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Database Commander (V1.37 CB3 CB4 CB5 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6)



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名稱:Database Commander 版本:V1.37 原始程式:無 註冊網址 適用:(CB3)(CB4)(CB5)(D2)(D3)(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Branislav Cobanov 原創公司:Crystal Soft Software Engineering 出處網址:http://www.crystal-soft.com 說明: The Database Commander is a unique tool for manipulation of data, contained within various types of databases. The Database Commander directly supports all major databases such as: ORACLE, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, DB2, Interbase, Paradox, Microsoft Access 97, Microsoft Visual FoxPro, DBase, and through the ODBC protocol, many more. It is designed in Windows / Norton Commander style and allows simultaneous view and manipulation of two tables within the same or two different databases. You can view, edit, filter, move, update, copy, import, export or delete data in tables.
The most exciting features of Database Commander are:
  • Two-panel view allows simultaneous connection to two databases.
  • Grid / Record view for easier data manipulation.
  • Visual and intuitive creation of even the most complicated SQL statements.
  • Export of data from SQL based dataset to single Paradox or DBase table.
  • Import from and Export to ASCII text files.
  • Powerful searching tools.
  • Filtering of records based on contents of memo field.
  • Dataset based Copy, Delete, Append, Append/Update and Update data manipulation features.
  • Repair of damaged Paradox databases.
  • Index manipulation tool.
  • Referential integrity manipulation tool.
  • Database Structure Analyzer tool.
  • Support for editing of BLOB memo and Image fields.
  • Massive update of many records and many fields by single mouse click.
  • Lookup and DB Lookup tools for speed up and simplification of SQL Query
  • Support for SQL calculated fields.
  • Support for local calculated fields with built in programming language.
  • Decision Support System helps you create cross-tabulated datasets and graphs, and then view and summarize data from different perspectives.
  • Fully automated creation of sophisticated reports, based on State of the Art reporting components .
  • Sophisticated report editor for further polishing of automatically created reports.
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系統時間:2024-07-01 23:48:18
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