如何用bcb寫一小程式,執行後可將c,d槽全部檔案自動上傳至某ftp站台???? |
初階會員 發表:91 回覆:69 積分:32 註冊:2006-12-13 發送簡訊給我 |
高階會員 發表:31 回覆:75 積分:111 註冊:2007-01-15 發送簡訊給我 |
Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server service (sometimes called a daemon). Ftp can be used interactively. FTP [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:windowsize] [-A] [host] -v Suppresses display of remote server responses. -n Suppresses auto-login upon initial connection. -i Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file transfers. -d Enables debugging. -g Disables filename globbing (see GLOB command). -s:filename Specifies a text file containing FTP commands; the commands will automatically run after FTP starts. -a Use any local interface when binding data connection. -A login as anonymous. -w:buffersize Overrides the default transfer buffer size of 4096. host Specifies the host name or IP address of the remote host to connect to. Notes: - mget and mput commands take y/n/q for yes/no/quit. - Use Control-C to abort commands. |
初階會員 發表:91 回覆:69 積分:32 註冊:2006-12-13 發送簡訊給我 |
===================引 用 hipig 文 章=================== 可直接叫FTP指令 Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server service (sometimes called a daemon). Ftp can be used interactively. FTP [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:windowsize] [-A] [host] -v Suppresses display of remote server responses. -n Suppresses auto-login upon initial connection. -i Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file transfers. -d Enables debugging. -g Disables filename globbing (see GLOB command). -s:filename Specifies a text file containing FTP commands; the commands will automatically run after FTP starts. -a Use any local interface when binding data connection. -A login as anonymous. -w:buffersize Overrides the default transfer buffer size of 4096. host Specifies the host name or IP address of the remote host to connect to. Notes: - mget and mput commands take y/n/q for yes/no/quit. - Use Control-C to abort commands. 感謝大大,但mput 或put指令都沒有辦法將電腦里的"""所有"""""檔案上傳ftp阿??????
~~~~~~~~時時多爬文 勿使惹塵埃~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~時時多爬文 勿使惹塵埃~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~時時多爬文 勿使惹塵埃~~~~~~~~ |
尊榮會員 發表:4 回覆:413 積分:768 註冊:2003-06-30 發送簡訊給我 |
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