顯示問題 |
一般會員 發表:63 回覆:48 積分:22 註冊:2003-02-11 發送簡訊給我 |
我原本在 1024*768 模式下開發我的程式,但轉到其他電腦 800*600 模式下後,我的 Bitmap 圖檔大小竟然還是維持 1024*768 時的大小,我要如何能讓 Bitmap 圖檔也能自動做變更的動作... 1024*768 ----> 800*600
Image1(512*448) Image1(416*364)
Bitmap1(256*224) Bitmap1(208*182) My program: (1024*768 模式下) Graphics::TBitmap *bmp_Im1 = new Graphics::TBitmap; bmp_Im1->LoadFromFile("Bitmap1.bmp"); // Bitmap1.bmp : 256*224
資深會員 發表:57 回覆:323 積分:371 註冊:2002-07-12 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:63 回覆:48 積分:22 註冊:2003-02-11 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 試試 [/code] Image1->Picture->Bitmap->Canvas->CopyRect(TRect(0,0,Image1->Width,Image1->Height),bmp_Im1->Canvas,TRect(0,0,bmp_Im1->Width,bmp_Im1->Height)); [/code]我現在的問題是:在 1024*768 模式下的一張圖為512*448 但如果轉到 800*600 模式下後,此張圖還是為 512*448 要如何解決,我希望能隨著解析度不同而自動調整? |
尊榮會員 發表:84 回覆:918 積分:1032 註冊:2002-06-26 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:63 回覆:48 積分:22 註冊:2003-02-11 發送簡訊給我 |
尊榮會員 發表:84 回覆:918 積分:1032 註冊:2002-06-26 發送簡訊給我 |
Image1->Anchors Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent. property Anchors: TAnchors; Description Use Anchors to ensure that a control maintains its current position relative to an edge of its parent, even if the parent is resized. When its parent is resized, the control holds its position relative to the edges to which it is anchored. If a control is anchored to opposite edges of its parent, the control stretches when its parent is resized. For example, if a control has its Anchors property set to [akLeft,akRight], the control stretches when the width of its parent changes. Anchors is enforced only when the parent is resized. Thus, for example, if a control is anchored to opposite edges of a form at design time and the form is created in a maximized state, the control is not stretched because the form is not resized after the control is created. Note: If a control should maintain contact with three edges of its parent (hugging one side of the parent and stretching the length of that side), use the Align property instead. Unlike Anchors, Align allows controls to adjust to changes in the size of other aligned sibling controls as well as changes to the parents size.
︿︿ |
資深會員 發表:57 回覆:323 積分:371 註冊:2002-07-12 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 我現在的問題是:在 1024*768 模式下的一張圖為512*448 但如果轉到 800*600 模式下後,此張圖還是為 512*448 要如何解決,我希望能隨著解析度不同而自動調整?一般的情況下不就是這樣嗎?就如同你的程式. bmp_Im1->LoadFromFile("Bitmap1.bmp"); // Bitmap1.bmp : 256*224 Image1->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(bmp_Im1);你的問題癥結所在是那個地方? 一般在1024*768和800*600的模式下,兩張相同的圖看起來就是大小不同. 要不然你你把 TImage 的 AutoSize 設成TRUE, 看是不是你所要的. |
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