BDS /Delphi 20006 已於美國時間 12月5日開始出貨 |
初階會員 發表:60 回覆:115 積分:40 註冊:2004-05-03 發送簡訊給我 |
BDS 2006,已於12/5正式出貨了,台灣約在12月中會寄出所有貨。在此BDS 2006中包含Delphi 2006 for win32 與 .Net,C# 2006.其中C Builder 2006將是Techincal Preview的版本,將在1月時會針對所有BDS 2006用戶有一個免費的patch到Production的階段!所以如果是C 用戶可能要再等待一下!
為了一個更高品質的BCB2006且不耽誤使用Delphi與C#的用戶,只好有暫時將BCB2006變成Techinal Preview的版本.
英文訊息如下: Borland Software Corporation (NASDAQ NM: BORL), the global leader for Software Delivery Optimization, today announced general availability of Borland® Developer Studio, Delphi® Edition – the company's multi-language developer environment for Microsoft® Windows® and .NET applications. It is the only integrated development environment (IDE) that will include support for Delphi (both Windows and .NET), C, C and C# applications within a single environment. The release now shipping includes the Borland Delphi 2006 and Borland C#Builder® 2006 rapid application development (RAD) environments, with a "technology preview" of Borland's C Builder® 2006 RAD environment. Borland Developer Studio includes powerful new productivity and performance-boosting capabilities, designed to enable software teams to eliminate tedious development tasks so they can quickly and cost-effectively deliver enterprise-class Windows applications. "We've received outstanding feedback thus far about the overall quality and new capabilities in Delphi 2006, and are pleased to see avid, longtime users responding so enthusiastically to this release," said David Intersimone, vice president of developer relations and chief evangelist at Borland. "I'd like to thank our R&D team and the community overall for their dedication to Delphi, and look forward to delivering on the public roadmap recently shared at our 2005 Developer Conference." Borland Taiwan SE
高階會員 發表:249 回覆:379 積分:215 註冊:2002-05-21 發送簡訊給我 |
只能說....非常支持!! 不知道是否能建議一下(關於Delphi 2006 針對WinCE的程式開發也可以比照辦理?),因為我看過BDN上面關於PocketPC程式的開發(Delphi 2005),既然可以做的到,是否可以在2006上面作個Project 精靈來支援這樣的開發呢?? 這樣一來針對
Dot Net開發平台上的支援就算的上非常完整了!!而且這樣的要求其實對原廠來說是輕而易舉的事情....煩請paradise幫我們反應一下!! 感激不盡!! .....終於要到手了...BDS2006...!! 努力不一定成功 , 不努力一定不成功!!
高階會員 發表:249 回覆:379 積分:215 註冊:2002-05-21 發送簡訊給我 |
高階會員 發表:249 回覆:379 積分:215 註冊:2002-05-21 發送簡訊給我 |
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