多個 Pagecontrol 頁面元件值儲存及還原 |
資深會員 發表:114 回覆:582 積分:299 註冊:2006-10-29 發送簡訊給我 |
請問一下 每個 Pagecontrol A/B/C 下,又有 多個 Pagecontrol 例如 : Pagecontrol A 下有 Pagecontrol AA1,Pagecontrol AA2....等 不管第幾層的 Pagecontrol , 都有 TABSHEET 其中有放多個 EDIT , CHECKBOX,COMBOBOX....等元件 (上百個) 現在 設計二個按鍵, 儲存 及 載入 當 USER 在各個 TABSHEET 切換並輸入資料後 最後可用 儲存 鍵, 將全部結果存起來 也可用 載入 鍵,將全部的結果重新讀進來,並顯示出來,用人工按鍵操作都正常 問題 : 想在 程式啟動時,要自動將上次的儲存結果讀進來 所以在 CREATE FORM 時, 模擬了 按下 載入 鍵的功能 (這時FORM 還沒有顯示在螢幕上) 雖然可以動作,但是某些 TABSHEET 的元件值是錯的 此時程式不離開,再按一次 載入 鍵,正確的值就可以顯示出來 ( 此時 FORM 就在螢幕上) 爬文後,好像有人提及 FORM 的開啟,關鍵就在 FORM 是否已經開啟完成 ? 我這樣的寫法,不知有何錯誤? 需要改進 ?? 網友您們要將畫面上很多個不同頁面的元件值儲存, 下次可以復原, 您們是如何做 ? 謝謝您
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尊榮會員 發表:78 回覆:837 積分:1088 註冊:2006-07-06 發送簡訊給我 |
資深會員 發表:114 回覆:582 積分:299 註冊:2006-10-29 發送簡訊給我 |
===================引 用 老大仔 文 章=================== 請問~ 假如改設在onShow呢? 不行, 非 ACTIVE (FOCUS) 的 TABSHEET ,裡面的元件值都不是 "載入" 的值 又或者~ 在Form開完後 弄個等待視窗來做載入呢? 這想法不錯,只是網友不知有其它更好的方法.... 我個人在猜... 值之所以會有錯誤 "可能"是元件還沒被建立完成? 就如同您提到的一樣 小弟只是個小小新手 如發言有誤 請包涵~^^
--------------------------------------- 偶爾才來 KTOP ,交流條碼問題,在 FB [條碼標籤達人] 社團留言,感恩. |
尊榮會員 發表:66 回覆:751 積分:1253 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
[code delphi] unit fMain; interface uses Windows, TypInfo, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, ComCtrls; type //參考來源: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/torry/showcode.php?id=2436 TUserConfig = class(TObject) private function IsProperty(Obj: TObject; sProp: string): Boolean; function SetProperty(Obj: TObject; sProp: string; vValue: Variant): Boolean; function HasAncestor(Child: TComponent; _name: string): Boolean; public function SaveToFile(Component: TComponent; fn: string): Boolean; function LoadFromFile(Component: TComponent; fn: string): Boolean; end; TfrmMain = class(TForm) PageControlA: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; ListBox1: TListBox; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private X: TUserConfig; end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} function TUserConfig.IsProperty(Obj: TObject; sProp: string): Boolean; var i,n: Integer; plList: TPropList; begin Result := False; i := GetPropList( PTypeInfo(Obj.ClassInfo), [Low(TTypeKind)..High(TTypeKind)], @plList); n := 0; while n begin Result := plList[n].Name=sProp; if Result then Break else Inc(n); end; end; function TUserConfig.SetProperty(Obj: TObject; sProp: string; vValue: Variant): Boolean; begin Result := IsProperty(Obj,sProp); if Result then SetPropValue(Obj,sProp,vValue); end; function TUserConfig.HasAncestor(Child: TComponent; _name: string): Boolean; var C: TComponent; begin Result := False; C := Child; while C.HasParent do begin C := C.GetParentComponent; if C.Name<>_name then Continue; Result := True; Break; end; end; function TUserConfig.SaveToFile(Component: TComponent; fn: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; S: string[255]; C,O: TComponent; F: TFileStream; begin C := Component; while C.HasParent do begin C := C.GetParentComponent; end; F := TFileStream.Create(fn,fmCreate); try for I := 0 to C.ComponentCount-1 do begin O := C.Components[I]; if not (O is TControl) then Continue; if not HasAncestor(O,Component.Name) then Continue; S := O.Name; F.Write(S,Length(S) 1); F.WriteComponent(O); end; Result := True; finally FreeAndNil(F); end; end; function TUserConfig.LoadFromFile(Component: TComponent; fn: string): Boolean; var n: Integer; C,O: TComponent; F: TFileStream; sName: string[255]; iName: Integer; begin Result := False; if not FileExists(fn) then EXIT; C := Component; while C.HasParent do begin C := C.GetParentComponent; end; F := TFileStream.Create(fn,fmOpenRead); try F.Position := 0; while F.Position F.Read(sName[0], 1); iName := Byte(sName[0]); F.Read(sName[1],iName); for n := 0 to C.ComponentCount-1 do begin O := C.Components[n]; if O.Name<>sName then Continue; SetProperty(O,'Checked', False); F.ReadComponent(O); Break; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(F); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin X := TUserConfig.Create; X.LoadFromFile(PageControlA,'ABC.DAT'); end; procedure TfrmMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin X.SaveToFile(PageControlA,'ABC.DAT'); FreeAndNil(X); end; procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(Random(1000))); ComboBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(Random(1000))); end; procedure TfrmMain.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ListBox1.Items.Count>0 then ListBox1.Items.Delete(Random(ListBox1.Items.Count)); if ComboBox1.Items.Count>0 then ComboBox1.Items.Delete(Random(ComboBox1.Items.Count)); end; end. [/code] |
資深會員 發表:114 回覆:582 積分:299 註冊:2006-10-29 發送簡訊給我 |
感謝 jow 兄的範例, 這種寫法算是 "高度技巧",不容易看懂
不過在單層的 PageControl 可以(範例 1),多層 PageContril 上(範例 2,) 還需修改 另外範例 3. 是我目前的做法,很 "土" 及 直覺的寫法 很奇怪,用此範例3,在 FormCreate 時,他是可以還原全部的值,且 edit 都有更新 我出問題的程式,欄位超過百個,有些欄位無法更新正確的值(用 FormCreate 自動載入) 但用 Button 載入,也可以更新正確值. 附上 範例 1,2,3 ; 1 -> 是 jow 兄的 , 2-> 是多個 PageControl 3-> 一般寫法(我自己寫的) 請到 "會員作品區 " 下載 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/board.php?cid=31&fid=79&tid=104879
--------------------------------------- 偶爾才來 KTOP ,交流條碼問題,在 FB [條碼標籤達人] 社團留言,感恩.
ANDY8C 重新編輯於 2012-12-05 21:14:31, 註解 無‧
資深會員 發表:114 回覆:582 積分:299 註冊:2006-10-29 發送簡訊給我 |
// 範例 3 unit fMain3; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ComCtrls, TypInfo, Vcl.ExtCtrls ; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) PageControlA: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Panel1: TPanel; PageControlA1: TPageControl; TabSheet3: TTabSheet; TabSheet4: TTabSheet; Edit4: TEdit; Edit5: TEdit; RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup; Edit6: TEdit; Panel2: TPanel; Edit7: TEdit; CheckBox2: TCheckBox; Label1: TLabel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckBox2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin try // 無法自動載入 // 第二層的 PAGECONTROL 會產生錯誤 // X := TUserConfig.Create; // X.LoadFromFile(PageControlA,'ABC2.DAT'); Button2Click(Sender); except // 略過 end; end; procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // 儲存 var F : TextFile; nCC ,i , nCCItem: integer; sTmp,sVal,sComponentName ,s: string; bTF : boolean; sComponentType : TComponent; sEdit_Save ,sCheckBox_Save ,sComboBox_Save , sRadioGroup_Save ,sMemo_Save : string; sAll ,Save_str ,Save_str1 ,Save_str2 ,sRnd6: string ; xsEdit,xsCheckBox , xsComboBox, xsRadioGroup : TStringList; begin xsEdit := TStringList.Create; xsCheckBox := TStringList.Create; xsComboBox := TStringList.Create; xsRadioGroup := TStringList.Create; sAll := ''; nCC := self.ComponentCount; nCCItem := 0; // 整理 各物件 的資料在 TstringList 中 //-------Tcheckbox 欄位 ------------------------------------------ for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name;// 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TCheckBox then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; bTF := Tcheckbox(FindComponent( sComponentName )).Checked; if bTF then xsCheckBox.Add( UpperCase(sComponentName) '=T' ) else xsCheckBox.Add( UpperCase(sComponentName) '=F' ); end; // if sComponentType is TCheckBox except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do //--------TEdit 欄位----------------------------------------- nCCItem := 0; for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name; // 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TEdit then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; sTmp := TEdit(FindComponent( sComponentName )).Text; xsEdit.Add( UpperCase(sComponentName) '=' sTmp ); end; // if sComponentType is except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do //--------TCOMBOBOX 欄位----------------------------------------- nCCItem := 0; for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name; // 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TCOMBOBOX then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; sVal := inttostr(TCOMBOBOX(FindComponent( sComponentName )).ItemIndex); xsComboBox.Add( UpperCase(sComponentName) '=' sVal ); end; // if sComponentType is except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do //--------TRadioGROUP 欄位----------------------------------------- nCCItem := 0; for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name; // 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TRadioGROUP then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; sVal := inttostr(TRadioGROUP(FindComponent( sComponentName )).ItemIndex); xsRadioGroup.Add( UpperCase(sComponentName) '=' sVal ); end; // if sComponentType is except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do // ------------------------------------------------ // 排序 xsEdit.Sort; xsCheckBox.Sort; xsComboBox.Sort; xsRadioGroup.Sort; // xsMemo.Sort; // 個別壓縮 或 加密處理 sEdit_Save := xsEdit.CommaText; // AES( xsEdit.Text ); sCheckBox_Save := xsCheckBox.CommaText; // AES( xsCheckBox.Text ); sComboBox_Save := xsComboBox.CommaText; // AES( xsComboBox.Text ); sRadioGroup_Save := xsRadioGroup.CommaText; // AES( xsRadioGroup.Text ); // 開啟文字檔 // 將 個別壓縮 或 加密處理後的資料,以文字檔型式存檔 try AssignFile( F , 'ABCD.TXT' ); except // 檔案開啟錯誤 訊息 exit; end; Save_str1 := '日期:' DATETIMETOSTR( NOW ) #13#10 '----------------------------' #13#10 ; Save_str2 := sEdit_Save #13#10 // 以下,都已經個別壓縮 或 加密處理 sCheckBox_Save #13#10 sComboBox_Save #13#10 sRadioGroup_Save #13#10 ; Save_str := Save_str1 Save_str2 ; try try ReWrite( F ); // 開啟文字檔 Write( F , Save_str ); // 以文字檔格式存入 except showmessage('文字檔案儲存錯誤 !!'); exit; end; finally showmessage(' 儲存完成 !!'); CloseFile( F ); end; xsEdit.Free; xsCheckBox.Free; xsComboBox.Free; xsRadioGroup.Free; end; // 載入 procedure TfrmMain.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var F : TextFile; k, nCC ,i , nCCItem : integer; sTmp,sVal,sComponentName , sPath : string; bTF : boolean; sComponentType : TComponent; xsEdit,xsCheckBox , xsComboBox, xsRadioGroup : TStringList; begin xsEdit := TStringList.Create; xsCheckBox := TStringList.Create; xsComboBox := TStringList.Create; xsRadioGroup := TStringList.Create; nCC := self.ComponentCount; nCCItem := 0; //---- 文字檔 存在嗎 ? ------------------------------------- if not(Fileexists( 'ABCD.TXT' )) then begin showmessage(' ABCD.TXT 不存在 !! '); exit; end; //---- 載入文字檔 到 TstringList 中 --------------- try AssignFile( F , 'ABCD.TXT' ); Reset(F); except showmessage(' ABCD.TXT 檔案存取錯誤 !!'); exit; end; // 逐筆讀進來 try // aaaa try // bbbb ReadLN( F , sTmp ); // 讀取第 01 行 ReadLN( F , sTmp ); // 讀取第 02 行 ReadLN( F , sTmp ); // 讀取文字檔第 3 行 xsEdit.CommaText := sTmp ; ReadLN( F , sTmp ); // 讀取文字檔第 4 行 xsCheckBox.CommaText := sTmp ; ReadLN( F , sTmp ); // 讀取文字檔第 5 行 xsComboBox.CommaText := sTmp ; ReadLN( F , sTmp ); // 讀取文字檔第 6 行 xsRadioGroup.CommaText := sTmp ; except showmessage(' 文字檔讀取錯誤 !!'); exit; end; // bbbb finally CloseFile( F ); end; // aaaa // -------------------------------------------------------- // 指定值給各個輸入的物件 //-------Tcheckbox 欄位 ---------------------------- for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name;// 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TCheckBox then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; bTF := False; if xsCheckBox.Values[ sComponentName ] ='T' then bTF := True; // 反向指定值 給螢幕的元件 Tcheckbox(FindComponent(sComponentName)).Checked:=bTF; end; // if sComponentType is TCheckBox except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do //--------TCOMBOBOX 欄位-------------------------------- nCCItem := 0; for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name; // 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TCOMBOBOX then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; sVal := xsComboBox.Values[ sComponentName ]; // 反向指定值 給螢幕的元件 TCOMBOBOX(FindComponent(sComponentName)).ItemIndex:= strtoint( sVal ); end; // if sComponentType is except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do //--------TRadioGROUP 欄位---------------------------- nCCItem := 0; for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name; // 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TRadioGROUP then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; sVal := xsRadioGROUP.Values[ sComponentName ]; // 反向指定值 給螢幕的元件 TRadioGroup(FindComponent(sComponentName)).ItemIndex:= strtoint( sVal ); end; // if sComponentType is except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do //--------TEdit 欄位------------------------------------- nCCItem := 0; for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do begin sTmp := ''; sVal := ''; sComponentType := self.Components[i]; sComponentName := self.Components[i].Name; // 大寫 // ------ ---------------------- try if sComponentType is TEdit then begin nCCItem := nCCItem 1; // 指定 值 給螢幕的元件 TEdit(FindComponent( sComponentName )).Text:= xsEdit.Values[ sComponentName ]; end; // if sComponentType is except // 錯誤訊息 end; end; // for i:=0 to nCC - 1 do // ------------------------------------------------ xsEdit.Free; xsCheckBox.Free; xsComboBox.Free; xsRadioGroup.Free; end; procedure TfrmMain.CheckBox2Click(Sender: TObject); begin edit7.Visible := CheckBox2.Checked; end;
--------------------------------------- 偶爾才來 KTOP ,交流條碼問題,在 FB [條碼標籤達人] 社團留言,感恩. |
尊榮會員 發表:66 回覆:751 積分:1253 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
[code delphi] unit fMain; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls; type TUserConfig = class(TObject) private F_Owner: TForm; function ControlType(O: TComponent): Integer; public constructor Create(AOwner: TForm); procedure SaveToFile2(fn: string); procedure LoadFromFile2(fn: string); end; TfrmMain = class(TForm) PageControlA: TPageControl; PageControl1: TPageControl; PageControl2: TPageControl; PageControl3: TPageControl; PageControl4: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; TabSheet3: TTabSheet; TabSheet4: TTabSheet; TabSheet5: TTabSheet; TabSheet6: TTabSheet; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit4: TEdit; ListBox1: TListBox; ListBox2: TListBox; ComboBox1: TComboBox; ComboBox2: TComboBox; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private X: TUserConfig; end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} constructor TUserConfig.Create(AOwner: TForm); begin inherited Create; F_Owner := AOwner; end; function TUserConfig.ControlType(O: TComponent): Integer; begin Result := -1; if O is TEdit then Result := 0 else if O is TListBox then Result := 1 else if O is TComboBox then Result := 2 else if O is TCheckBox then Result := 3 else if O is TRadioGroup then Result := 4 else if O is TPageControl then Result := 5; end; procedure TUserConfig.LoadFromFile2(fn: string); var L,M: TStringList; n,I,K: Integer; O: TComponent; S: string; begin if not FileExists(fn) then EXIT; L := TStringList.Create; M := TStringList.Create; try M.Delimiter := ';'; L.LoadFromFile(fn); for I := 0 to F_Owner.ComponentCount-1 do begin O := F_Owner.Components[I]; n := ControlType(O); if n=-1 then Continue; M.DelimitedText := L.Values[UpperCase(O.Name)]; for K := 0 to M.Count-1 do begin S := Trim(M[K]); case n of 0: case K of 0: TEdit(O).Text := S; end; 1: case K of 0: TListBox(O).Items.CommaText := S; 1: TListBox(O).ItemIndex := StrToIntDef(S,-1); end; 2: case K of 0: TComboBox(O).Items.CommaText := S; 1: TComboBox(O).ItemIndex := StrToIntDef(S,-1); end; 3: case K of 0: TCheckBox(O).Checked := S='1'; end; 4: case K of 0: TRadioGroup(O).Items.CommaText := S; 1: TRadioGroup(O).ItemIndex := StrToIntDef(S,-1); end; 5: case K of 0: TPageControl(O).ActivePageIndex := StrToIntDef(S,-1); end; end; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(M); FreeAndNil(L); end; end; procedure TUserConfig.SaveToFile2(fn: string); var n,I: Integer; L,M: TStringList; O: TComponent; begin L := TStringList.Create; M := TStringList.Create; try M.Delimiter := ';'; for I := 0 to F_Owner.ComponentCount-1 do begin O := F_Owner.Components[I]; n := ControlType(O); if n = -1 then Continue; M.Clear; case n of 0: with TEdit(O) do M.Add(Text); 1: with TListBox(O) do begin M.Add(Items.CommaText); M.Add(IntToStr(ItemIndex)); end; 2: with TComboBox(O) do begin M.Add(Items.CommaText); M.Add(IntToStr(ItemIndex)); end; 3: with TCheckBox(O) do M.Add(IntToStr(Ord(Checked))); 4: with TRadioGroup(O) do begin M.Add(Items.CommaText); M.Add(IntToStr(ItemIndex)); end; 5: with TPageControl(O) do M.Add(IntToStr(ActivePageIndex)); end; if M.DelimitedText<>'' then begin L.Values[UpperCase(O.Name)] := M.DelimitedText; end; end; if L.Count=0 then DeleteFile(fn) else L.SaveToFile(fn); finally FreeAndNil(M); FreeAndNil(L); end; end; { TfrmMain } procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin X := TUserConfig.Create(Self); X.LoadFromFile2('WXYZ.TXT'); end; procedure TfrmMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin X.SaveToFile2('WXYZ.TXT'); FreeAndNil(X); end; end. [/code] |
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站務副站長 發表:377 回覆:5490 積分:4563 註冊:2002-10-08 發送簡訊給我 |
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剛用 jow 的範例測試,加入 UpDown 的功能 發現一個 EDIT 的小問題 若 EDIT 的 增/減是透過 UpDown 來進行 在程式執行時後(第一個畫面),螢幕的此 EDIT 值都顯示 UpDown MIN 值(不會顯示上次的存檔值) 若用按鍵 "重新載入" ,才會看到上次EDIT 存檔值 這好像不是上次我說的 Focus 問題, 不知是 EDIT 或 UPDOWN 的那個 Properties 要設定 還是有其它方式可以改善..... 已附上 測試的程式於 "作品區" TEST_18.ZIP 謝謝您
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尊榮會員 發表:66 回覆:751 積分:1253 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
[code delphi] function TUserConfig.ControlType(O: TComponent): Integer; begin Result := -1; if O is TEdit then Result := 0 else if O is TListBox then Result := 1 else if O is TComboBox then Result := 2 else if O is TCheckBox then Result := 3 else if O is TRadioGroup then Result := 4 else if O is TPageControl then Result := 5 else if O is TUpDown then Result := 6; end; procedure TUserConfig.LoadFromFile2(fn: string); var L,M: TStringList; n,I,K: Integer; O,P: TComponent; S: string; begin {省略...} case n of {省略...} 6: begin case K of 0: TUpDown(O).Max := StrToIntDef(S,100); 1: TUpDown(O).Min := StrToIntDef(S,0); 2: TUpDown(O).Position := StrToIntDef(S,0); end; P := TUpDown(O).Associate; case ControlType(P) of 0: TEdit(P).Text := IntToStr(TUpDown(O).Position); end; end; {省略...} end; end; procedure TUserConfig.SaveToFile2(fn: string); var n,I: Integer; L,M: TStringList; O: TComponent; begin {省略...} case n of {省略...} 6: with TUpDown(O) do begin M.Add(IntToStr(Max)); M.Add(IntToStr(Min)); M.Add(IntToStr(Position)); end; end; {省略...} end; [/code] |
資深會員 發表:114 回覆:582 積分:299 註冊:2006-10-29 發送簡訊給我 |
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