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Webserver Stress Tool (V5.0 CB1 CB3 CB4 CB5 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2001-10-03 00:00:00 IP:0.0.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
名稱:Webserver Stress Tool 版本:V5.0 原始程式:無 註冊網址 適用:(CB1)(CB3)(CB4)(CB5)(D2)(D3)(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Dirk Paessler 出處網址:http://www.paessler.com 說明: Webserver Stress Tool: Easy to use, versatile load testing for web servers.
Most web applications run smoothly and correctly as long as only one user (i.e. the developer) is using it. But what happens when thousands of users access the application simultaneously?
Ok, every webmaster hopes to achieve excessive load on his webserver. But...
  • ... is your webserver application prepared for many users?
  • ... does your application support simultaneous users at all?
  • ... have you written your CGI or script code to make it as fast as possible?
  • ... how many users can your server handle?
  • ... how do different scripted pages interact with each other?
  • ... how long does it take for a visitor to receive a page?
  • ... is your hosting service doing a good job?
  • ... is your expensive hardware too small or too powerful?

If the visitors to your web site find out the answers to these questions before you, it may cost you a lot of money.
Webserver Stress Tool simulates web users and helps to streamline your web application.
With Webserver Stress Tool you can measure how many simultaneous users your server can handle and how long it takes for one request to be processed.
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系統時間:2024-07-06 23:14:10
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