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FastReport 3.X 在 Win9X 下的中文折行乱码问题解决方法



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-07-30 14:48:54 IP:218.15.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
花了不少时间去装虚拟机和 WIN98 来实验. 修改 frxGraphicUtils.pas procedure TfrxDrawText.WrapTextLine(s: string; Width, FirstLineWidth, CharSpacing: Integer); var n, i, Offset, LineBegin, LastSpace, BreakPos: Integer; sz: TSize; TheWord: string; WasBreak: Boolean; //俄文换行 function BreakWord(const s: string; LineBegin, CurPos, LineEnd: Integer): string; var i, BreakPos: Integer; TheWord, Breaks: string; begin // get the whole word i := CurPos; while (i <= LineEnd) and (Pos(s[i], ' .,-;') = 0) do Inc(i); TheWord := Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin); // get available break positions Breaks := BreakRussianWord(AnsiUpperCase(TheWord)); // find the closest position BreakPos := CurPos - LineBegin; for i := Length(Breaks) downto 1 do if Ord(Breaks[i]) < BreakPos then begin BreakPos := Ord(Breaks[i]); break; end; if BreakPos <> CurPos - LineBegin then Result := Copy(TheWord, 1, BreakPos) else Result := ''; end; begin // remove all HTML tags and build the tag list FHTMLTags.NewLine; FHTMLTags.ExpandHTMLTags(s); FHTMLTags.FPosition := FHTMLTags.FPosition 2; n := Length(s); if (n < 2) or not FWordWrap then // no need to wrap a string with 0 or 1 symbol begin FText.Add(s); Exit; end; // 字符间空隙和计算宽度 // get the intercharacter spacing table and calculate the width sz.cx := FHTMLTags.FillCharSpacingArray(FTempArray, s, FCanvas, FHTMLTags.Count - 1, CharSpacing, True); // 不需换行 // text fits, no need to wrap it if sz.cx < FirstLineWidth then begin FText.Add(s); Exit; end; Offset := 0; //偏移量 i := 1; LineBegin := 1; // index of the first symbol in the current line LastSpace := 1; // index of the last space symbol in the current line while i <= n do begin if s[i] = ' ' then LastSpace := i; if FTempArray[i] - Offset > FirstLineWidth then // need wrap begin if LastSpace = LineBegin then // there is only one word without spaces... begin if i <> LineBegin then // ... and it has more than 1 symbol begin if FWordBreak then // 俄文换行 begin TheWord := BreakWord(s, LineBegin, i, n); //俄文换行 WasBreak := TheWord <> ''; if not WasBreak then TheWord := Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin); if WasBreak then FText.Add(TheWord '-') else FText.Add(TheWord); BreakPos := Length(TheWord); FHTMLTags.Wrap(BreakPos, WasBreak); LastSpace := LineBegin BreakPos - 1; end else begin // mbSingleByte 表示了一个完整的字符时, // mbLeadByte 表示一个双字节字符的头一个字节 // mbTrailByte 表示一个双字节字符的第二个字节 //todo: [2005-07-29] 狂迷修改中文换行 if ByteType(s, i - 1) = mbLeadByte then //判断是否是汉字字节 begin FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin -1)); FHTMLTags.Wrap(i - LineBegin -1, False); LastSpace := i - 2; end else begin FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin)); FHTMLTags.Wrap(i - LineBegin, False); LastSpace := i - 1; end; end; end else begin FText.Add(s[LineBegin]); // can't wrap 1 symbol, just add it to the new line FHTMLTags.Wrap(1, False); end; end else // we have a space symbol inside begin if FWordBreak then begin TheWord := BreakWord(s, LastSpace 1, i, n); WasBreak := TheWord <> ''; if WasBreak then FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, LastSpace - LineBegin 1) TheWord '-') else FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, LastSpace - LineBegin)); BreakPos := LastSpace - LineBegin Length(TheWord) 1; FHTMLTags.Wrap(BreakPos, WasBreak); if WasBreak then LastSpace := LineBegin BreakPos - 1; end else begin FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, LastSpace - LineBegin)); FHTMLTags.Wrap(LastSpace - LineBegin 1, False); end; end; Offset := FTempArray[LastSpace]; // starting a new line Inc(LastSpace); LineBegin := LastSpace; FirstLineWidth := Width; // this line is not first, so use Width end; Inc(i); end; if n - LineBegin 1 > 0 then // put the rest of line to FText FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, n - LineBegin 1)); end;
系統時間:2025-02-26 18:42:39
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