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WinDowse (V4.2 CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2001-10-17 00:00:00 IP:0.0.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
名稱:WinDowse 版本:V4.2 原始程式:需購買或註冊 註冊網址 適用:(CB3)(CB4)(CB5)(D3)(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Greatis Software 原創公司:Greatis Software 出處網址:http://www.greatis.com/ 說明: Windows Analyser. An extremely convenient tool for obtaining necessary technical information about any window. Place a mouse cursor on a window, and WinDowse will show all parameters of the window and window class including:
  • "Window" tab
    • text or caption
    • process ID
    • exe filename
    • application instance
    • window handle
    • parent window handle
    • window function address
    • window menu handle
    • coordinates in parent
    • coordinates in screen
    • window size
    • window client area size
    • window style and extended style
  • "Class" tab
    • class name
    • class function address
    • icon and small icons handles
    • cursor handle
    • background brush handle
    • module handle
    • class style
  • "Parents" tab
    • list of parent hierarhy
  • "Children" tab
    • list of children
  • "Graphics" tab
    • absolute (screen) cursor position
    • relative cursor position on window coordinates
    • relative cursor position on window client area coordinates
    • color of the pixel under mouse cursor
    • screen capture tools: display, zoom, copy, save
All parameters can be shown in hexadecimal, decimal or binary formats. Upon activation, Windowse displays a continous readout as the user moves the mouse about the screen - switching back and forth between separate or nested windows. At any time the continuous readout can be frozen by a click of the mouse, and the data for that window studied in detail. Windowse also allows results to be copied directly to the clipboard. Each field of the analysis is supplied with context-sensitive help explaining "what is", and containing references to WinAPI functions. If necessary you can buy full source code for Delphi.
New in version 4.1:
  • Click action settings - Now you can choose click action between stop dowsing, copy window text to clipboard and none.
  • Advanced Screen Capture Tools - Now you can click captured images (after stop dowsing) to move captured zone on screen and to get information about clicked windows.
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