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MountFocus Keyboard Designer (V2.11 D5 D6)



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名稱:MountFocus Keyboard Designer 版本:V2.11 原始程式:無 註冊網址 適用:(D5)(D6) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Rune Bjornstad 原創公司:MountFocus Information Systems 出處網址:http://www.virtual-keyboard.com/ 說明: The MountFocus Keyboard Designer is the ultimate tool for creating virtual keyboards on the Windows platform. Keyboards created using the MountFocus Keyboard Designer can be used with any Windows application in a touch-screen or normal environment. That makes it ideal for situations where a physical keyboard is either not available or not desired. The MountFocus Keyboard Designer was designed to allow developers or users of Windows applications to design their own on-screen virtual keyboards. The design was made for Point of Sale applications, but it is suitable for other uses as well. Infokiosks, remote customer terminals, or any application where you do not want the user to have a physical keyboard available, are ideal situations for the MountFocus Keyboard Designer. Multiple "pages" allow context sensitive keyboard layout allowing the user to press "legal" keys only. OLE support allows other applications to select pages and control the appearance of the keyboard. Easy deployment of your custom made keyboards. Single or multiple keystrokes can be sent from a single key press. Multiline caption with text and/or graphics. Background color and/or graphic. Copy keys from the integrated key pool for fast and easy creation of new keyboards. The most flexible and powerful virtual keyboard designer available. Excellent for touch-screen, Point Of Sale and similar applications.
~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
系統時間:2024-07-04 4:48:51
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