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ADO Explorer (V1.53 CB1 CB3 CB4 CB5 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2001-10-14 00:00:00 IP:0.0.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
名稱:ADO Explorer 版本:V1.53 原始程式:無 註冊網址 適用:(CB1)(CB3)(CB4)(CB5)(D2)(D3)(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:商業軟體(Commercial) 作者:PEYO spol. s r.o. 原創公司:PEYO spol. s r.o. 出處網址:http://www.peyo-home.sk 說明: Description: ADO Explorer is a powerful database tool using ADO (ActiveX Database Objects) that allows you to proceed quickly and efficiently in your everyday database work. Now comes with ready to use native SQL commands for MSSQL, ORACLE and INFORMIX servers.
  • connect to any datasource accesible via ADO using OLE DB Provider or ODBC
  • organize your connections in a tree and connect with a simple double-click
  • open as many connections to various datasources as you need
  • explore database structure in a tree (tables, columns, constraints, indexes, procedures, triggers etc.)
  • db owner filtering
  • highly customizable environment (set the things happen how you like it, turn off what you dont need)
  • native support for any SQL server is possible (you can define your own SQL commands for your datasource and explore database structure via these commands rather than using ADO schemas)
  • ready to use native SQL commands for MSSQL, ORACLE and INFORMIX servers
  • full featured SQL commands editor (customizable color syntax parser, search/replace functions, bookmarks, unlimited text length)
  • "GO" batch command (separates SQL command and runs them separately)
  • "REQUERY" command (runs the results of SQL command ?useful for advanced scripts which generate a script that has to be run)
  • transactions support (you can run SQL commands in transactions)
  • editable recordsets support (you can run SQL command in a way that produces editable recordset)
  • store your SQL commands in archive tree (either main archive or connection-specific one)
  • powerful database scripter (reverse engineer your database - with all options it can generate a script that rebuilds your database from scratch, also with data)
  • run scripts of unlimited length
  • BLOB view/edit support
  • printing support for SQL commands and results
  • and many more "details" that you discover in everyday use
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