發表:12216 回覆:4186 積分:4084 註冊:2001-07-25
名稱:Expression Parser
原始程式:需購買或註冊 註冊網址
作者: Todor Marholev
Expression parser is a library of components, that evaluates Pascal like scripts at run time.
It is not an interpretator, but is a quasi compiler, so it works fast. It has the following features:
- user defined functions and aliases;
- supports: if...then..else...;for...:=... to/downto ... do ; while...do...; repeat...until...;
- try finally end; try except end; raising exceptions;
- class creating, referencing any published property of any class;
- and more than 800 registered public methods and properties of more than 100 useful
VCL classes;
- creating and referencing OLE automation objects;
- links directly in a script to a runtime components, that can be also on a data module;
- links to any runtime function or class method;
- calling user defined scripts from the program;
- executing a script generated script;
- variables, can be a value, expression, DBField or a link to a runtime var;
- syntax checking of the scripts, checks also for using a valid variables, functions and
- request for used variables, by a given script, that need initialization;
- on event evaluated functions and variables;
- supports integer, hex, FP, boolean, date string and variant type constants;
- design time editors for variables and functions, that can be loaded and saved in INI file;
- special links of dependences, tracks the changes in related objects;
- more than 200 build in functions;
- enhance error handling;
- full help and demo;
You will feel the Expression parser as a real extention of your favour compiler at runtime.
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