 50, 72, 94, -1, -1), // Version 21 ( 6, 26, 50, 74, 98, -1, -1), // Version 22 ( 6, 30, 54, 78, 102, -1, -1), // Version 23 ( 6, 28, 54, 80, 106, -1, -1), // Version 24 ( 6, 32, 58, 84, 110, -1, -1), // Version 25 ( 6, 30, 58, 86, 114, -1, -1), // Version 26 ( 6, 34, 62, 90, 118, -1, -1), // Version 27 ( 6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122, -1), // Version 28 ( 6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, -1), // Version 29 ( 6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, -1), // Version 30 ( 6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134, -1), // Version 31 ( 6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138, -1), // Version 32 ( 6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, -1), // Version 33 ( 6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146, -1), // Version 34 ( 6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150), // Version 35 ( 6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154), // Version 36 ( 6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158), // Version 37 ( 6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162), // Version 38 ( 6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166), // Version 39 ( 6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170) // Version 40 ); // Type info cells at the left top corner. TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES: array[0..14, 0..1] of Integer = ( (8, 0), (8, 1), (8, 2), (8, 3), (8, 4), (8, 5), (8, 7), (8, 8), (7, 8), (5, 8), (4, 8), (3, 8), (2, 8), (1, 8), (0, 8) ); // From Appendix D in JISX0510:2004 (p. 67) VERSION_INFO_POLY = $1f25; // 1 1111 0010 0101 // From Appendix C in JISX0510:2004 (p.65). TYPE_INFO_POLY = $537; TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN = $5412; VERSION_DECODE_INFO: array[0..33] of Integer = ( $07C94, $085BC, $09A99, $0A4D3, $0BBF6, $0C762, $0D847, $0E60D, $0F928, $10B78, $1145D, $12A17, $13532, $149A6, $15683, $168C9, $177EC, $18EC4, $191E1, $1AFAB, $1B08E, $1CC1A, $1D33F, $1ED75, $1F250, $209D5, $216F0, $228BA, $2379F, $24B0B, $2542E, $26A64, $27541, $28C69); type TMode = (qmTerminator, qmNumeric, qmAlphanumeric, qmStructuredAppend, qmByte, qmECI, qmKanji, qmFNC1FirstPosition, qmFNC1SecondPosition, qmHanzi); const ModeCharacterCountBits: array[TMode] of array[0..2] of Integer = ( (0, 0, 0), (10, 12, 14), (9, 11, 13), (0, 0, 0), (8, 16, 16), (0, 0, 0), (8, 10, 12), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (8, 10, 12)); ModeBits: array[TMode] of Integer = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 5, 9, 13); type TErrorCorrectionLevel = class private FBits: Integer; public procedure Assign(Source: TErrorCorrectionLevel); function Ordinal: Integer; property Bits: Integer read FBits; end; TECB = class private Count: Integer; DataCodewords: Integer; public constructor Create(Count, DataCodewords: Integer); function GetCount: Integer; function GetDataCodewords: Integer; end; TECBArray = array of TECB; TECBlocks = class private ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks: TECBArray; public constructor Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks: TECB); overload; constructor Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks1, ECBlocks2: TECB); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function GetTotalECCodewords: Integer; function GetNumBlocks: Integer; function GetECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; function GetECBlocks: TECBArray; end; TByteMatrix = class protected Bytes: T2DByteArray; FWidth: Integer; FHeight: Integer; public constructor Create(Width, Height: Integer); function Get(X, Y: Integer): Integer; procedure SetBoolean(X, Y: Integer; Value: Boolean); procedure SetInteger(X, Y: Integer; Value: Integer); function GetArray: T2DByteArray; procedure Assign(Source: TByteMatrix); procedure Clear(Value: Byte); function Hash: AnsiString; property Width: Integer read FWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight; end; TBitArray = class private Bits: array of Integer; Size: Integer; procedure EnsureCapacity(Size: Integer); public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(Size: Integer); overload; function GetSizeInBytes: Integer; function GetSize: Integer; function Get(I: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetBit(Index: Integer); procedure AppendBit(Bit: Boolean); procedure AppendBits(Value, NumBits: Integer); procedure AppendBitArray(NewBitArray: TBitArray); procedure ToBytes(BitOffset: Integer; Source: TByteArray; Offset, NumBytes: Integer); procedure XorOperation(Other: TBitArray); end; TCharacterSetECI = class end; TVersion = class private VersionNumber: Integer; AlignmentPatternCenters: array of Integer; ECBlocks: array of TECBlocks; TotalCodewords: Integer; ECCodewords: Integer; public constructor Create(VersionNumber: Integer; AlignmentPatternCenters: array of Integer; ECBlocks1, ECBlocks2, ECBlocks3, ECBlocks4: TECBlocks); destructor Destroy; override; class function GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum: Integer): TVersion; class function ChooseVersion(NumInputBits: Integer; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TVersion; function GetTotalCodewords: Integer; function GetECBlocksForLevel(ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TECBlocks; function GetDimensionForVersion: Integer; end; TMaskUtil = class public function GetDataMaskBit(MaskPattern, X, Y: Integer): Boolean; end; TQRCode = class private FMode: TMode; FECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; FVersion: Integer; FMatrixWidth: Integer; FMaskPattern: Integer; FNumTotalBytes: Integer; FNumDataBytes: Integer; FNumECBytes: Integer; FNumRSBlocks: Integer; FMatrix: TByteMatrix; FQRCodeError: Boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function At(X, Y: Integer): Integer; function IsValid: Boolean; function IsValidMaskPattern(MaskPattern: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetMatrix(NewMatrix: TByteMatrix); procedure SetECLevel(NewECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel); procedure SetAll(VersionNum, NumBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks, NumECBytes, MatrixWidth: Integer); property QRCodeError: Boolean read FQRCodeError; property Mode: TMode read FMode write FMode; property Version: Integer read FVersion write FVersion; property NumDataBytes: Integer read FNumDataBytes; property NumTotalBytes: Integer read FNumTotalBytes; property NumRSBlocks: Integer read FNumRSBlocks; property MatrixWidth: Integer read FMatrixWidth; property MaskPattern: Integer read FMaskPattern write FMaskPattern; property ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel read FECLevel; end; TMatrixUtil = class private FMatrixUtilError: Boolean; procedure ClearMatrix(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedBasicPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedTypeInfo(ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure MaybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedDataBits(DataBits: TBitArray; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); function FindMSBSet(Value: Integer): Integer; function CalculateBCHCode(Value, Poly: Integer): Integer; procedure MakeTypeInfoBits(ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); procedure MakeVersionInfoBits(Version: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); function IsEmpty(Value: Integer): Boolean; procedure EmbedTimingPatterns(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure MaybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); public constructor Create; property MatrixUtilError: Boolean read FMatrixUtilError; procedure BuildMatrix(DataBits: TBitArray; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version, MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); end; function GetModeBits(Mode: TMode): Integer; begin Result := ModeBits[Mode]; end; function GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode: TMode; Version: TVersion): Integer; var Number: Integer; Offset: Integer; begin Number := Version.VersionNumber; if (Number <= 9) then begin Offset := 0; end else if (number <= 26) then begin Offset := 1; end else begin Offset := 2; end; Result := ModeCharacterCountBits[Mode][Offset]; end; type TBlockPair = class private FDataBytes: TByteArray; FErrorCorrectionBytes: TByteArray; public constructor Create(BA1, BA2: TByteArray); function GetDataBytes: TByteArray; function GetErrorCorrectionBytes: TByteArray; end; TGenericGFPoly = class; TGenericGF = class private FExpTable: TIntegerArray; FLogTable: TIntegerArray; FZero: TGenericGFPoly; FOne: TGenericGFPoly; FSize: Integer; FPrimitive: Integer; FGeneratorBase: Integer; FInitialized: Boolean; FPolyList: array of TGenericGFPoly; procedure CheckInit; procedure Initialize; public class function CreateQRCodeField256: TGenericGF; class function AddOrSubtract(A, B: Integer): Integer; constructor Create(Primitive, Size, B: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; function GetZero: TGenericGFPoly; function Exp(A: Integer): Integer; function GetGeneratorBase: Integer; function Inverse(A: Integer): Integer; function Multiply(A, B: Integer): Integer; function BuildMonomial(Degree, Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFPoly; end; TGenericGFPolyArray = array of TGenericGFPoly; TGenericGFPoly = class private FField: TGenericGF; FCoefficients: TIntegerArray; public constructor Create(AField: TGenericGF; ACoefficients: TIntegerArray); destructor Destroy; override; function Coefficients: TIntegerArray; function Multiply(Other: TGenericGFPoly): TGenericGFPoly; function MultiplyByMonomial(Degree, Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFPoly; function Divide(Other: TGenericGFPoly): TGenericGFPolyArray; function GetCoefficients: TIntegerArray; function IsZero: Boolean; function GetCoefficient(Degree: Integer): Integer; function GetDegree: Integer; function AddOrSubtract(Other: TGenericGFPoly): TGenericGFPoly; end; TReedSolomonEncoder = class private FField: TGenericGF; FCachedGenerators: TObjectList; public constructor Create(AField: TGenericGF); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Encode(ToEncode: TIntegerArray; ECBytes: Integer); function BuildGenerator(Degree: Integer): TGenericGFPoly; end; TEncoder = class private FEncoderError: Boolean; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix: TByteMatrix; IsHorizontal: Boolean): Integer; function ChooseMode(const Content: WideString; var EncodeOptions: Integer): TMode; overload; function FilterContent(const Content: WideString; Mode: TMode; EncodeOptions: Integer): WideString; procedure Append8BitBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); procedure AppendAlphanumericBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendBytes(const Content: WideString; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); procedure AppendKanjiBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendLengthInfo(NumLetters, VersionNum: Integer; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendModeInfo(Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendNumericBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray); function ChooseMaskPattern(Bits: TBitArray; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function GenerateECBytes(DataBytes: TByteArray; NumECBytesInBlock: Integer): TByteArray; function GetAlphanumericCode(Code: Integer): Integer; procedure GetNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID(NumTotalBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks, BlockID: Integer; var NumDataBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; var NumECBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray); procedure InterleaveWithECBytes(Bits: TBitArray; NumTotalBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks: Integer; var Result: TBitArray); //function IsOnlyDoubleByteKanji(const Content: WideString): Boolean; procedure TerminateBits(NumDataBytes: Integer; var Bits: TBitArray); function CalculateMaskPenalty(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule3(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; //procedure Encode(const Content: WideString; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); overload; procedure Encode(const Content: WideString; EncodeOptions: Integer; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); public constructor Create; property EncoderError: Boolean read FEncoderError; end; function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; begin Result := ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix, True) ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix, False); end; // Apply mask penalty rule 2 and return the penalty. Find 2x2 blocks with the same color and give // penalty to them. function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; Value: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; Width := Matrix.Width; Height := Matrix.Height; for Y := 0 to Height - 2 do begin for X := 0 to Width - 2 do begin Value := TheArray[Y][X]; if ((Value = TheArray[Y][X 1]) and (Value = TheArray[Y 1][X]) and (Value = TheArray[Y 1][X 1])) then begin Inc(Penalty, 3); end; end; end; Result := Penalty; end; // Apply mask penalty rule 3 and return the penalty. Find consecutive cells of 00001011101 or // 10111010000, and give penalty to them. If we find patterns like 000010111010000, we give // penalties twice (i.e. 40 * 2). function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule3(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; Width := Matrix.Width; Height := Matrix.Height; for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin if ((X 6 < Width) and (TheArray[Y][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X 1] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X 2] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X 3] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X 4] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X 5] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X 6] = 1) and (((X 10 < Width) and (TheArray[Y][X 7] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X 8] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X 9] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X 10] = 0)) or ((x - 4 >= 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 1] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 2] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 3] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 4] = 0)))) then begin Inc(Penalty, 40); end; if ((Y 6 < Height) and (TheArray[Y][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y 1][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y 2][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y 3][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y 4][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y 5][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y 6][X] = 1) and (((Y 10 < Height) and (TheArray[Y 7][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y 8][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y 9][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y 10][X] = 0)) or ((Y - 4 >= 0) and (TheArray[Y - 1][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y - 2][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y - 3][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y - 4][X] = 0)))) then begin Inc(Penalty, 40); end; end; end; Result := Penalty; end; // Apply mask penalty rule 4 and return the penalty. Calculate the ratio of dark cells and give // penalty if the ratio is far from 50%. It gives 10 penalty for 5% distance. Examples: // - 0% => 100 // - 40% => 20 // - 45% => 10 // - 50% => 0 // - 55% => 10 // - 55% => 20 // - 100% => 100 function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var NumDarkCells: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; NumTotalCells: Integer; DarkRatio: Double; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin NumDarkCells := 0; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; Width := Matrix.Width; Height := matrix.Height; for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin if (TheArray[Y][X] = 1) then begin Inc(NumDarkCells); end; end; end; numTotalCells := matrix.Height * Matrix.Width; DarkRatio := NumDarkCells / NumTotalCells; Result := Round(Abs((DarkRatio * 100 - 50)) / 50); end; // Helper function for applyMaskPenaltyRule1. We need this for doing this calculation in both // vertical and horizontal orders respectively. function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix: TByteMatrix; IsHorizontal: Boolean): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; NumSameBitCells: Integer; PrevBit: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; I: Integer; J: Integer; Bit: Integer; ILimit: Integer; JLimit: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; NumSameBitCells := 0; PrevBit := -1; // Horizontal mode: // for (int i = 0; i < matrix.height(); i) { // for (int j = 0; j < matrix.width(); j) { // int bit = matrix.get(i, j); // Vertical mode: // for (int i = 0; i < matrix.width(); i) { // for (int j = 0; j < matrix.height(); j) { // int bit = matrix.get(j, i); if (IsHorizontal) then begin ILimit := Matrix.Height; JLimit := Matrix.Width; end else begin ILimit := Matrix.Width; JLimit := Matrix.Height; end; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; for I := 0 to ILimit - 1 do begin for J := 0 to JLimit - 1 do begin if (IsHorizontal) then begin Bit := TheArray[I][J]; end else begin Bit := TheArray[J][I]; end; if (Bit = PrevBit) then begin Inc(NumSameBitCells); // Found five repetitive cells with the same color (bit). // We'll give penalty of 3. if (NumSameBitCells = 5) then begin Inc(Penalty, 3); end else if (NumSameBitCells > 5) then begin // After five repetitive cells, we'll add the penalty one // by one. Inc(Penalty, 1);; end; end else begin NumSameBitCells := 1; // Include the cell itself. PrevBit := bit; end; end; NumSameBitCells := 0; // Clear at each row/column. end; Result := Penalty; end; { TQRCode } constructor TQRCode.Create; begin FMode := qmTerminator; FQRCodeError := False; FECLevel := nil; FVersion := -1; FMatrixWidth := -1; FMaskPattern := -1; FNumTotalBytes := -1; FNumDataBytes := -1; FNumECBytes := -1; FNumRSBlocks := -1; FMatrix := nil; end; destructor TQRCode.Destroy; begin if (Assigned(FECLevel)) then begin FECLevel.Free; end; if (Assigned(FMatrix)) then begin FMatrix.Free; end; inherited; end; function TQRCode.At(X, Y: Integer): Integer; var Value: Integer; begin // The value must be zero or one. Value := FMatrix.Get(X, Y); if (not ((Value = 0) or (Value = 1))) then begin FQRCodeError := True; end; Result := Value; end; function TQRCode.IsValid: Boolean; begin Result := // First check if all version are not uninitialized. ((FECLevel <> nil) and (FVersion <> -1) and (FMatrixWidth <> -1) and (FMaskPattern <> -1) and (FNumTotalBytes <> -1) and (FNumDataBytes <> -1) and (FNumECBytes <> -1) and (FNumRSBlocks <> -1) and // Then check them in other ways.. IsValidMaskPattern(FMaskPattern) and (FNumTotalBytes = FNumDataBytes FNumECBytes) and // ByteMatrix stuff. (Assigned(FMatrix)) and (FMatrixWidth = FMatrix.Width) and // See 7.3.1 of JISX0510:2004 (Fp.5). (FMatrix.Width = FMatrix.Height)); // Must be square. end; function TQRCode.IsValidMaskPattern(MaskPattern: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (MaskPattern >= 0) and (MaskPattern < NUM_MASK_PATTERNS); end; procedure TQRCode.SetMatrix(NewMatrix: TByteMatrix); begin if (Assigned(FMatrix)) then begin FMatrix.Free; FMatrix := nil; end; FMatrix := NewMatrix; end; procedure TQRCode.SetAll(VersionNum, NumBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks, NumECBytes, MatrixWidth: Integer); begin FVersion := VersionNum; FNumTotalBytes := NumBytes; FNumDataBytes := NumDataBytes; FNumRSBlocks := NumRSBlocks; FNumECBytes := NumECBytes; FMatrixWidth := MatrixWidth; end; procedure TQRCode.SetECLevel(NewECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel); begin if (Assigned(FECLevel)) then begin FECLevel.Free; end; FECLevel := TErrorCorrectionLevel.Create; FECLevel.Assign(NewECLevel); end; { TByteMatrix } procedure TByteMatrix.Clear(Value: Byte); var X, Y: Integer; begin for Y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do begin for X := 0 to FWidth - 1 do begin Bytes[Y][X] := Value; end; end; end; constructor TByteMatrix.Create(Width, Height: Integer); var Y: Integer; X: Integer; begin FWidth := Width; FHeight := Height; SetLength(Bytes, Height); for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin SetLength(Bytes[Y], Width); for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin Bytes[Y][X] := 0; end; end; end; function TByteMatrix.Get(X, Y: Integer): Integer; begin if (Bytes[Y][X] = 255) then Result := -1 else Result := Bytes[Y][X]; end; function TByteMatrix.GetArray: T2DByteArray; begin Result := Bytes; end; function TByteMatrix.Hash: AnsiString; var X, Y: Integer; Counter: Integer; CC: Integer; begin Result := ''; for Y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do begin Counter := 0; for X := 0 to FWidth - 1 do begin CC := Get(X, Y); if (CC = -1) then CC := 255; Counter := Counter CC; end; Result := Result AnsiChar((Counter mod 26) 65); end; end; procedure TByteMatrix.SetBoolean(X, Y: Integer; Value: Boolean); begin Bytes[Y][X] := Byte(Value) and $FF; end; procedure TByteMatrix.SetInteger(X, Y, Value: Integer); begin Bytes[Y][X] := Value and $FF; end; procedure TByteMatrix.Assign(Source: TByteMatrix); var SourceLength: Integer; begin SourceLength := Length(Source.Bytes); SetLength(Bytes, SourceLength); if (SourceLength > 0) then begin Move(Source.Bytes[0], Bytes[0], SourceLength); end; FWidth := Source.Width; FHeight := Source.Height; end; { TEncoder } function TEncoder.CalculateMaskPenalty(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; Inc(Penalty, ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(Matrix)); Inc(Penalty, ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(Matrix)); Inc(Penalty, ApplyMaskPenaltyRule3(Matrix)); Inc(Penalty, ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(Matrix)); Result := Penalty; end; {procedure TEncoder.Encode(const Content: WideString; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); begin Encode(Content, ECLevel, nil, QRCode); end;} procedure TEncoder.Encode(const Content: WideString; EncodeOptions: Integer; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); var Mode: TMode; DataBits: TBitArray; FinalBits: TBitArray; HeaderBits: TBitArray; HeaderAndDataBits: TBitArray; Matrix: TByteMatrix; NumLetters: Integer; MatrixUtil: TMatrixUtil; BitsNeeded: Integer; ProvisionalBitsNeeded: Integer; ProvisionalVersion: TVersion; Version: TVersion; ECBlocks: TECBlocks; NumDataBytes: Integer; Dimension: Integer; FilteredContent: WideString; begin DataBits := TBitArray.Create; HeaderBits := TBitArray.Create; // Pick an encoding mode appropriate for the content. Note that this will not attempt to use // multiple modes / segments even if that were more efficient. Twould be nice. // Collect data within the main segment, separately, to count its size if needed. Don't add it to // main payload yet. Mode := ChooseMode(Content, EncodeOptions); FilteredContent := FilterContent(Content, Mode, EncodeOptions); AppendBytes(FilteredContent, Mode, DataBits, EncodeOptions); // (With ECI in place,) Write the mode marker AppendModeInfo(Mode, HeaderBits); // Hard part: need to know version to know how many bits length takes. But need to know how many // bits it takes to know version. First we take a guess at version by assuming version will be // the minimum, 1: ProvisionalVersion := TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(1); try ProvisionalBitsNeeded := HeaderBits.GetSize GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode, ProvisionalVersion) DataBits.GetSize; finally ProvisionalVersion.Free; end; ProvisionalVersion := TVersion.ChooseVersion(ProvisionalBitsNeeded, ECLevel); try // Use that guess to calculate the right version. I am still not sure this works in 100% of cases. BitsNeeded := HeaderBits.GetSize GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode, ProvisionalVersion) DataBits.GetSize; Version := TVersion.ChooseVersion(BitsNeeded, ECLevel); finally ProvisionalVersion.Free; end; HeaderAndDataBits := TBitArray.Create; FinalBits := TBitArray.Create; try HeaderAndDataBits.AppendBitArray(HeaderBits); // Find "length" of main segment and write it if (Mode = qmByte) then begin NumLetters := DataBits.GetSizeInBytes; end else begin NumLetters := Length(FilteredContent); end; AppendLengthInfo(NumLetters, Version.VersionNumber, Mode, HeaderAndDataBits); // Put data together into the overall payload HeaderAndDataBits.AppendBitArray(DataBits); ECBlocks := Version.GetECBlocksForLevel(ECLevel); NumDataBytes := Version.GetTotalCodewords - ECBlocks.GetTotalECCodewords; // Terminate the bits properly. TerminateBits(NumDataBytes, HeaderAndDataBits); // Interleave data bits with error correction code. InterleaveWithECBytes(HeaderAndDataBits, Version.GetTotalCodewords, NumDataBytes, ECBlocks.GetNumBlocks, FinalBits); // QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(); // This is passed in QRCode.SetECLevel(ECLevel); QRCode.Mode := Mode; QRCode.Version := Version.VersionNumber; // Choose the mask pattern and set to "qrCode". Dimension := Version.GetDimensionForVersion; Matrix := TByteMatrix.Create(Dimension, Dimension); QRCode.MaskPattern := ChooseMaskPattern(FinalBits, ECLevel, Version.VersionNumber, Matrix); Matrix.Free; Matrix := TByteMatrix.Create(Dimension, Dimension); // Build the matrix and set it to "qrCode". MatrixUtil := TMatrixUtil.Create; try MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(FinalBits, QRCode.ECLevel, QRCode.Version, QRCode.MaskPattern, Matrix); finally MatrixUtil.Free; end; QRCode.SetMatrix(Matrix); // QRCode will free the matrix finally DataBits.Free; HeaderAndDataBits.Free; FinalBits.Free; HeaderBits.Free; Version.Free; end; end; function TEncoder.FilterContent(const Content: WideString; Mode: TMode; EncodeOptions: Integer): WideString; var X: Integer; CanAdd: Boolean; begin Result := ''; for X := 1 to Length(Content) do begin CanAdd := False; if (Mode = qmNumeric) then begin CanAdd := (Content[X] >= '0') and (Content[X] <= '9'); end else if (Mode = qmAlphanumeric) then begin CanAdd := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[X])) > 0; end else if (Mode = qmByte) then begin if (EncodeOptions = 3) then begin CanAdd := Ord(Content[X]) <= $FF; end else if ((EncodeOptions = 4) or (EncodeOptions = 5)) then begin CanAdd := True; end; end; if (CanAdd) then begin Result := Result Content[X]; end; end; end; // Return the code point of the table used in alphanumeric mode or // -1 if there is no corresponding code in the table. function TEncoder.GetAlphanumericCode(Code: Integer): Integer; begin if (Code < Length(ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE)) then begin Result := ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE[Code]; end else begin Result := -1; end; end; // Choose the mode based on the content function TEncoder.ChooseMode(const Content: WideString; var EncodeOptions: Integer): TMode; var AllNumeric: Boolean; AllAlphanumeric: Boolean; AllISO: Boolean; I: Integer; C: WideChar; begin if (EncodeOptions = 0) then begin AllNumeric := Length(Content) > 0; I := 1; while (I <= Length(Content)) and (AllNumeric) do begin C := Content[I]; if ((C < '0') or (C > '9')) then begin AllNumeric := False; end else begin Inc(I); end; end; if (not AllNumeric) then begin AllAlphanumeric := Length(Content) > 0; I := 1; while (I <= Length(Content)) and (AllAlphanumeric) do begin C := Content[I]; if (GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(C)) < 0) then begin AllAlphanumeric := False; end else begin Inc(I); end; end; end else begin AllAlphanumeric := False; end; if (not AllAlphanumeric) then begin AllISO := Length(Content) > 0; I := 1; while (I <= Length(Content)) and (AllISO) do begin C := Content[I]; if (Ord(C) > $FF) then begin AllISO := False; end else begin Inc(I); end; end; end else begin AllISO := False; end; if (AllNumeric) then begin Result := qmNumeric; end else if (AllAlphanumeric) then begin Result := qmAlphanumeric; end else if (AllISO) then begin Result := qmByte; EncodeOptions := 3; end else begin Result := qmByte; EncodeOptions := 4; end; end else if (EncodeOptions = 1) then begin Result := qmNumeric; end else if (EncodeOptions = 2) then begin Result := qmAlphanumeric; end else begin Result := qmByte; end; end; constructor TEncoder.Create; begin FEncoderError := False; end; {function TEncoder.IsOnlyDoubleByteKanji(const Content: WideString): Boolean; var I: Integer; Char1: Integer; begin Result := True; I := 0; while ((I < Length(Content)) and Result) do begin Char1 := Ord(Content[I 1]); if (((Char1 < $81) or (Char1 > $9F)) and ((Char1 < $E0) or (Char1 > $EB))) then begin Result := False; end; end; end;} function TEncoder.ChooseMaskPattern(Bits: TBitArray; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var MinPenalty: Integer; BestMaskPattern: Integer; MaskPattern: Integer; MatrixUtil: TMatrixUtil; Penalty: Integer; begin MinPenalty := MaxInt; BestMaskPattern := -1; // We try all mask patterns to choose the best one. for MaskPattern := 0 to NUM_MASK_PATTERNS - 1 do begin MatrixUtil := TMatrixUtil.Create; try MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(Bits, ECLevel, Version, MaskPattern, Matrix); finally MatrixUtil.Free; end; Penalty := CalculateMaskPenalty(Matrix); if (Penalty < MinPenalty) then begin MinPenalty := Penalty; BestMaskPattern := MaskPattern; end; end; Result := BestMaskPattern; end; // Terminate bits as described in 8.4.8 and 8.4.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p.24). procedure TEncoder.TerminateBits(NumDataBytes: Integer; var Bits: TBitArray); var Capacity: Integer; I: Integer; NumBitsInLastByte: Integer; NumPaddingBytes: Integer; begin Capacity := NumDataBytes shl 3; if (Bits.GetSize > Capacity) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; I := 0; while ((I < 4) and (Bits.GetSize < capacity)) do begin Bits.AppendBit(False); Inc(I); end; // Append termination bits. See 8.4.8 of JISX0510:2004 (p.24) for details. // If the last byte isn't 8-bit aligned, we'll add padding bits. NumBitsInLastByte := Bits.GetSize and $07; if (NumBitsInLastByte > 0) then begin for I := numBitsInLastByte to 7 do begin Bits.AppendBit(False); end; end; // If we have more space, we'll fill the space with padding patterns defined in 8.4.9 (p.24). NumPaddingBytes := NumDataBytes - Bits.GetSizeInBytes; for I := 0 to NumPaddingBytes - 1 do begin if ((I and $01) = 0) then begin Bits.AppendBits($EC, 8); end else begin Bits.AppendBits($11, 8); end; end; if (Bits.GetSize <> Capacity) then begin FEncoderError := True; end; end; // Get number of data bytes and number of error correction bytes for block id "blockID". Store // the result in "numDataBytesInBlock", and "numECBytesInBlock". See table 12 in 8.5.1 of // JISX0510:2004 (p.30) procedure TEncoder.GetNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID(NumTotalBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks, BlockID: Integer; var NumDataBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; var NumECBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray); var NumRSBlocksInGroup1: Integer; NumRSBlocksInGroup2: Integer; NumTotalBytesInGroup1: Integer; NumTotalBytesInGroup2: Integer; NumDataBytesInGroup1: Integer; NumDataBytesInGroup2: Integer; NumECBytesInGroup1: Integer; NumECBytesInGroup2: Integer; begin if (BlockID >= NumRSBlocks) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // numRsBlocksInGroup2 = 196 % 5 = 1 NumRSBlocksInGroup2 := NumTotalBytes mod NumRSBlocks; // numRsBlocksInGroup1 = 5 - 1 = 4 NumRSBlocksInGroup1 := NumRSBlocks - NumRSBlocksInGroup2; // numTotalBytesInGroup1 = 196 / 5 = 39 NumTotalBytesInGroup1 := NumTotalBytes div NumRSBlocks; // numTotalBytesInGroup2 = 39 1 = 40 NumTotalBytesInGroup2 := NumTotalBytesInGroup1 1; // numDataBytesInGroup1 = 66 / 5 = 13 NumDataBytesInGroup1 := NumDataBytes div NumRSBlocks; // numDataBytesInGroup2 = 13 1 = 14 NumDataBytesInGroup2 := NumDataBytesInGroup1 1; // numEcBytesInGroup1 = 39 - 13 = 26 NumECBytesInGroup1 := NumTotalBytesInGroup1 - NumDataBytesInGroup1; // numEcBytesInGroup2 = 40 - 14 = 26 NumECBytesInGroup2 := NumTotalBytesInGroup2 - NumDataBytesInGroup2; // Sanity checks. // 26 = 26 if (NumECBytesInGroup1 <> NumECBytesInGroup2) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // 5 = 4 1. if (NumRSBlocks <> (NumRSBlocksInGroup1 NumRSBlocksInGroup2)) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // 196 = (13 26) * 4 (14 26) * 1 if (NumTotalBytes <> ((NumDataBytesInGroup1 NumECBytesInGroup1) * NumRsBlocksInGroup1) ((NumDataBytesInGroup2 NumECBytesInGroup2) * NumRsBlocksInGroup2)) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; if (BlockID < NumRSBlocksInGroup1) then begin NumDataBytesInBlock[0] := NumDataBytesInGroup1; NumECBytesInBlock[0] := numECBytesInGroup1; end else begin NumDataBytesInBlock[0] := NumDataBytesInGroup2; NumECBytesInBlock[0] := numEcBytesInGroup2; end; end; // Interleave "bits" with corresponding error correction bytes. On success, store the result in // "result". The interleave rule is complicated. See 8.6 of JISX0510:2004 (p.37) for details. procedure TEncoder.InterleaveWithECBytes(Bits: TBitArray; NumTotalBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks: Integer; var Result: TBitArray); var DataBytesOffset: Integer; MaxNumDataBytes: Integer; MaxNumECBytes: Integer; Blocks: TObjectList; NumDataBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; NumECBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; Size: Integer; DataBytes: TByteArray; ECBytes: TByteArray; I, J: Integer; BlockPair: TBlockPair; begin SetLength(ECBytes, 0); // "bits" must have "getNumDataBytes" bytes of data. if (Bits.GetSizeInBytes <> NumDataBytes) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // Step 1. Divide data bytes into blocks and generate error correction bytes for them. We'll // store the divided data bytes blocks and error correction bytes blocks into "blocks". DataBytesOffset := 0; MaxNumDataBytes := 0; MaxNumEcBytes := 0; // Since, we know the number of reedsolmon blocks, we can initialize the vector with the number. Blocks := TObjectList.Create(True); try Blocks.Capacity := NumRSBlocks; for I := 0 to NumRSBlocks - 1 do begin SetLength(NumDataBytesInBlock, 1); SetLength(NumECBytesInBlock, 1); GetNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID( NumTotalBytes, NumDataBytes, NumRSBlocks, I, NumDataBytesInBlock, NumEcBytesInBlock); Size := NumDataBytesInBlock[0]; SetLength(DataBytes, Size); Bits.ToBytes(8 * DataBytesOffset, DataBytes, 0, Size); ECBytes := GenerateECBytes(DataBytes, NumEcBytesInBlock[0]); BlockPair := TBlockPair.Create(DataBytes, ECBytes); Blocks.Add(BlockPair); MaxNumDataBytes := Max(MaxNumDataBytes, Size); MaxNumECBytes := Max(MaxNumECBytes, Length(ECBytes)); Inc(DataBytesOffset, NumDataBytesInBlock[0]); end; if (NumDataBytes <> DataBytesOffset) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // First, place data blocks. for I := 0 to MaxNumDataBytes - 1 do begin for J := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin DataBytes := TBlockPair(Blocks.Items[J]).GetDataBytes; if (I < Length(DataBytes)) then begin Result.AppendBits(DataBytes[I], 8); end; end; end; // Then, place error correction blocks. for I := 0 to MaxNumECBytes - 1 do begin for J := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin ECBytes := TBlockPair(Blocks.Items[J]).GetErrorCorrectionBytes; if (I < Length(ECBytes)) then begin Result.AppendBits(ECBytes[I], 8); end; end; end; finally Blocks.Free; end; if (numTotalBytes <> Result.GetSizeInBytes) then // Should be same. begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; end; function TEncoder.GenerateECBytes(DataBytes: TByteArray; NumECBytesInBlock: Integer): TByteArray; var NumDataBytes: Integer; ToEncode: TIntegerArray; ReedSolomonEncoder: TReedSolomonEncoder; I: Integer; ECBytes: TByteArray; GenericGF: TGenericGF; begin NumDataBytes := Length(DataBytes); SetLength(ToEncode, NumDataBytes NumECBytesInBlock); for I := 0 to NumDataBytes - 1 do begin ToEncode[I] := DataBytes[I] and $FF; end; GenericGF := TGenericGF.CreateQRCodeField256; try ReedSolomonEncoder := TReedSolomonEncoder.Create(GenericGF); try ReedSolomonEncoder.Encode(ToEncode, NumECBytesInBlock); finally ReedSolomonEncoder.Free; end; finally GenericGF.Free; end; SetLength(ECBytes, NumECBytesInBlock); for I := 0 to NumECBytesInBlock - 1 do begin ECBytes[I] := ToEncode[NumDataBytes I]; end; Result := ECBytes; end; // Append mode info. On success, store the result in "bits". procedure TEncoder.AppendModeInfo(Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); begin Bits.AppendBits(GetModeBits(Mode), 4); end; // Append length info. On success, store the result in "bits". procedure TEncoder.AppendLengthInfo(NumLetters, VersionNum: Integer; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); var NumBits: Integer; Version: TVersion; begin Version := TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum); try NumBits := GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode, Version); finally Version.Free; end; if (NumLetters > ((1 shl NumBits) - 1)) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; Bits.AppendBits(NumLetters, NumBits); end; // Append "bytes" in "mode" mode (encoding) into "bits". On success, store the result in "bits". procedure TEncoder.AppendBytes(const Content: WideString; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); begin if (Mode = qmNumeric) then begin AppendNumericBytes(Content, Bits); end else if (Mode = qmAlphanumeric) then begin AppendAlphanumericBytes(Content, Bits); end else if (Mode = qmByte) then begin Append8BitBytes(Content, Bits, EncodeOptions); end else if (Mode = qmKanji) then begin AppendKanjiBytes(Content, Bits); end else begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; end; procedure TEncoder.AppendNumericBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray); var ContentLength: Integer; I: Integer; Num1: Integer; Num2: Integer; Num3: Integer; begin ContentLength := Length(Content); I := 0; while (I < ContentLength) do begin Num1 := Ord(Content[I 0 1]) - Ord('0'); if (I 2 < ContentLength) then begin // Encode three numeric letters in ten bits. Num2 := Ord(Content[I 1 1]) - Ord('0'); Num3 := Ord(Content[I 2 1]) - Ord('0'); Bits.AppendBits(Num1 * 100 Num2 * 10 Num3, 10); Inc(I, 3); end else if (I 1 < ContentLength) then begin // Encode two numeric letters in seven bits. Num2 := Ord(Content[I 1 1]) - Ord('0'); Bits.AppendBits(Num1 * 10 Num2, 7); Inc(I, 2); end else begin // Encode one numeric letter in four bits. Bits.AppendBits(Num1, 4); Inc(I); end; end; end; procedure TEncoder.AppendAlphanumericBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray); var ContentLength: Integer; I: Integer; Code1: Integer; Code2: Integer; begin ContentLength := Length(Content); I := 0; while (I < ContentLength) do begin Code1 := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[I 0 1])); if (Code1 = -1) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; if (I 1 < ContentLength) then begin Code2 := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[I 1 1])); if (Code2 = -1) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // Encode two alphanumeric letters in 11 bits. Bits.AppendBits(Code1 * 45 Code2, 11); Inc(I, 2); end else begin // Encode one alphanumeric letter in six bits. Bits.AppendBits(Code1, 6); Inc(I); end; end; end; procedure TEncoder.Append8BitBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); var Bytes: TByteArray; I: Integer; UTF8Version: AnsiString; begin SetLength(Bytes, 0); if (EncodeOptions = 3) then begin SetLength(Bytes, Length(Content)); for I := 1 to Length(Content) do begin Bytes[I - 1] := Ord(Content[I]) and $FF; end; end else if (EncodeOptions = 4) then begin // Add the UTF-8 BOM UTF8Version := #$EF#$BB#$BF UTF8Encode(Content); SetLength(Bytes, Length(UTF8Version)); if (Length(UTF8Version) > 0) then begin Move(UTF8Version[1], Bytes[0], Length(UTF8Version)); end; end else if (EncodeOptions = 5) then begin // No BOM UTF8Version := UTF8Encode(Content); SetLength(Bytes, Length(UTF8Version)); if (Length(UTF8Version) > 0) then begin Move(UTF8Version[1], Bytes[0], Length(UTF8Version)); end; end; for I := 0 to Length(Bytes) - 1 do begin Bits.AppendBits(Bytes[I], 8); end; end; procedure TEncoder.AppendKanjiBytes(const Content: WideString; Bits: TBitArray); var Bytes: TByteArray; ByteLength: Integer; I: Integer; Byte1: Integer; Byte2: Integer; Code: Integer; Subtracted: Integer; Encoded: Integer; begin SetLength(Bytes, 0); try except FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; ByteLength := Length(Bytes); I := 0; while (I < ByteLength) do begin Byte1 := Bytes[I] and $FF; Byte2 := Bytes[I 1] and $FF; Code := (Byte1 shl 8) or Byte2; Subtracted := -1; if ((Code >= $8140) and (Code <= $9ffc)) then begin Subtracted := Code - $8140; end else if ((Code >= $e040) and (Code <= $ebbf)) then begin Subtracted := Code - $c140; end; if (Subtracted = -1) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; Encoded := ((Subtracted shr 8) * $c0) (Subtracted and $ff); Bits.AppendBits(Encoded, 13); Inc(I, 2); end; end; procedure TMatrixUtil.ClearMatrix(Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin Matrix.Clear(Byte(-1)); end; constructor TMatrixUtil.Create; begin FMatrixUtilError := False; end; // Build 2D matrix of QR Code from "dataBits" with "ecLevel", "version" and "getMaskPattern". On // success, store the result in "matrix" and return true. procedure TMatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(DataBits: TBitArray; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version, MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin ClearMatrix(Matrix); EmbedBasicPatterns(Version, Matrix); // Type information appear with any version. EmbedTypeInfo(ECLevel, MaskPattern, Matrix); // Version info appear if version >= 7. MaybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version, Matrix); // Data should be embedded at end. EmbedDataBits(DataBits, MaskPattern, Matrix); end; // Embed basic patterns. On success, modify the matrix and return true. // The basic patterns are: // - Position detection patterns // - Timing patterns // - Dark dot at the left bottom corner // - Position adjustment patterns, if need be procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedBasicPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin // Let's get started with embedding big squares at corners. EmbedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(Matrix); // Then, embed the dark dot at the left bottom corner. EmbedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(Matrix); // Position adjustment patterns appear if version >= 2. MaybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version, Matrix); // Timing patterns should be embedded after position adj. patterns. EmbedTimingPatterns(Matrix); end; // Embed type information. On success, modify the matrix. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedTypeInfo(ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var TypeInfoBits: TBitArray; I: Integer; Bit: Boolean; X1, Y1: Integer; X2, Y2: Integer; begin TypeInfoBits := TBitArray.Create; try MakeTypeInfoBits(ECLevel, MaskPattern, TypeInfoBits); for I := 0 to TypeInfoBits.GetSize - 1 do begin // Place bits in LSB to MSB order. LSB (least significant bit) is the last value in // "typeInfoBits". Bit := TypeInfoBits.Get(TypeInfoBits.GetSize - 1 - I); // Type info bits at the left top corner. See 8.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p.46). X1 := TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[I][0]; Y1 := TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[I][1]; Matrix.SetBoolean(X1, Y1, Bit); if (I < 8) then begin // Right top corner. X2 := Matrix.Width - I - 1; Y2 := 8; Matrix.SetBoolean(X2, Y2, Bit); end else begin // Left bottom corner. X2 := 8; Y2 := Matrix.Height - 7 (I - 8); Matrix.SetBoolean(X2, Y2, Bit); end; end; finally TypeInfoBits.Free; end; end; // Embed version information if need be. On success, modify the matrix and return true. // See 8.10 of JISX0510:2004 (p.47) for how to embed version information. procedure TMatrixUtil.MaybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var VersionInfoBits: TBitArray; I, J: Integer; BitIndex: Integer; Bit: Boolean; begin if (Version < 7) then begin Exit; // Don't need version info. end; VersionInfoBits := TBitArray.Create; try MakeVersionInfoBits(Version, VersionInfoBits); BitIndex := 6 * 3 - 1; // It will decrease from 17 to 0. for I := 0 to 5 do begin for J := 0 to 2 do begin // Place bits in LSB (least significant bit) to MSB order. Bit := VersionInfoBits.Get(BitIndex); Dec(BitIndex); // Left bottom corner. Matrix.SetBoolean(I, Matrix.Height - 11 J, Bit); // Right bottom corner. Matrix.SetBoolean(Matrix.Height - 11 J, I, bit); end; end; finally VersionInfoBits.Free; end; end; // Embed "dataBits" using "getMaskPattern". On success, modify the matrix and return true. // For debugging purposes, it skips masking process if "getMaskPattern" is -1. // See 8.7 of JISX0510:2004 (p.38) for how to embed data bits. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedDataBits(DataBits: TBitArray; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var BitIndex: Integer; Direction: Integer; X, Y, I, XX: Integer; Bit: Boolean; MaskUtil: TMaskUtil; begin MaskUtil := TMaskUtil.Create; try bitIndex := 0; direction := -1; // Start from the right bottom cell. X := Matrix.Width - 1; Y := Matrix.Height - 1; while (X > 0) do begin // Skip the vertical timing pattern. if (X = 6) then begin Dec(X, 1); end; while ((Y >= 0) and (y < Matrix.Height)) do begin for I := 0 to 1 do begin XX := X - I; // Skip the cell if it's not empty. if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XX, Y))) then begin Continue; end; if (BitIndex < DataBits.GetSize) then begin Bit := DataBits.Get(BitIndex); Inc(BitIndex); end else begin // Padding bit. If there is no bit left, we'll fill the left cells with 0, as described // in 8.4.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p. 24). Bit := False; end; // Skip masking if mask_pattern is -1. if (MaskPattern <> -1) then begin if (MaskUtil.GetDataMaskBit(MaskPattern, XX, Y)) then begin Bit := not Bit; end; end; Matrix.SetBoolean(XX, Y, Bit); end; Inc(Y, Direction); end; Direction := -Direction; // Reverse the direction. Inc(Y, Direction); Dec(X, 2); // Move to the left. end; finally MaskUtil.Free; end; // All bits should be consumed. if (BitIndex <> DataBits.GetSize()) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; end; // Return the position of the most significant bit set (to one) in the "value". The most // significant bit is position 32. If there is no bit set, return 0. Examples: // - findMSBSet(0) => 0 // - findMSBSet(1) => 1 // - findMSBSet(255) => 8 function TMatrixUtil.FindMSBSet(Value: Integer): Integer; var NumDigits: Integer; begin NumDigits := 0; while (Value <> 0) do begin Value := Value shr 1; Inc(NumDigits); end; Result := NumDigits; end; // Calculate BCH (Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem) code for "value" using polynomial "poly". The BCH // code is used for encoding type information and version information. // Example: Calculation of version information of 7. // f(x) is created from 7. // - 7 = 000111 in 6 bits // - f(x) = x^2 x^1 x^0 // g(x) is given by the standard (p. 67) // - g(x) = x^12 x^11 x^10 x^9 x^8 x^5 x^2 1 // Multiply f(x) by x^(18 - 6) // - f'(x) = f(x) * x^(18 - 6) // - f'(x) = x^14 x^13 x^12 // Calculate the remainder of f'(x) / g(x) // x^2 // __________________________________________________ // g(x) )x^14 x^13 x^12 // x^14 x^13 x^12 x^11 x^10 x^7 x^4 x^2 // -------------------------------------------------- // x^11 x^10 x^7 x^4 x^2 // // The remainder is x^11 x^10 x^7 x^4 x^2 // Encode it in binary: 110010010100 // The return value is 0xc94 (1100 1001 0100) // // Since all coefficients in the polynomials are 1 or 0, we can do the calculation by bit // operations. We don't care if cofficients are positive or negative. function TMatrixUtil.CalculateBCHCode(Value, Poly: Integer): Integer; var MSBSetInPoly: Integer; begin // If poly is "1 1111 0010 0101" (version info poly), msbSetInPoly is 13. We'll subtract 1 // from 13 to make it 12. MSBSetInPoly := FindMSBSet(Poly); Value := Value shl (MSBSetInPoly - 1); // Do the division business using exclusive-or operations. while (FindMSBSet(Value) >= MSBSetInPoly) do begin Value := Value xor (Poly shl (FindMSBSet(Value) - MSBSetInPoly)); end; // Now the "value" is the remainder (i.e. the BCH code) Result := Value; end; // Make bit vector of type information. On success, store the result in "bits" and return true. // Encode error correction level and mask pattern. See 8.9 of // JISX0510:2004 (p.45) for details. procedure TMatrixUtil.MakeTypeInfoBits(ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); var TypeInfo: Integer; BCHCode: Integer; MaskBits: TBitArray; begin if ((MaskPattern >= 0) and (MaskPattern < NUM_MASK_PATTERNS)) then begin TypeInfo := (ECLevel.Bits shl 3) or MaskPattern; Bits.AppendBits(TypeInfo, 5); BCHCode := CalculateBCHCode(TypeInfo, TYPE_INFO_POLY); Bits.AppendBits(BCHCode, 10); MaskBits := TBitArray.Create; try MaskBits.AppendBits(TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN, 15); Bits.XorOperation(MaskBits); finally MaskBits.Free; end; if (Bits.GetSize <> 15) then // Just in case. begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; end; end; // Make bit vector of version information. On success, store the result in "bits" and return true. // See 8.10 of JISX0510:2004 (p.45) for details. procedure TMatrixUtil.MakeVersionInfoBits(Version: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); var BCHCode: Integer; begin Bits.AppendBits(Version, 6); BCHCode := CalculateBCHCode(Version, VERSION_INFO_POLY); Bits.AppendBits(BCHCode, 12); if (Bits.GetSize() <> 18) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; end; // Check if "value" is empty. function TMatrixUtil.IsEmpty(Value: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (Value = -1); end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedTimingPatterns(Matrix: TByteMatrix); var I: Integer; Bit: Integer; begin // -8 is for skipping position detection patterns (size 7), and two horizontal/vertical // separation patterns (size 1). Thus, 8 = 7 1. for I := 8 to Matrix.Width - 9 do begin Bit := (I 1) mod 2; // Horizontal line. if (IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(I, 6))) then begin Matrix.SetInteger(I, 6, Bit); end; // Vertical line. if (IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(6, I))) then begin Matrix.SetInteger(6, I, Bit); end; end; end; // Embed the lonely dark dot at left bottom corner. JISX0510:2004 (p.46) procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin if (Matrix.Get(8, Matrix.Height - 8) = 0) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(8, Matrix.Height - 8, 1); end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var X: Integer; begin // We know the width and height. for X := 0 to 7 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart X, YStart))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart X, YStart, HORIZONTAL_SEPARATION_PATTERN[0][X]); end; end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var Y: Integer; begin // We know the width and height. for Y := 0 to 6 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart, YStart Y))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart, YStart Y, VERTICAL_SEPARATION_PATTERN[Y][0]); end; end; // Note that we cannot unify the function with embedPositionDetectionPattern() despite they are // almost identical, since we cannot write a function that takes 2D arrays in different sizes in // C/C . We should live with the fact. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var X, Y: Integer; begin // We know the width and height. for Y := 0 to 4 do begin for X := 0 to 4 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart X, YStart Y))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart X, YStart Y, POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN[Y][X]); end; end; end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(XStart, YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var X, Y: Integer; begin // We know the width and height. for Y := 0 to 6 do begin for X := 0 to 6 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart X, YStart Y))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart X, YStart Y, POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[Y][X]); end; end; end; // Embed position detection patterns and surrounding vertical/horizontal separators. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(Matrix: TByteMatrix); var PDPWidth: Integer; HSPWidth: Integer; VSPSize: Integer; begin // Embed three big squares at corners. PDPWidth := Length(POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[0]); // Left top corner. EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(0, 0, Matrix); // Right top corner. EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(Matrix.Width - PDPWidth, 0, Matrix); // Left bottom corner. EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(0, Matrix.Width- PDPWidth, Matrix); // Embed horizontal separation patterns around the squares. HSPWidth := Length(HORIZONTAL_SEPARATION_PATTERN[0]); // Left top corner. EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0, HSPWidth - 1, Matrix); // Right top corner. EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(Matrix.Width - HSPWidth, HSPWidth - 1, Matrix); // Left bottom corner. EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0, Matrix.Width - HSPWidth, Matrix); // Embed vertical separation patterns around the squares. VSPSize := Length(VERTICAL_SEPARATION_PATTERN); // Left top corner. EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(VSPSize, 0, Matrix); // Right top corner. EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(Matrix.Height - VSPSize - 1, 0, Matrix); // Left bottom corner. EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(VSPSize, Matrix.Height - VSPSize, Matrix); end; // Embed position adjustment patterns if need be. procedure TMatrixUtil.MaybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var Index: Integer; Coordinates: array of Integer; NumCoordinates: Integer; X, Y, I, J: Integer; begin if (Version >= 2) then begin Index := Version - 1; NumCoordinates := Length(POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE[Index]); SetLength(Coordinates, NumCoordinates); Move(POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE[Index][0], Coordinates[0], NumCoordinates * SizeOf(Integer)); for I := 0 to NumCoordinates - 1 do begin for J := 0 to NumCoordinates - 1 do begin Y := Coordinates[I]; X := Coordinates[J]; if ((X = -1) or (Y = -1)) then begin Continue; end; // If the cell is unset, we embed the position adjustment pattern here. if (IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(X, Y))) then begin // -2 is necessary since the x/y coordinates point to the center of the pattern, not the // left top corner. EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(X - 2, Y - 2, Matrix); end; end; end; end; end; { TBitArray } procedure TBitArray.AppendBits(Value, NumBits: Integer); var NumBitsLeft: Integer; begin if ((NumBits < 0) or (NumBits > 32)) then begin end; EnsureCapacity(Size NumBits); for NumBitsLeft := NumBits downto 1 do begin AppendBit(((Value shr (NumBitsLeft - 1)) and $01) = 1); end; end; constructor TBitArray.Create(Size: Integer); begin Size := Size; SetLength(Bits, (Size 31) shr 5); end; constructor TBitArray.Create; begin Size := 0; SetLength(Bits, 1); end; function TBitArray.Get(I: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (Bits[I shr 5] and (1 shl (I and $1F))) <> 0; end; function TBitArray.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := Size; end; function TBitArray.GetSizeInBytes: Integer; begin Result := (Size 7) shr 3; end; procedure TBitArray.SetBit(Index: Integer); begin Bits[Index shr 5] := Bits[Index shr 5] or (1 shl (Index and $1F)); end; procedure TBitArray.AppendBit(Bit: Boolean); begin EnsureCapacity(Size 1); if (Bit) then begin Bits[Size shr 5] := Bits[Size shr 5] or (1 shl (Size and $1F)); end; Inc(Size); end; procedure TBitArray.ToBytes(BitOffset: Integer; Source: TByteArray; Offset, NumBytes: Integer); var I: Integer; J: Integer; TheByte: Integer; begin for I := 0 to NumBytes - 1 do begin TheByte := 0; for J := 0 to 7 do begin if (Get(BitOffset)) then begin TheByte := TheByte or (1 shl (7 - J)); end; Inc(BitOffset); end; Source[Offset I] := TheByte; end; end; procedure TBitArray.XorOperation(Other: TBitArray); var I: Integer; begin if (Length(Bits) = Length(Other.Bits)) then begin for I := 0 to Length(Bits) - 1 do begin // The last byte could be incomplete (i.e. not have 8 bits in // it) but there is no problem since 0 XOR 0 == 0. Bits[I] := Bits[I] xor Other.Bits[I]; end; end; end; procedure TBitArray.AppendBitArray(NewBitArray: TBitArray); var OtherSize: Integer; I: Integer; begin OtherSize := NewBitArray.GetSize; EnsureCapacity(Size OtherSize); for I := 0 to OtherSize - 1 do begin AppendBit(NewBitArray.Get(I)); end; end; procedure TBitArray.EnsureCapacity(Size: Integer); begin if (Size > (Length(Bits) shl 5)) then begin SetLength(Bits, Size); end; end; { TErrorCorrectionLevel } procedure TErrorCorrectionLevel.Assign(Source: TErrorCorrectionLevel); begin Self.FBits := Source.FBits; end; function TErrorCorrectionLevel.Ordinal: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; { TVersion } class function TVersion.ChooseVersion(NumInputBits: Integer; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TVersion; var VersionNum: Integer; Version: TVersion; NumBytes: Integer; ECBlocks: TECBlocks; NumECBytes: Integer; NumDataBytes: Integer; TotalInputBytes: Integer; begin Result := nil; // In the following comments, we use numbers of Version 7-H. for VersionNum := 1 to 40 do begin Version := TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum); // numBytes = 196 NumBytes := Version.GetTotalCodewords; // getNumECBytes = 130 ECBlocks := Version.GetECBlocksForLevel(ECLevel); NumECBytes := ECBlocks.GetTotalECCodewords; // getNumDataBytes = 196 - 130 = 66 NumDataBytes := NumBytes - NumECBytes; TotalInputBytes := (NumInputBits 7) div 8; if (numDataBytes >= totalInputBytes) then begin Result := Version; Exit; end else begin Version.Free; end; end; end; constructor TVersion.Create(VersionNumber: Integer; AlignmentPatternCenters: array of Integer; ECBlocks1, ECBlocks2, ECBlocks3, ECBlocks4: TECBlocks); var Total: Integer; ECBlock: TECB; ECBArray: TECBArray; I: Integer; begin Self.VersionNumber := VersionNumber; SetLength(Self.AlignmentPatternCenters, Length(AlignmentPatternCenters)); if (Length(AlignmentPatternCenters) > 0) then begin Move(AlignmentPatternCenters[0], Self.AlignmentPatternCenters[0], Length(AlignmentPatternCenters) * SizeOf(Integer)); end; SetLength(ECBlocks, 4); ECBlocks[0] := ECBlocks1; ECBlocks[1] := ECBlocks2; ECBlocks[2] := ECBlocks3; ECBlocks[3] := ECBlocks4; Total := 0; ECCodewords := ECBlocks1.GetECCodewordsPerBlock; ECBArray := ECBlocks1.GetECBlocks; for I := 0 to Length(ECBArray) - 1 do begin ECBlock := ECBArray[I]; Inc(Total, ECBlock.GetCount * (ECBlock.GetDataCodewords ECCodewords)); end; TotalCodewords := Total; end; destructor TVersion.Destroy; var X: Integer; begin for X := 0 to Length(ECBlocks) - 1 do begin ECBlocks[X].Free; end; inherited; end; function TVersion.GetDimensionForVersion: Integer; begin Result := 17 4 * VersionNumber; end; function TVersion.GetECBlocksForLevel(ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TECBlocks; begin Result := ECBlocks[ECLevel.Ordinal]; end; function TVersion.GetTotalCodewords: Integer; begin Result := TotalCodewords; end; class function TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum: Integer): TVersion; begin if (VersionNum = 1) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(1, [], TECBlocks.Create(7, TECB.Create(1, 19)), TECBlocks.Create(10, TECB.Create(1, 16)), TECBlocks.Create(13, TECB.Create(1, 13)), TECBlocks.Create(17, TECB.Create(1, 9))); end else if (VersionNum = 2) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(2, [6, 18], TECBlocks.Create(10, TECB.Create(1, 34)), TECBlocks.Create(16, TECB.Create(1, 28)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(1, 22)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(1, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 3) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(3, [6, 22], TECBlocks.Create(15, TECB.Create(1, 55)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(1, 44)), TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(2, 17)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(2, 13))); end else if (VersionNum = 4) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(4, [6, 26], TECBlocks.Create(20, TECB.Create(1, 80)), TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(2, 32)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(2, 24)), TECBlocks.Create(16, TECB.Create(4, 9))); end else if (VersionNum = 5) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(5, [6, 30], TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(1, 108)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(2, 43)), TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(2, 15), TECB.Create(2, 16)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(2, 11), TECB.Create(2, 12))); end else if (VersionNum = 6) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(6, [6, 34], TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(2, 68)), TECBlocks.Create(16, TECB.Create(4, 27)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(4, 19)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(4, 15))); end else if (VersionNum = 7) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(7, [6, 22, 38], TECBlocks.Create(20, TECB.Create(2, 78)), TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(4, 31)), TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(2, 14), TECB.Create(4, 15)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(4, 13), TECB.Create(1, 14))); end else if (VersionNum = 8) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(8, [6, 24, 42], TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(2, 97)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(2, 38), TECB.Create(2, 39)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(4, 18), TECB.Create(2, 19)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(4, 14), TECB.Create(2, 15))); end else if (VersionNum = 9) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(9, [6, 26, 46], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(2, 116)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(3, 36), TECB.Create(2, 37)), TECBlocks.Create(20, TECB.Create(4, 16), TECB.Create(4, 17)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(4, 12), TECB.Create(4, 13))); end else if (VersionNum = 10) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(10, [6, 28, 50], TECBlocks.Create(18, TECB.Create(2, 68), TECB.Create(2, 69)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(4, 43), TECB.Create(1, 44)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(6, 19), TECB.Create(2, 20)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(6, 15), TECB.Create(2, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 11) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(11, [6, 30, 54], TECBlocks.Create(20, TECB.Create(4, 81)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(1, 50), TECB.Create(4, 51)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(4, 22), TECB.Create(4, 23)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(3, 12), TECB.Create(8, 13))); end else if (VersionNum = 12) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(12, [6, 32, 58], TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(2, 92), TECB.Create(2, 93)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(6, 36), TECB.Create(2, 37)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(4, 20), TECB.Create(6, 21)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(7, 14), TECB.Create(4, 15))); end else if (VersionNum = 13) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(13, [6, 34, 62], TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(4, 107)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(8, 37), TECB.Create(1, 38)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(8, 20), TECB.Create(4, 21)), TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(12, 11), TECB.Create(4, 12))); end else if (VersionNum = 14) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(14, [6, 26, 46, 66], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(3, 115), TECB.Create(1, 116)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(4, 40), TECB.Create(5, 41)), TECBlocks.Create(20, TECB.Create(11, 16), TECB.Create(5, 17)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(11, 12), TECB.Create(5, 13))); end else if (VersionNum = 15) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(15, [6, 26, 48, 70], TECBlocks.Create(22, TECB.Create(5, 87), TECB.Create(1, 88)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(5, 41), TECB.Create(5, 42)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(5, 24), TECB.Create(7, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(11, 12), TECB.Create(7, 13))); end else if (VersionNum = 16) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(16, [6, 26, 50, 74], TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(5, 98), TECB.Create(1, 99)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(7, 45), TECB.Create(3, 46)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(15, 19), TECB.Create(2, 20)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(3, 15), TECB.Create(13, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 17) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(17, [6, 30, 54, 78], TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(1, 107), TECB.Create(5, 108)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(10, 46), TECB.Create(1, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(1, 22), TECB.Create(15, 23)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(2, 14), TECB.Create(17, 15))); end else if (VersionNum = 18) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(18, [6, 30, 56, 82], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(5, 120), TECB.Create(1, 121)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(9, 43), TECB.Create(4, 44)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(17, 22), TECB.Create(1, 23)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(2, 14), TECB.Create(19, 15))); end else if (VersionNum = 19) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(19, [6, 30, 58, 86], TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(3, 113), TECB.Create(4, 114)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(3, 44), TECB.Create(11, 45)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(17, 21), TECB.Create(4, 22)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(9, 13), TECB.Create(16, 14))); end else if (VersionNum = 20) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(20, [6, 34, 62, 90], TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(3, 107), TECB.Create(5, 108)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(3, 41), TECB.Create(13, 42)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(15, 24), TECB.Create(5, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(15, 15), TECB.Create(10, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 21) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(21, [6, 28, 50, 72, 94], TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(4, 116), TECB.Create(4, 117)), TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(17, 42)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(17, 22), TECB.Create(6, 23)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(19, 16), TECB.Create(6, 17))); end else if (VersionNum = 22) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(22, [6, 26, 50, 74, 98], TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(2, 111), TECB.Create(7, 112)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(17, 46)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(7, 24), TECB.Create(16, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(24, TECB.Create(34, 13))); end else if (VersionNum = 23) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(23, [6, 30, 54, 78, 102], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(4, 121), TECB.Create(5, 122)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(4, 47), TECB.Create(14, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(11, 24), TECB.Create(14, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(16, 15), TECB.Create(14, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 24) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(24, [6, 28, 54, 80, 106], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(6, 117), TECB.Create(4, 118)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(6, 45), TECB.Create(14, 46)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(11, 24), TECB.Create(16, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(30, 16), TECB.Create(2, 17))); end else if (VersionNum = 25) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(25, [6, 32, 58, 84, 110], TECBlocks.Create(26, TECB.Create(8, 106), TECB.Create(4, 107)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(8, 47), TECB.Create(13, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(7, 24), TECB.Create(22, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(22, 15), TECB.Create(13, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 26) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(26, [6, 30, 58, 86, 114], TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(10, 114), TECB.Create(2, 115)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(19, 46), TECB.Create(4, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(28, 22), TECB.Create(6, 23)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(33, 16), TECB.Create(4, 17))); end else if (VersionNum = 27) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(27, [6, 34, 62, 90, 118], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(8, 122), TECB.Create(4, 123)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(22, 45), TECB.Create(3, 46)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(8, 23), TECB.Create(26, 24)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(12, 15), TECB.Create(28, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 28) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(28, [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(3, 117), TECB.Create(10, 118)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(3, 45), TECB.Create(23, 46)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(4, 24), TECB.Create(31, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(11, 15), TECB.Create(31, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 29) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(29, [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(7, 116), TECB.Create(7, 117)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(21, 45), TECB.Create(7, 46)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(1, 23), TECB.Create(37, 24)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(19, 15), TECB.Create(26, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 30) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(30, [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(5, 115), TECB.Create(10, 116)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(19, 47), TECB.Create(10, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(15, 24), TECB.Create(25, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(23, 15), TECB.Create(25, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 31) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(31, [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(13, 115), TECB.Create(3, 116)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(2, 46), TECB.Create(29, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(42, 24), TECB.Create(1, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(23, 15), TECB.Create(28, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 32) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(32, [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(17, 115)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(10, 46), TECB.Create(23, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(10, 24), TECB.Create(35, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(19, 15), TECB.Create(35, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 33) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(33, [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(17, 115), TECB.Create(1, 116)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(14, 46), TECB.Create(21, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(29, 24), TECB.Create(19, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(11, 15), TECB.Create(46, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 34) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(34, [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(13, 115), TECB.Create(6, 116)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(14, 46), TECB.Create(23, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(44, 24), TECB.Create(7, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(59, 16), TECB.Create(1, 17))); end else if (VersionNum = 35) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(35, [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(12, 121), TECB.Create(7, 122)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(12, 47), TECB.Create(26, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(39, 24), TECB.Create(14, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(22, 15), TECB.Create(41, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 36) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(36, [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(6, 121), TECB.Create(14, 122)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(6, 47), TECB.Create(34, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(46, 24), TECB.Create(10, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(2, 15), TECB.Create(64, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 37) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(37, [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(17, 122), TECB.Create(4, 123)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(29, 46), TECB.Create(14, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(49, 24), TECB.Create(10, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(24, 15), TECB.Create(46, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 38) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(38, [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(4, 122), TECB.Create(18, 123)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(13, 46), TECB.Create(32, 47)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(48, 24), TECB.Create(14, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(42, 15), TECB.Create(32, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 39) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(39, [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(20, 117), TECB.Create(4, 118)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(40, 47), TECB.Create(7, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(43, 24), TECB.Create(22, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(10, 15), TECB.Create(67, 16))); end else if (VersionNum = 40) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(40, [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170], TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(19, 118), TECB.Create(6, 119)), TECBlocks.Create(28, TECB.Create(18, 47), TECB.Create(31, 48)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(34, 24), TECB.Create(34, 25)), TECBlocks.Create(30, TECB.Create(20, 15), TECB.Create(61, 16))); end else begin Result := nil; end; end; { TMaskUtil } // Return the mask bit for "getMaskPattern" at "x" and "y". See 8.8 of JISX0510:2004 for mask // pattern conditions. function TMaskUtil.GetDataMaskBit(MaskPattern, X, Y: Integer): Boolean; var Intermediate: Integer; Temp: Integer; begin Intermediate := 0; if ((MaskPattern >= 0) and (MaskPattern < NUM_MASK_PATTERNS)) then begin case (maskPattern) of 0: Intermediate := (Y X) and 1; 1: Intermediate := Y and 1; 2: Intermediate := X mod 3; 3: Intermediate := (Y X) mod 3; 4: Intermediate := ((y shr 1) (X div 3)) and 1; 5: begin Temp := Y * X; Intermediate := (Temp and 1) (Temp mod 3); end; 6: begin Temp := Y * X; Intermediate := ((Temp and 1) (Temp mod 3)) and 1; end; 7: begin Temp := Y * X; Intermediate := ((temp mod 3) ((Y X) and 1)) and 1; end; end; end; Result := Intermediate = 0; end; { TECBlocks } constructor TECBlocks.Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks: TECB); begin Self.ECCodewordsPerBlock := ECCodewordsPerBlock; SetLength(Self.ECBlocks, 1); Self.ECBlocks[0] := ECBlocks; end; constructor TECBlocks.Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks1, ECBlocks2: TECB); begin Self.ECCodewordsPerBlock := ECCodewordsPerBlock; SetLength(Self.ECBlocks, 2); ECBlocks[0] := ECBlocks1; ECBlocks[1] := ECBlocks2; end; destructor TECBlocks.Destroy; var X: Integer; begin for X := 0 to Length(ECBlocks) - 1 do begin ECBlocks[X].Free; end; inherited; end; function TECBlocks.GetECBlocks: TECBArray; begin Result := ECBlocks; end; function TECBlocks.GetECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; begin Result := ECCodewordsPerBlock; end; function TECBlocks.GetNumBlocks: Integer; var Total: Integer; I: Integer; begin Total := 0; for I := 0 to Length(ECBlocks) - 1 do begin Inc(Total, ECBlocks[I].GetCount); end; Result := Total; end; function TECBlocks.GetTotalECCodewords: Integer; begin Result := ECCodewordsPerBlock * GetNumBlocks; end; { TBlockPair } constructor TBlockPair.Create(BA1, BA2: TByteArray); begin FDataBytes := BA1; FErrorCorrectionBytes := BA2; end; function TBlockPair.GetDataBytes: TByteArray; begin Result := FDataBytes; end; function TBlockPair.GetErrorCorrectionBytes: TByteArray; begin Result := FErrorCorrectionBytes; end; { TReedSolomonEncoder } function TReedSolomonEncoder.BuildGenerator(Degree: Integer): TGenericGFPoly; var LastGenerator: TGenericGFPoly; NextGenerator: TGenericGFPoly; Poly: TGenericGFPoly; D: Integer; CA: TIntegerArray; begin if (Degree >= FCachedGenerators.Count) then begin LastGenerator := TGenericGFPoly(FCachedGenerators[FCachedGenerators.Count - 1]); for D := FCachedGenerators.Count to Degree do begin SetLength(CA, 2); CA[0] := 1; CA[1] := FField.Exp(D - 1 FField.GetGeneratorBase); Poly := TGenericGFPoly.Create(FField, CA); NextGenerator := LastGenerator.Multiply(Poly); FCachedGenerators.Add(NextGenerator); LastGenerator := NextGenerator; end; end; Result := TGenericGFPoly(FCachedGenerators[Degree]); end; constructor TReedSolomonEncoder.Create(AField: TGenericGF); var GenericGFPoly: TGenericGFPoly; IntArray: TIntegerArray; begin FField := AField; // Contents of FCachedGenerators will be freed by FGenericGF.Destroy FCachedGenerators := TObjectList.Create(False); SetLength(IntArray, 1); IntArray[0] := 1; GenericGFPoly := TGenericGFPoly.Create(AField, IntArray); FCachedGenerators.Add(GenericGFPoly); end; destructor TReedSolomonEncoder.Destroy; begin FCachedGenerators.Free; inherited; end; procedure TReedSolomonEncoder.Encode(ToEncode: TIntegerArray; ECBytes: Integer); var DataBytes: Integer; Generator: TGenericGFPoly; InfoCoefficients: TIntegerArray; Info: TGenericGFPoly; Remainder: TGenericGFPoly; Coefficients: TIntegerArray; NumZeroCoefficients: Integer; I: Integer; begin SetLength(Coefficients, 0); if (ECBytes > 0) then begin DataBytes := Length(ToEncode) - ECBytes; if (DataBytes > 0) then begin Generator := BuildGenerator(ECBytes); SetLength(InfoCoefficients, DataBytes); InfoCoefficients := Copy(ToEncode, 0, DataBytes); Info := TGenericGFPoly.Create(FField, InfoCoefficients); Info := Info.MultiplyByMonomial(ECBytes, 1); Remainder := Info.Divide(Generator)[1]; Coefficients := Remainder.GetCoefficients; NumZeroCoefficients := ECBytes - Length(Coefficients); for I := 0 to NumZeroCoefficients - 1 do begin ToEncode[DataBytes I] := 0; end; Move(Coefficients[0], ToEncode[DataBytes NumZeroCoefficients], Length(Coefficients) * SizeOf(Integer)); end; end; end; { TECB } constructor TECB.Create(Count, DataCodewords: Integer); begin Self.Count := Count; Self.DataCodewords := DataCodewords; end; function TECB.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := Count; end; function TECB.GetDataCodewords: Integer; begin Result := DataCodewords; end; { TGenericGFPoly } function TGenericGFPoly.AddOrSubtract(Other: TGenericGFPoly): TGenericGFPoly; var SmallerCoefficients: TIntegerArray; LargerCoefficients: TIntegerArray; Temp: TIntegerArray; SumDiff: TIntegerArray; LengthDiff: Integer; I: Integer; begin SetLength(SmallerCoefficients, 0); SetLength(LargerCoefficients, 0); SetLength(Temp, 0); SetLength(SumDiff, 0); Result := nil; if (Assigned(Other)) then begin if (FField = Other.FField) then begin if (IsZero) then begin Result := Other; Exit; end; if (Other.IsZero) then begin Result := Self; Exit; end; SmallerCoefficients := FCoefficients; LargerCoefficients := Other.Coefficients; if (Length(SmallerCoefficients) > Length(LargerCoefficients)) then begin Temp := smallerCoefficients; SmallerCoefficients := LargerCoefficients; LargerCoefficients := temp; end; SetLength(SumDiff, Length(LargerCoefficients)); LengthDiff := Length(LargerCoefficients) - Length(SmallerCoefficients); // Copy high-order terms only found in higher-degree polynomial's coefficients if (LengthDiff > 0) then begin //SumDiff := Copy(LargerCoefficients, 0, LengthDiff); Move(LargerCoefficients[0], SumDiff[0], LengthDiff * SizeOf(Integer)); end; for I := LengthDiff to Length(LargerCoefficients) - 1 do begin SumDiff[I] := TGenericGF.AddOrSubtract(SmallerCoefficients[I - LengthDiff], LargerCoefficients[I]); end; Result := TGenericGFPoly.Create(FField, SumDiff); end; end; end; function TGenericGFPoly.Coefficients: TIntegerArray; begin Result := FCoefficients; end; constructor TGenericGFPoly.Create(AField: TGenericGF; ACoefficients: TIntegerArray); var CoefficientsLength: Integer; FirstNonZero: Integer; begin FField := AField; SetLength(FField.FPolyList, Length(FField.FPolyList) 1); FField.FPolyList[Length(FField.FPolyList) - 1] := Self; CoefficientsLength := Length(ACoefficients); if ((CoefficientsLength > 1) and (ACoefficients[0] = 0)) then begin // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial "0" FirstNonZero := 1; while ((FirstNonZero < CoefficientsLength) and (ACoefficients[FirstNonZero] = 0)) do begin Inc(FirstNonZero); end; if (FirstNonZero = CoefficientsLength) then begin FCoefficients := AField.GetZero.Coefficients; end else begin SetLength(FCoefficients, CoefficientsLength - FirstNonZero); FCoefficients := Copy(ACoefficients, FirstNonZero, Length(FCoefficients)); end; end else begin FCoefficients := ACoefficients; end; end; destructor TGenericGFPoly.Destroy; begin Self.FField := FField; inherited; end; function TGenericGFPoly.Divide(Other: TGenericGFPoly): TGenericGFPolyArray; var Quotient: TGenericGFPoly; Remainder: TGenericGFPoly; DenominatorLeadingTerm: Integer; InverseDenominatorLeadingTerm: integer; DegreeDifference: Integer; Scale: Integer; Term: TGenericGFPoly; IterationQuotient: TGenericGFPoly; begin SetLength(Result, 0); if ((FField = Other.FField) and (not Other.IsZero)) then begin Quotient := FField.GetZero; Remainder := Self; DenominatorLeadingTerm := Other.GetCoefficient(Other.GetDegree); InverseDenominatorLeadingTerm := FField.Inverse(DenominatorLeadingTerm); while ((Remainder.GetDegree >= Other.GetDegree) and (not Remainder.IsZero)) do begin DegreeDifference := Remainder.GetDegree - Other.GetDegree; Scale := FField.Multiply(Remainder.GetCoefficient(Remainder.GetDegree), InverseDenominatorLeadingTerm); Term := Other.MultiplyByMonomial(DegreeDifference, Scale); IterationQuotient := FField.BuildMonomial(degreeDifference, scale); Quotient := Quotient.AddOrSubtract(IterationQuotient); Remainder := Remainder.AddOrSubtract(Term); end; SetLength(Result, 2); Result[0] := Quotient; Result[1] := Remainder; end; end; function TGenericGFPoly.GetCoefficient(Degree: Integer): Integer; begin Result := FCoefficients[Length(FCoefficients) - 1 - Degree]; end; function TGenericGFPoly.GetCoefficients: TIntegerArray; begin Result := FCoefficients; end; function TGenericGFPoly.GetDegree: Integer; begin Result := Length(FCoefficients) - 1; end; function TGenericGFPoly.IsZero: Boolean; begin Result := FCoefficients[0] = 0; end; function TGenericGFPoly.Multiply(Other: TGenericGFPoly): TGenericGFPoly; var ACoefficients: TIntegerArray; BCoefficients: TIntegerArray; Product: TIntegerArray; ALength: Integer; BLength: Integer; I: Integer; J: Integer; ACoeff: Integer; begin SetLength(ACoefficients, 0); SetLength(BCoefficients, 0); Result := nil; if (FField = Other.FField) then begin if (IsZero or Other.IsZero) then begin Result := FField.GetZero; Exit; end; ACoefficients := FCoefficients; ALength := Length(ACoefficients); BCoefficients := Other.Coefficients; BLength := Length(BCoefficients); SetLength(Product, aLength bLength - 1); for I := 0 to ALength - 1 do begin ACoeff := ACoefficients[I]; for J := 0 to BLength - 1 do begin Product[I J] := TGenericGF.AddOrSubtract(Product[I J], FField.Multiply(ACoeff, BCoefficients[J])); end; end; Result := TGenericGFPoly.Create(FField, Product); end; end; function TGenericGFPoly.MultiplyByMonomial(Degree, Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFPoly; var I: Integer; Size: Integer; Product: TIntegerArray; begin Result := nil; if (Degree >= 0) then begin if (Coefficient = 0) then begin Result := FField.GetZero; Exit; end; Size := Length(Coefficients); SetLength(Product, Size Degree); for I := 0 to Size - 1 do begin Product[I] := FField.Multiply(FCoefficients[I], Coefficient); end; Result := TGenericGFPoly.Create(FField, Product); end; end; { TGenericGF } class function TGenericGF.AddOrSubtract(A, B: Integer): Integer; begin Result := A xor B; end; function TGenericGF.BuildMonomial(Degree, Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFPoly; var Coefficients: TIntegerArray; begin CheckInit(); if (Degree >= 0) then begin if (Coefficient = 0) then begin Result := FZero; Exit; end; SetLength(Coefficients, Degree 1); Coefficients[0] := Coefficient; Result := TGenericGFPoly.Create(Self, Coefficients); end else begin Result := nil; end; end; procedure TGenericGF.CheckInit; begin if (not FInitialized) then begin Initialize; end; end; constructor TGenericGF.Create(Primitive, Size, B: Integer); begin FInitialized := False; FPrimitive := Primitive; FSize := Size; FGeneratorBase := B; if (FSize < 0) then begin Initialize; end; end; class function TGenericGF.CreateQRCodeField256: TGenericGF; begin Result := TGenericGF.Create($011D, 256, 0); end; destructor TGenericGF.Destroy; var X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin for X := 0 to Length(FPolyList) - 1 do begin if (Assigned(FPolyList[X])) then begin for Y := X 1 to Length(FPolyList) - 1 do begin if (FPolyList[Y] = FPolyList[X]) then begin FPolyList[Y] := nil; end; end; FPolyList[X].Free; end; end; inherited; end; function TGenericGF.Exp(A: Integer): Integer; begin CheckInit; Result := FExpTable[A]; end; function TGenericGF.GetGeneratorBase: Integer; begin Result := FGeneratorBase; end; function TGenericGF.GetZero: TGenericGFPoly; begin CheckInit; Result := FZero; end; procedure TGenericGF.Initialize; var X: Integer; I: Integer; CA: TIntegerArray; begin SetLength(FExpTable, FSize); SetLength(FLogTable, FSize); X := 1; for I := 0 to FSize - 1 do begin FExpTable[I] := x; X := X shl 1; // x = x * 2; we're assuming the generator alpha is 2 if (X >= FSize) then begin X := X xor FPrimitive; X := X and (FSize - 1); end; end; for I := 0 to FSize - 2 do begin FLogTable[FExpTable[I]] := I; end; // logTable[0] == 0 but this should never be used SetLength(CA, 1); CA[0] := 0; FZero := TGenericGFPoly.Create(Self, CA); SetLength(CA, 1); CA[0] := 1; FOne := TGenericGFPoly.Create(Self, CA); FInitialized := True; end; function TGenericGF.Inverse(A: Integer): Integer; begin CheckInit; if (a <> 0) then begin Result := FExpTable[FSize - FLogTable[A] - 1]; end else begin Result := 0; end; end; function TGenericGF.Multiply(A, B: Integer): Integer; begin CheckInit; if ((A <> 0) and (B <> 0)) then begin Result := FExpTable[(FLogTable[A] FLogTable[B]) mod (FSize - 1)]; end else begin Result := 0; end; end; function GenerateQRCode(const Input: WideString; EncodeOptions: Integer): T2DBooleanArray; var Encoder: TEncoder; Level: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin Level := TErrorCorrectionLevel.Create; Level.FBits := 1; Encoder := TEncoder.Create; QRCode := TQRCode.Create; try Encoder.Encode(Input, EncodeOptions, Level, QRCode); if (Assigned(QRCode.FMatrix)) then begin SetLength(Result, QRCode.FMatrix.FHeight); for Y := 0 to QRCode.FMatrix.FHeight - 1 do begin SetLength(Result[Y], QRCode.FMatrix.FWidth); for X := 0 to QRCode.FMatrix.FWidth - 1 do begin Result[Y][X] := QRCode.FMatrix.Get(Y, X) = 1; end; end; end; finally QRCode.Free; Encoder.Free; Level.Free; end; end; { TDelphiZXingQRCode } constructor TDelphiZXingQRCode.Create; begin FData := ''; FEncoding := qrAuto; FQuietZone := 4; FRows := 0; FColumns := 0; end; function TDelphiZXingQRCode.GetIsBlack(Row, Column: Integer): Boolean; begin Dec(Row, FQuietZone); Dec(Column, FQuietZone); if ((Row >= 0) and (Column >= 0) and (Row < (FRows - FQuietZone * 2)) and (Column < (FColumns - FQuietZone * 2))) then begin Result := FElements[Column, Row]; end else begin Result := False; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.SetData(const NewData: WideString); begin if (FData <> NewData) then begin FData := NewData; Update; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.SetEncoding(NewEncoding: TQRCodeEncoding); begin if (FEncoding <> NewEncoding) then begin FEncoding := NewEncoding; Update; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.SetQuietZone(NewQuietZone: Integer); begin if ((FQuietZone <> NewQuietZone) and (NewQuietZone >= 0) and (NewQuietZone <= 100)) then begin FQuietZone := NewQuietZone; Update; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.Update; begin FElements := GenerateQRCode(FData, Ord(FEncoding)); FRows := Length(FElements) FQuietZone * 2; FColumns := FRows; end; end. //********************
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