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Jw Components (V1.02 CB5 D3 D4 D5)



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名稱:Jw Components 版本:V1.02 原始程式:有(Source) 適用:(CB5)(D3)(D4)(D5) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Joseph Wilcock 原創公司:Coockoo Clock Endeavors 出處網址:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RedmondAve/coockoo 說明: A list of components that were all created to either learn how to make components or to solve a specific problem. Components:
  • JwAutAbt: Non-visual auto "About" box with various properties
  • JwBinRES: Streamable Binary Resource (alternative to Res files)
  • JwBmpRes: Non-visual Component to store TGraphics with little memory
  • JwByPs: "Checkbox By Pass" - Prevent a click even if enabled
  • JwFshCl: TLabel with Three different fonts for different states
  • Jwfshpn: As a "TFlashClick" but on a TPanel
  • JwLabel: TLabel with a absolute control over the font's values, including rotation
  • JwLinez: Very simple line drawing tool
  • JwPopbtn: Button with "three" stages--to react to the mouse-over event
  • JwRotPan: Just like the JwLabel, but on a TPanel--can be imported to ActiveX
  • Jwrtfsh: Combination of JwLabel, JwFshCl
  • JwShellBrowseFolder: Non-Visual Browsing for directories, using the Windows Shell
  • JwSmile: Useless component--just for fun
  • JwStgPnl: Three stage panel--encapsulates what can be done by adding events.
  • JwStrRes: Non-Visual Resource for TStrings
  • JwWrpbtn: TLabel with TButton-style look and feel.
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系統時間:2025-02-27 8:28:58
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