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連續搜尋法(Sequential Search)



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連續搜尋法(Sequential Search)    /*        Sequential Search         Written by: F & G         Date:       2/98                  Revised     5/98 Converted to C++            Copyright 2001         Brooks/Cole Publishing         Thomson Learning         All Rights Reserved */ #include  #include #include // Constants const int SIZE = 100; // Prototype Declarations bool seqSearch (int list[ ], int end, int target, int& locn); int main (void) { // Local Declarations int i; int list[SIZE]; int srchArgu; int foundLocn; // Statements cout << "Demonstrate Sequential Search\n"; // Fill Array srand(997); for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i ) list[i] = rand() % 500; cout << "You may search the following array: \n" ; for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i ) { if (!(i % 10)) cout << endl;; cout << setw (4) << list[i]; } // for cout << endl ; cout << "\nEnter a number in the list: "; cin >> srchArgu ; i = seqSearch (list, SIZE - 1, srchArgu, foundLocn); if (i) cout << "Found " << list[foundLocn] << " @ index location " << foundLocn << endl; else cout << "Did not find " << srchArgu ; cout << "\nEnter a number not in the list: "; cin >> srchArgu ; i = seqSearch (list, SIZE - 1, srchArgu, foundLocn); if (i) cout << "Found " << list[foundLocn] << " @ index location " << foundLocn << endl; else cout << "Did not find " << srchArgu << endl; return 0; } // main /* Locate the target in an unordered list of size elements. Pre: list must contain at least one item. last is index to last element in the list target contains the data to be located locn is address to index in calling function Post: FOUND: matching index stored at locn return true (found) NOT FOUND: last stored in locn address. return false (not found) */ bool seqSearch (int list[], int last, int target, int& locn) { // Local Definitions int looker; // Statements looker = 0; while (looker < last && target != list[looker]) looker ; locn = looker; return (target == list[looker]); } // seqSearch /* Results--Note: You will get different numbers Demonstrate Sequential Search You may search the following array: 75 303 276 437 36 361 157 79 179 126 10 407 463 334 378 182 197 411 330 254 107 377 295 61 48 486 201 43 99 420 309 321 457 374 433 391 201 173 420 382 33 399 234 274 309 110 246 226 258 245 169 263 304 16 305 22 369 261 488 364 97 478 347 446 387 202 435 264 13 77 103 459 43 271 340 86 377 420 31 363 72 441 272 370 246 103 71 381 365 336 179 133 374 322 462 331 195 55 342 4 Enter a number in the list: 4 Found 4 @ index location 99 Enter a number not in the list: -15 Did not find -15 */ 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]---
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