TClientSocket接收的問題 |
高階會員 發表:42 回覆:287 積分:235 註冊:2003-02-07 發送簡訊給我 |
先傳送陣列大小(4bytes),傳完陣列大小後再傳送陣列資料(小弟只能傻傻的收) 再用TClientSocket的時候發現ㄌㄧ各問題就是TClientSocket好像沒辦法接收8192的資料
void __fastcall TForm1::ClientSocket1Read(TObject *Sender, TCustomWinSocket *Socket) { int i,j; byte tmpbuf[8192]; static int iSize; static int iPos; static int iCount=0; switch (iCount) { case 0: Socket->ReceiveBuf(tmpbuf,4); for (j=3;j >-1 ; j --) stmp =IntToHex(tmpbuf[j],2); iSize = StrToInt("0x" ? stmp); iCount = 1; iPos =0; break; case 1: if (iSize > 8192) { Socket->ReceiveBuf(tmpbuf,8192); iSize -=8192; for ( i = 0 ; i < 8192 ; i ??,iPos??) globalbuf[iPos] = tmpbuf[i]; } else { Socket->ReceiveBuf(tmpbuf,iSize); for ( i = 0 ; i < iSize ; i??,iPos??) globalbuf[iPos] = tmpbuf[i]; iCount =0; } break; } }小弟在預覽文章的時候發現 加號沒有顯示所以小弟用?代替 |
版主 發表:9 回覆:2301 積分:1627 註冊:2004-10-04 發送簡訊給我 |
int maxSize = 8192; void foo() { int recsize = Socket->ReceiveBuf(tmpbuf,iSize); maxSize -= recsize; // 利用 maxSize 是不是 0 來判斷你這個是不是全部傳完了 }叫出 Help 你可以看到這些說明 Reads up to Count bytes from the socket connection into the Buf parameter. int __fastcall ReceiveBuf(void *Buf, int Count); Description Use ReceiveBuf to read from the socket connection in the OnSocketEvent event handler of a Windows socket object or in the OnRead or OnClientRead event handler of a socket component. ReceiveBuf returns the number of bytes actually read. If no bytes are read, ReceiveBuf returns -1. |
高階會員 發表:42 回覆:287 積分:235 註冊:2003-02-07 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 1.已知要收多大。 那就在外面記下來。到裡面去慢慢算。int maxSize = 8192; void foo() { int recsize = Socket->ReceiveBuf(tmpbuf,iSize); maxSize -= recsize; // 利用 maxSize 是不是 0 來判斷你這個是不是全部傳完了 }叫出 Help 你可以看到這些說明 Reads up to Count bytes from the socket connection into the Buf parameter. int __fastcall ReceiveBuf(void *Buf, int Count); Description Use ReceiveBuf to read from the socket connection in the OnSocketEvent event handler of a Windows socket object or in the OnRead or OnClientRead event handler of a socket component. ReceiveBuf returns the number of bytes actually read. If no bytes are read, ReceiveBuf returns -1. |
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