Delphi 8 Update 3公開下載 |
初階會員 發表:60 回覆:115 積分:40 註冊:2004-05-03 發送簡訊給我 |
各位客戶您好: Delphi 8已經可以公開下載,主要修正 .Net 1.1的相關Bug,請從下列網站下載!,1410,32873,00.html
ps;安裝過程中需要您的原版光碟片! 若想知道詳細資訊請參考下列英文原文! This patch is designed to correct issues with .NET versioning for Delphi 8. This is a dcu breaking change. That means that dcuils and dcpils created by earlier releases of the Delphi 8 compiler will not work with this new build of D8. If you purchased or received units without source code, you will need to go back to the original author to obtain new dcuil and dcpil binaries for use with the new build of D8. If you have the Delphi source for the components you use, you can regenerate the binaries, and will experience no issues. This patch contains regenerated binaries for all dcuils and dcpils that were shipped in D8. Third party and user dcpils existing prior to the patch should be deleted from your system. Projects that reference third party assemblies, your own assemblies, or COM Imports may have dcpils local to the project that will need to be deleted. Version calculation for dcuils and dcpils has been updated to depend on symbol names rather than values of metadata tokens imported from .NET assemblies. This fixes errors that users have been experiencing with updating their service packs for NET 1.1, and will prevent any further issues with .NET service packs Borland Taiwan SE
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