How to call ONDRAWDATACELL in ButtonClick |
一般會員 發表:1 回覆:0 積分:0 註冊:2008-04-15 發送簡訊給我 |
When I Click a Button, and I want to chang a record's font color in DBGRID that i selected,I try to call ONDRAWDATACELL , the statement as following :
DBGrid1.Canvas.Font := clRed; DBgrid1.OnDrawDataCell(DBGrid1,Rect,Field,State); But I get a compiler error message : [Error] srcUser0120.pas(343): There is no overloaded version of 'Rect' that can be called with these arguments How can I call OnDrawDataCell when I click a Button? |
資深會員 發表:30 回覆:299 積分:475 註冊:2005-03-25 發送簡訊給我 |
Do not write an OnDrawDataCell event handler. OnDrawDataCell is obsolete and included for backward compatibility. Instead, write an OnDrawColumnCell event handler. 的說法,請少用OnDrawDataCell。 您可改用OnDrawColumnCell,舉例如下 procedure TFORM1.DrawField(const Value : String; const Rect : TRect; vCanvas : TCanvas; vFont: TFont; vAlignment: TAlignment; FontStyle : TFontStyles; FontColor : TColor; BGColor : TColor); var I : Integer; begin I := 0; //First, fill in the background color of the cell vCanvas.Brush.Color := BGColor; vCanvas.FillRect(Rect); //SetBkMode ensures that the background is transparent SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT); //Set the passed font properties vCanvas.Font := vFont; vCanvas.Font.Color := FontColor; vCanvas.Font.Style := vCanvas.Font.Style FontStyle; //Set Text Alignment case vAlignment of taRightJustify : begin SetTextAlign(vCanvas.Handle, TA_RIGHT); I := Rect.Right - 2; end; taLeftJustify : begin SetTextAlign(vCanvas.Handle, TA_LEFT); I := Rect.Left 2; end; taCenter : begin SetTextAlign(vCanvas.Handle, TA_CENTER); I := (Rect.Right Rect.Left) DIV 2; end; end; { case } //Draw the text vCanvas.TextRect(Rect, I, Rect.Top 2, Value); SetTextAlign(vCanvas.Handle, TA_LEFT); end; procedure TFORM1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); begin inherited; with Sender as TDBGrid, DataSource.DataSet do begin if QtabR_AM.AsInteger =0 then // 紫 DrawField(Column.Field.DisplayText, Rect, Canvas, Column.Font, Column.Alignment, [fsBold], clPurple,$00D2D2FF) else if Qtab_t65.AsFloat >1.3 then // 紅字 DrawField(Column.Field.DisplayText, Rect, Canvas, Column.Font, Column.Alignment, [fsBold], clRed, $00D2D2FF) else if Qtab_t65.AsFloat <0.7 then //橄欖 綠 DrawField(Column.Field.DisplayText, Rect, Canvas, Column.Font, Column.Alignment, [fsBold], clOlive,$00D2D2FF) end; end; ===================引 用 ken.hsueh 文 章=================== When I Click a Button, and I want to chang a record's font color in DBGRID that i selected,I try to call ONDRAWDATACELL , the statement as following : DBGrid1.Canvas.Font := clRed; DBgrid1.OnDrawDataCell(DBGrid1,Rect,Field,State); But I get a compiler error message : [Error] srcUser0120.pas(343): There is no overloaded version of 'Rect' that can be called with these arguments How can I call OnDrawDataCell when I click a Button?
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