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how to use encore.lib ?



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-10-07 20:23:57 IP:211.76.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我現在想利用divx.dll裡的encore.lib直接壓縮影像... 但卻找不到sample.... 請教一下各位大大... 要如何去使用encore.lib阿??? 謝謝!!!


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-10-07 20:36:27 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Hi, I've compiled The Playa in Borland C Builder and that worked fine but I have one probleme. I tried to open a file that was encoded with DivX. In the MediaVideoDecoderDecore::Connect function it checks to see what type of compression the file have. It compares it to divx or dvx1 but my file uses div3 (GetVideoCompression(0)) and thus it doesn't load the divx.dll. What compression is div3 ? I've tried to open this file with the new playa (0.6.4) in XP and it failed. I run the same program in compatibality mode for win 98 and it opens the file corectly. My sorce code uses version 0.5.0 (i think). If I run this in compatibility mode it still does not work ??? Were can I download 0.6.4 source... I have WinCVS but I can figure out how to download the new source code ??? Hi, I finaly managed to get my hands on the 0.6.4 code and compiled it. It now works fine in XP. It loads the DivX.dll and I can here the audio but no picture (using BCB & XP) Any sugestions... Do any body have any sugestions on how to make directx 7 work with borland... I just can't get playa to display any picture (just audio) the updateoverlay function succeed but still no picture... I pass the handle of the form.... ANY SUGESTIONS ???? When I pass the handle of the application I atleast see I window (not at the corect place and also not infront) but the window stay black (STILL NO PICTURE).... Hi, I tested my program now on a windows 98 machine and run into some problemes... 1. I got a access probleme in the ddraw.dll this was solved by just reimporting the .lib file from ddraw.dll and dsound.dll (because borland is not 100% compliant with vc) 2. Were on XP I had a black window if I pass the handle of the application I now have I window frame with my desktop's background and not black ???? Any sugestions... PS. the new Play DIVX bundles skin is wicket !!!! It really looks professional !!! o, one more thing... I'm also bussy writing a WinLIRC interface that connects to MyPlaya (that is what I want to call the program) COM interface and the allow you to control things like full screen, vol, play & pause (for now). I will hopefully be posting my projects to SourceForge soon. I'll keep you posted Hi, How much work is it to rewrite the video render part to use DirectShow and not DirectDraw ???
系統時間:2024-07-06 13:40:36
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