Solution of using non-unicode delphi/bcb program on English version OS |
版主 發表:31 回覆:878 積分:561 註冊:2006-11-15 發送簡訊給我 |
When your program need to be deployed to pure English OS(Windows XP or above, not sure for W2K, tested on WinXP/Win7) and facing the problem and find that copy/paste Chinese characters(CHT/CHS or non-Western codepage) function will produce abnormal words, you can use Windows API - ActivateKeyboardLayout to change the application keyboard layout to the language you need to use but switch the input method to English for user that they can change their IME as they need.
For Windows 7, I've tested and it works fine but some ppl said they need to change IME by other ways, you can google it by the API name. 因為沒有酒,這篇宣告為CC 2.0(攤手)
不論是否我發的文,在能力範圍皆很樂意為大家回答問題。 為了補我的能力不足之處,以及讓答案可以被重複的使用,希望大家能儘量以公開的方式問問題。 在引述到我的文時自然會儘量替各位想辦法,謝謝大家! |
站務副站長 發表:81 回覆:1485 積分:1763 註冊:2002-11-21 發送簡訊給我 |
看懂的人答右! :p
===================引 用 Coffee 文 章=================== When your program need to be deployed to pure English OS(Windows XP or above, not sure for W2K, tested on WinXP/Win7) and facing the problem and find that copy/paste Chinese characters(CHT/CHS or non-Western codepage) function will produce abnormal words, you can use Windows API - ActivateKeyboardLayout to change the application keyboard layout to the language you need to use but switch the input method to English for user that they can change their IME as they need. For Windows 7, I've tested and it works fine but some ppl said they need to change IME by other ways, you can google it by the API name.
蕭沖 --All ideas are worthless unless implemented-- C++ Builder Delphi Taiwan G+ 社群 |
版主 發表:31 回覆:878 積分:561 註冊:2006-11-15 發送簡訊給我 |
喔對了,既然樓上的都答右了,那這篇就不干我的事了(茶) ===================引 用 aftcast 文 章=================== 看懂的人答右! :p ===================引 用 Coffee 文 章=================== When your program need to be deployed to pure English OS(Windows XP or above, not sure for W2K, tested on WinXP/Win7) and facing the problem and find that copy/paste Chinese characters(CHT/CHS or non-Western codepage) function will produce abnormal words, you can use Windows API - ActivateKeyboardLayout to change the application keyboard layout to the language you need to use but switch the input method to English for user that they can change their IME as they need. For Windows 7, I've tested and it works fine but some ppl said they need to change IME by other ways, you can google it by the API name.
不論是否我發的文,在能力範圍皆很樂意為大家回答問題。 為了補我的能力不足之處,以及讓答案可以被重複的使用,希望大家能儘量以公開的方式問問題。 在引述到我的文時自然會儘量替各位想辦法,謝謝大家!
Coffee 重新編輯於 2012-12-17 03:12:26, 註解 無‧
站務副站長 發表:81 回覆:1485 積分:1763 註冊:2002-11-21 發送簡訊給我 |
是說, 1/ 遇到的人應該少 2/ 你只講最重點的地方,其他普通重點的都沒說,比如需不需要language pack? 比如,在什麼點上下那個api,又,為何你講ime可以讓user依需要切換? 3/ 程式人員一般都較熟程式語言,不熟口語說明文,程式一出,理解就極快。沒有的話就要字裡行間去了解。 你的英文沒問題,別誤會我吐你英文喔。 啊這篇我是當然有些了解,因為曾一起找問題的咩,是吧? 只是最後你找到了最終解,是吧? : ) ===================引 用 Coffee 文 章=================== 我就是知道樓上的會吐我槽所以才用破爛的英文寫,要怪就怪樓上的(跑) ===================引 用 aftcast 文 章=================== 看懂的人答右! :p ===================引 用 Coffee 文 章=================== When your program need to be deployed to pure English OS(Windows XP or above, not sure for W2K, tested on WinXP/Win7) and facing the problem and find that copy/paste Chinese characters(CHT/CHS or non-Western codepage) function will produce abnormal words, you can use Windows API - ActivateKeyboardLayout to change the application keyboard layout to the language you need to use but switch the input method to English for user that they can change their IME as they need. For Windows 7, I've tested and it works fine but some ppl said they need to change IME by other ways, you can google it by the API name.
蕭沖 --All ideas are worthless unless implemented-- C++ Builder Delphi Taiwan G+ 社群 |
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