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DBScroll: Enhanced Database Grid with Multi-Lines (V1.1e CB1 D2 D3)



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名稱:DBScroll: Enhanced Database Grid with Multi-Lines 版本:V1.1e 原始程式:需購買或註冊 註冊網址 適用:(CB1)(D2)(D3) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Jan Strube 原創公司:PraxisService 出處網址:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/praxisservice/ 說明: DBScroll v1.1 is a replacement and enhancement for Delphis DBGrid. It's a fast, flicker-free and flexible database grid. All used columns (up to 15) are always on the display. If a user enlarges one column, other columns are resized automatically to exactly fit in the control. A horizontal scrollbar becomes needless. DBScroll can display multiple text lines per row. Row height and column width can be changed with the mouse. It displays the contents of memo database fields. Rich formatted text (RTF), saved in memo fields, is automatically decoded and shown as Ansi-Text. With the component it's easy to switch between the indices of the connected table you better support for Drag & Drop, it has s Sel(ection)Field below the grid which shows the text of the currently selected cell or row like a statusline and has a built in SearchBox for incremental search in the table. All mouse events (OnClick, OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp) are available and published.
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系統時間:2025-02-28 13:31:07
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