傻瓜式 RSA 加解密演算法實作 |
站務副站長 發表:891 回覆:1050 積分:848 註冊:2002-03-23 發送簡訊給我 | 傻瓜式 RSA 加解密演算法實作
import java.math.*; /**
* A class to encrypt and decrypt plaintext and ciphertext, respectively.
*/ public class RSA
* Encrypts the plaintext.
* @param message The plaintext message to be encrypted.
* @param publickey The public key.
* @param modulo The modulo value.
* @return The ciphertext as a
BigInteger array.
*/ public static BigInteger[] encrypt(String message, BigInteger publickey, BigInteger modulo)
byte[] temp;
byte[] digits = message.getBytes(); BigInteger[] bigdigits = new BigInteger[digits.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bigdigits.length; i ) {
temp = new byte[1];
temp[0] = digits[i];
bigdigits[i] = new BigInteger(temp);
} BigInteger[] encrypted = new BigInteger[bigdigits.length]; try
for (int j = 0; j < bigdigits.length; j )
encrypted[j] = bigdigits[j].modPow(publickey, modulo);
catch(Exception e)
return null;
} return encrypted;
} /**
* Decrypts the ciphertext.
* @param encrypted The ciphertext as a BigInteger array.
* @param privatekey The private key.
* @param modulo The modulo value.
* @return The decrypted plaintext.
*/ public static String decrypt(BigInteger[] encrypted, BigInteger privatekey, BigInteger modulo)
BigInteger[] decrypted = new BigInteger[encrypted.length]; try
for(int i = 0; i < decrypted.length; i )
decrypted[i] = new BigInteger(encrypted[i].toString()).modPow(privatekey, modulo);
catch(Exception e)
return null;
} for (int i = 0; i < decrypted.length; i )
} char[] array = new char[decrypted.length]; for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j )
array[j] = (char)(decrypted[j].intValue()); return new String(array);
} } // class RSA
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