請問列印StringGrid的問題~~ |
一般會員 發表:17 回覆:27 積分:18 註冊:2002-07-22 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:66 回覆:2535 積分:3048 註冊:2002-07-11 發送簡訊給我 |
Your method only print the Canvas of the grid, so it can only print what is being displayed. The resolution of the screen is pretty small (e.g. 96dpi) and the resolution of the printer is a lot more (e.g. 300dpi), so the output will be a little bit small is you do not scale it before print. Maybe a simple solution is to use 3rd party component which supports printing, e.g.
引言: 請問 我用以下的方式列印StringGrid... TPrinter *Prt=Printer(); Printer()->BeginDoc(); Grid->PaintTo(Prt->Handle,20,20); Printer()->EndDoc(); 可是列印的內容很小 而且我的筆數有200筆以上 可是卻只印出了大概15筆 要怎樣讓StringGrid的內容全部印出 還有怎麼設定大小呢??? 我用PrintDialog可以設定嗎??? |
一般會員 發表:17 回覆:27 積分:18 註冊:2002-07-22 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:66 回覆:2535 積分:3048 註冊:2002-07-11 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:139 回覆:3622 積分:7025 註冊:2002-08-12 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 可以將列印出來的放大嗎???kelon 你好: 請參考以下的做法 < class="code"> void __fastcall TForm1::Button3Click(TObject *Sender) { StringGrid1->Width=400; StringGrid1->Height=400; Graphics::TBitmap *bmpBuf=new Graphics::TBitmap; bmpBuf->Width=2000; bmpBuf->Height=2000; bmpBuf->Canvas->CopyMode=cmSrcCopy; bmpBuf->Canvas->CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, bmpBuf->Width, bmpBuf->Height), StringGrid1->Canvas, Rect(0, 0, StringGrid1->Width, StringGrid1->Height)); TMemoryStream *msBuf=new TMemoryStream; bmpBuf->SaveToStream(msBuf); msBuf->Position=0; DWORD dwBfh=msBuf->Size; LPBITMAPFILEHEADER lpBfh=(LPBITMAPFILEHEADER)new BYTE[dwBfh]; msBuf->Read(lpBfh, dwBfh); LPBITMAPINFO lpBi=(LPBITMAPINFO)(lpBfh 1); LPBYTE lpBits=(LPBYTE)lpBfh lpBfh->bfOffBits; char szPrinterName[256]="XXX Printer"; HDC hDC=CreateDC("WINSPOOL", szPrinterName, NULL, NULL); DOCINFO DocInfo; memset(&DocInfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO)); DocInfo.cbSize=sizeof(DOCINFO); DocInfo.lpszDocName=NULL; DocInfo.lpszOutput=(LPTSTR)NULL; DocInfo.lpszDatatype=(LPTSTR)NULL; DocInfo.fwType=0; StartDoc(hDC, &DocInfo); StartPage(hDC); int nDstWidth=lpBi->bmiHeader.biWidth; int nDstHeight=lpBi->bmiHeader.biHeight; int nXDst=0; int nYDst=0; int nSrcWidth=lpBi->bmiHeader.biWidth; int nSrcHeight=lpBi->bmiHeader.biHeight; int nXSrc=0; int nYSrc=0; StretchDIBits(hDC, nXDst, nYDst, nDstWidth, nDstHeight, nXSrc, nYSrc, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, lpBits, lpBi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); EndPage(hDC); EndDoc(hDC); DeleteDC(hDC); delete lpBfh; delete msBuf; delete bmpBuf; } 備註: 以上sample code只適用於Windows NT/2000/XP 如果想要在Windows 98/ME中也可以用 則CreateDC這個fuction中的第一個參數要改變 請自行參考M$DN或Platform SDK --
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一般會員 發表:17 回覆:27 積分:18 註冊:2002-07-22 發送簡訊給我 |
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